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1、Module3 My school 一、单项选择 1.There a sheep and two cows on the farm eating grass.A. areB. isC. haveD. has 2.There lots of sheep and pigs on my uncles farm now.A. wasB. wereC. is D. are 3.- there lots of bread in the fridge?- Sorry, we dont have any.A. IsB. AreC. HasD. Do 4.- Excuse me. Is there a pay

2、phone near here?- No, . Maybe you can ask the police.A. there isntB. it isntC. they arentD. that isnt 5.How many books in your bag?A. hasB. haveC. are thereD. is there 6.There lots of traffic on this road at this time of day.A. areB. isC. hasD. have 7.There an orange and two apples on the table.A. a

3、reB. hasC. isD. have 8. there two pencils and a pen on the desk?A. AreB. IsC. HasD. Have 9.- there orange juice in the fridge?- I dont know.A. AmB. AreC. Is10.How many cups there in the box?A. isB. areC. isntD. arent11.There a teacher and seventy-two students in the classroom.A. hasB. haveC. areD. i

4、s12.There many flowers in our school yard. They look very nice.A. isB. areC. wasD. were13.- there any bottles of milk in the fridge?- No, there .A. Is; isntB. Is; isC. Are; areD. Are; arent14. there a post office and some supermarkets near here?A. HaveB. DoC. AreD. Is15.-How many in the tree?- There

5、 are two.A. bird are thereB. birds is thereC. birds are thereD. birds are their二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)16. I dont know what the book is without p .17. My class has t students, ten girls and twenty boys.18. - Whats f and eighteen?- Fifty-eight.19. - Whats sixty and twenty?- Its e .20. Though my grandma is ove

6、r n , she is in good health.21. Some students think s is the most difficult subject.22. Im in front of Tom and he is b me.23. His friend went to the l to read books last weekend.24. We can eat meals in the d hall in our school.25. There are a lot of t in the forest(森林).三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)26. There is

7、 a (地图) of China on the wall.27. Last year he left the (中等) school and came to the city.28. The little river is (在后面) my house. My house is in front of it.29. Boys are always interested in (科学).30. We have two (图书馆) in our school.31. This is the teachers (办公室).32. Look! How beautiful the (建筑物)are!33

8、. My father will buy me a new (电脑) on my birthday.34. They want to buy some beautiful (家具) before they move into their new house.35. I have three (照片) about my school.四、完形填空 Hi, Im Anna. Here 36 my school. Look! This is the school 37 . There are 20,000 books in 38 . Some books are 39 computers. That

9、 is the classroom building. It is 40 . I like red very much. There are 56 41 in it. The playground is behind the classroom building. I like to play 42 football with my friends on the playground. Its 43 favourite sport. Oh, there is a building on the right of the playground. It is 44 science. Boys an

10、d girls, this is my school. 45 about your school?36.A. amB. isC. areD. be37.A. officeB. gateC. libraryD. lab38.A. thisB. meC. itD. that39.A. withB. atC. ofD. about40.A. redB. blueC. yellowD. white41.A. photosB. familiesC. carsD. classrooms42.A. theB. 不填C. aD. an43.A. myB. yourC. herD. his44.A. inB.

11、onC. toD. for45.A. WhatsB. WhatC. WhereD. Wheres五、阅读理解A Let me tell you something about our park. Its not big but beautiful. Here is the gate. On the right of it. There are two toilets. There is a shop on the left. There is a big tree beside the shop. In the middle of the park, there is a playground

12、. Many lovely boys and girls have a good time there. Some are flying kites, and others are dancing. They are really happy. Is there a lake in the park? Of course. It is big and pretty. It is beside the playground and there are many boats on it.46. How is the park? It is .A. bigB. beautifulC. lovelyD

13、. happy47. Where are the toilets?A. On the right of the gateB. On the right of the parkC. On the left of the gateD. On the left of the park48. We can see a shop .A. beside the lakeB. in the middleC. on the leftD. on the right49. Is there a lake in the park? .A. No, it isntB. Yes, it isC. No, there i



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