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1、Unit3 Is this your pencil一、听力(听力)(共15小题;共15分) I. 听句子,选出适合每个句子的最佳答语。 1.A. Yes, I am.B. Yes, she is.C. No, he isnt. 2.A. Yes, these are.B. Yes, he is.C. No, they arent. 3.A. Yes, hes my cousin.B. No, he isnt.C. Yes, she is. 4.A. Green.B. Bob.C. Bob Green. 5.A. An orange.B. Red.C. A red pen. II. 听对话,选出

2、适合每个句子的答语。 6. Anna is Lilys .A. sisterB. friendC. cousin 7. is Alices sister?A. AnnaB. LindaC. Kelsey 8. Sally is Franks .A. cousinB. daughterC. aunt 9. Nick is Jennys .A. brotherB. fatherC. uncle10. Is the jacket Bobs?A. Yes, it is.B. No, its Franks.C. No, its Jacks. III. 听短文,选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。11. Wha

3、ts Alans last name?A. Green.B. White.C. Black.12. What color is Alans schoolbag?A. Green.B. Black.C. White.13. Who is Jenny?A. Shes Alans friend.B. She is a teacher.C. Shes Alans sister.14. Are the keys Alans?A. Yes, they are.B. No, they arent.C. I dont know.15. Whats Alans phone number?A. 687-5926.

4、B. 123-5926.C. 687-6636.二、单项选择(共8小题;共8分)16.- Is this your watch the Lost and Found, Jack? - Yes, .A. at, itsB. in, it isC. in, this isD. for, it is17.- the notebooks in the box?- Yes, .A. Are; they areB. Is; it isC. Are; those areD. Is; that is18.- Are these his pencils?- . They are my pencils.A. Ye

5、s, they areB. No, they arentC. Yes, these areD. No, these arent19.- Are these your grandparents?- .A. Yes, these areB. Yes, theyreC. Yes, they areD. Those are20.You have more pencils than . But are nicer than .A. I; mine; yoursB. I; my; yoursC. I; mine; youD. me; mine; your21.The comic books arent .

6、 They are .A. his; hersB. her; hisC. hers; heD. our; his22.This is chair, is over there.A. my; yoursB. mine; yoursC. mine; yourD. yours; mine23.Her opinion is different from , but I really agree with .A. his; herB. hers; hersC. his; hersD. him; hers三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共8小题;共8分)24. - Whats this in Englis

7、h?- Its an e .25. Miss. Zhang teaches us math. She is our favorite t .26. She says she will h me with my English next year.27. Everyone can play the c games in my class.28. In our school, students often read books in the school l .29. There are thirty students in the c . They are having a class meet

8、ing.30. Lets go and f them.31. - Thank you for your advice, Jenny.- Youre w .四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共8小题;共8分)32. Where did you get that new (字典)?33. Is this your (电脑) game?34. Where are the (图书馆)?35. Every day the little boy (询问) his parents many questions.36. May I have your (橡皮)?37. Kates father likes

9、 playing (棒球).38. Is this your (手表)?39. We often play (游戏) in the park.五、完形填空(共5小题;共7分) Dictionaries are very useful books. People use dictionaries to 40 out the meaning of words. If you are learning English, you would use an English dictionary. Some students have dictionaries. Their dictionaries co

10、ntain(包含) Chinese and English words. They are useful, but it is usually 41 to use a dictionary written completely 42 English. This will help you to begin to think in English. A good English dictionary will show you the correct spelling of a word and its 43 . Many dictionaries also show 44 a word is

11、used in sentences.40.A. takeB. findC. handD. send41.A. goodB. wellC. niceD. better42.A. inB. aboutC. withD. for43.A. speltB. spellC. pronounceD. pronunciation44.A. whatB. whyC. howD. when六、阅读理解(共15小题;共30分)A Most things can not be enjoyed without friends, but reading can. While sitting alone in our h

12、ouse we can travel around the whole world, and we can understand the reason for thousands of things. Living today, we can talk with those who lived thousands of years ago. We can become the friends of clever men. Only books give us this happiness. Those who cant enjoy them are poor men. Those who en

13、joy them most get the most happiness from them.45. If he has no friends together, one can .A. have a sleepB. have a wonderful timeC. read some booksD. play football well46. After we read some books, we can A. know a lot of things in the worldB. do a lot of things for the people in the worldC. write some good articles very well ,tooD. travel over the world47. What can make us know the



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