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1、教材版本:PEP小学英语六年级上册第六单元课题Unit 6 How do you feel?备课时间课型B Lets try Lets talk主备人复备教师一、课程标准1. 能在图片、图像、手势的帮助下,听懂简单的话语或录音材料。2. 能就日常生活话题作简单叙述。二、教材解析本课时是对话课,通过Lets try听力,为进入正式的对话练习做准备。Lets talk中通过Sarah父母对话的场景来呈现新句型:Whats wrong? Your father is ill. He should see a doctor. How does dad feel now? 等句型,使学生掌握重点句型的应

2、用。三、目标预设1. 熟练朗读本课时对话,语调自然,发音准确。2. 能在情景中运用四会句子Your father is ill. He should see a doctor this morning. Dont be sad. 等表达自己的感受。四、重难点预设(一) 重点熟练掌握本单元的重点句子Your father is ill. He should see a doctor this morning. Dont be sad. 并能在实际情景中灵活运用。突破方法:反复朗读,在熟读的基础上背诵并表演,突破重点。(二) 难点能够针对他人的情况提出适当的建议。突破方法:联系生活实际,教师讲解,

3、突破难点。五、评价设计1. 通过小组内读写,组长检查并汇报,核对答案并举手统计检查目标1的达成情况。2. 通过小组展示,汇报检查目标2的达成情况。六、教学设计第3课时教学环节教学预设一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1. 师生合唱歌曲 If youre happy, clap your hands。 2. 教师把angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy的图片给学生看一遍,然后用How does she feel?问学生,让学生去猜,猜中的学生根据图片说出单词,并拼写该单词。3. Lets chant一起说唱歌谣,巩固复习学过的词汇。二、呈现新课 (

4、Presentation) Lets try听录音,回答问题。1. Who is talking?2. What are they talking about?Lets talk1. 看图,引出问题,为什么Sam不开心?2. 听第一遍录音,通过问题Whats wrong with dad? 引出生词ill, see a doctor和句型Whats wrong?引申出学生家中的电路有毛病和汽车出毛病图片,了解句型Whats wrong? 的其他用法。3. 看动画,回答问题:How does dad feel now? 引导学生回答:Not well. Lets go to the hospit

5、al.4. 问:When you are ill, who can help you? 当有学生说到 doctor时,引出:The doctor can help you. See a doctor, see a doctor.板书并教读短语see a doctor,然后让学生说:My father is ill.教师说:He should see a doctor. 板书完整句子:He should see a doctor. 师生不断交换进行问答练习。如:T: My father is ill.Ss: He should see a doctor.Ss: My father is ill.

6、T: He should see a doctor.通过列举多个句子,引导学生观察总结should的用法:should后面加动词原形。如:I should see a doctor.You should see a doctor.She should see a doctor.He should see a doctor. 5. 学生自读对话,画出回答问题的关键语句,以及不理解的地方。6. 通过与学生进行对话,尝试回答How does Sam feel? What should he do?T: Do you like the dog?T: But it is ill.Ss: Oh, Im s

7、orry to hear that. T: Dont be sad.板书并教读句子:Dont be sad. 然后让学生对周围的同学说:Dont be sad. 同样教Dont be angry.7. 再次播放Lets talk,学生听读、模仿。8. 最后分角色朗读对话,时间允许的话可让学生挑出核心语句进行对话表演。三、趣味操练(Practice) 1. 看图,尝试用对话中的句子提出建议。What should he/they do?He/They should _.2. Your friends need some help.先说一说,再填写在书上。3. 打开U6 B Lets talk课堂

8、基础练/拔高练,即学即练,检测当堂学习情况。四、小结(Summary) 和学生一起总结: 单词:wrong, should, feel, well。句子:Your father is ill. He should see a doctor this morning. Dont be sad. 五、作业设计1. 听读本课时录音,用正确的语音语调朗读,并上传到班级群。2. 把Lets talk部分的内容读给家长听。3. 教师示范书写四会句子,学生用ill, sad, should仿写3个句子在作业本上。6、 板书设计: Unit 6 How do you feel? Part B Lets try

9、 Lets talksee a doctorMy/Your father is ill.He should see a doctor this morning. Dont be sad. 七、课前预习作业听Unit6 B Lets talk录音,跟读对话3遍,划出生词。八、课后巩固作业在方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。A. Not well. B. Dont be sad. C. Oh, no! D. Whats wrong?DAD: Mike, come here please.Mike: 1 DAD: Your mum is ill. She should go to the hospital. So we cant go to the park.Mike: 2 DAD: 3 . We can go next time.Mike: How does she feel now?DAD: 4 . Lets go to the hospital.Mike: OK.Answer: DCBA


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