2015秋牛津译林版英语八上Unit 8《Natural》(welcome)word随堂练习 .doc

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1、宜兴外国语学校初二英语导学提纲课前、课中参与课题:8A Unit8 Welcome 设计人:褚黎黎 审核人: 凌立芳 姓名: 班级: 使用时间:2013.12 热线电话:80206666 评价 一、课前参与1.预习书本P130单词表中本课单词,背熟P92-93生词.2.完成书本P93partA, 用英语列出你所知道的自然灾害名称Natural disasters _二、写出下列词组1 湿透_ 2. 把水拖干 _3. 杀死成千上万的人_ 4. 把村子冲走_5. 自然灾害_ 6. 引起一场大火_7.一场电闪雷鸣的大暴雨_ 8.从树上摔下_9.撞到树上_ 10.一场车祸_ 三、课中参与 :重、难点解

2、析1. My house is all wet. be all wet 湿透他浑身湿透了 He _. = He is wet all over.2. Coach crashes into tree.crash vi.(发出猛烈声音的)碰撞,倒下,坠毁 crash into撞上,车子突然撞到了墙上。 _昨天一架飞机坠毁了 _3.Young boy falls from tree and hurts legs.hurt 伤害,使受伤,疼痛 过去式 _ hurt sth 弄伤了弄伤了我的手_ sth hurt 疼痛 我头痛 _ 他上月在那场交通事故中伤了右腿,现在还疼的厉害呢.He _ his ri

3、ght leg in the traffic accident last month , it still_ _.4. Earthquake kills thousands of people.thousand of 数千个的,成千上万的,表示较为笼统的数目。当thousand 前面有具体数字,如one,two, some 等时,它不能用复数形式。类似用法还有hundred,million(百万)等。1).我们学校有2300名学生。There are _ _ _ _ students in our school2).多亏了希望工程,成千上万的孩子有了更好的生活。Thanks to Projec

4、t Hope, _ _ children have better lives.5. Lightning starts big fire in classroom buildingfire 用作“火,炮火,火力”时,常为不可数名词。但表示“火灾,篝火,炉火”时,用作可数名词。由fire 构成的常见短语有:catch fire 着火(强调动作),be on fire 着火,失火(强调状态)start/make a fire 生火,点火 play with fire玩火 1).无烟不起火/无风不起浪 Theres no _ without smoke. 2). 吸烟引发了那次森林大火 Smoking

5、 _ in the forests. 3).楼房着火了The building is _. 宜兴外国语学校初二英语导学提纲课后参与课题:8A Unit8 Welcome 设计人:褚黎黎 审核人: 凌立芳 姓名: 班级: 使用时间:2013.12 热线电话:80206666 评价 一词形转换1.Every year, many natural _ (灾难) and car _ (事故) happen all over the world.2.It is said that the famous singer was born in a small _ (村庄) in Sichuan.3.The

6、_(洪水) washed away their houses.4. Hurry up! All the _(长途汽车) are waiting for us.5.Our geography teacher asked: “Which comes first,_(闪电)or _(雷声)?” 6. A car _(撞) into a big tree last night. Luckily nobody hurt. 7. There is much water on the floor. Please m_ it up.8. Rose caught a bad cold because of th

7、e r_ on her way home.9. A strong e_ hit Yaan on 20th April,2013.10. There are t_ of students in our school.11. Milk is the _ (nature) food for young babies.12. I hate it when it rains. It is much w_ than it was yesterday.二、单项选择( ) 1. They felt unhappy because their football team _ the game yesterday

8、A. lose B. lost C. losing D. loss ( ) 2.Theres always _ traffic in the morning. I often _ about one hour to school.A. too much; spend B. too many; take C. too much; cost D. too many; have ( ) 3. The floor is too dirty. Can you help us _? A. mop them up B. mop up them C. mop it up D. mop up it( ) 4.

9、Did you _ the fire in the USA last week?A. hear about B. find C. hear from D. heard( ) 5. The boy _ from the tree and _ his leg and arm.A. felt ; hurt B. falls ;hurts C. fell ; hurt D. fell ;hurts( ) 6. Wasnt there a car accident last night? -_. But luckily, no one was hurt.A. Yes, there was B. No,

10、there wasnt C. Yes, it was D. No, it wasnt ( ) 7. The earthquake in Japan took away _ lives.A. thousand of B. five thousands C. thousands of D. five thousands of( ) 8. Lightning _ big fire in the classroom building last year.A. began B. started C. caught D.had( ) 9. Which of the following is NOT a n

11、atural disaster?A. lightning B. snowstorm C. flood D. the car accident( )10.About _ films are shown during the Paris International Film Festival.A. two hundred of B. two hundred C. two hundreds of D. two hundreds( )11. Excuse me ,what _ the little girl yesterday?She fell off the bicycle.A. to happen

12、 on B. happened to C.did happen to D. happened on( )12. What did the teacher _ you to _ at the meeting?A.talk,say B.ask,say C.say,speak D.speak,say三、用所给动词的正确形式填空1.When I _ (meet) Miss Li in the street yesterday, I stopped _ (talk) to her.2.My mother _(wash) my clothes every day. She is the busiest in my famil


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