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1、热点题型信息速递长征五号B运载火箭拓展词汇神舟七号Shenzhou V11(spacecraft)载人飞船manned spaceship/spacecraft载人航天manned space flight多人多天太空飞行multi-manned and multi-day space flight载人航天计划manned space program航天飞机space shuttle无人飞船unmanned spaceship/spacecraft试验太空船Experimental Spacecraft多级火箭multistage rocket太空舱capsule返回式卫星recoverabl

2、e satellite通信卫星communication satellite遥感卫星remote sensing satellite运载火箭carrier rocket; rocket, launcher近地轨道1ow Earth orbit调整轨道fine tune orbit绕地球飞行orbit the earth气象卫星weather satellite/meteorological satellite太阳同步轨道卫星satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit可步轨道卫星geosynchronous satellite轨道舱orbital module返回舱re

3、-entry module推进舱propelling module指令舱command module服务舱service module登月舱1unar module发射台launch pad长征五号B运载火箭 Long March-5B carrier rocket中国载人航天工程办公室 China Manned Space Engineering Office (CMSEO)核心舱 core module实验舱 experiment module运载能力 payload capacity轨道 orbit专项训练一、Two new satellites of BeiDou Navigation

4、(导航) Satellite System (BDS) _ (send) into space on a Long March-3B carrier rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province, China at 2:07 a.m. on November 19, 2018. The satellites entered a Medium Earth orbit _(safe) more than three hours later and will work with 17 other BDS-3 s

5、atellites already in space. They are also the 42nd and 43rd _(member) of the BDS satellite family. China launched these satellites with _aim of providing navigation services for countries and regions which participate in the Belt and Road Proposal by the end of 2018. “This is a key step for BDS deve

6、loping _a Chinese experimental system to a regional and then a _(globe) navigation system,” said Yang Changfeng, chief designer of the BeiDou system. The positioning _(accurate) of the BDS-3 system has been improved to 2.5 meters to 5 meters, said Yang. _(name) after the Chinese term for the Plough,

7、 the BeiDou system has been serving China for 18 years _another six BDS-3 satellites will be put into the Medium Earth orbit from 2019 to 2020. The system is expected _(provide) first-class services around the globe by the end of 2020.二、Beijing(13, July) China sent up a new data relay satellite(数据中继

8、卫星), Tianlian-02, on Monday at the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in South-western Sichuan province. The new satellite will promote the countrys satellite communication network for space docking(对接).The satellite was launched on a Long-March-3C carrier rocket at 11:41 p.m., sources at the centre to

9、ld Xinhua News Agency. The satellite separated from the rocket 26 minutes after its launch and was then successfully delivered into a geostationary transfer orbit (地球同步转移轨道).Developed by the China Academy of Space Technology under the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, the satellite

10、 is the countrys second data relay satellite. The first, Tianlian -01, was launched on April 25.2008.The two satellites will form a network to improve communications between Chinas spacecraft and bases on Earth, according to the centre. They will also be used to help the nations first space docking,

11、 scheduled for the second half of this year.As planned, China will launch space module Tiangong-, which was designed as a platform that will dock with an unmanned spaceship, Shenzhou, for the countys first space-docking mission this year. Two more Shenzhou spaceships will dock with Tiangong- next ye

12、ar, and one will be manned by two or three astronauts, according to China Manned Space Engineering Office, which was the main user of the Tianlian series data relay satellites.“The new satellite can cover a greater area to track and command the countrys space vehicles in low-Earth orbits, such as ma

13、nned spacecraft and remote sensing satellites, from a higher position in outer space. Only three satellites of this kind are needed to form a global communication network, and China has two now.” Pang Zhihao, a researcher and deputy editor-in-chief of Space International, said.The satellite could al

14、so equip astronauts with real-time communications, which will benefit the countrys future manned space flights, he said.1. What is the main purpose to send up Tianlian-02?A.To test the function of a Long-March-3C carrier rocket.B.To carry some astronauts into space to do some research.C.To send more

15、 information and clearer pictures to mobile phones on the earth.D.To promote the countrys satellite communication network for space docking.2. From the passage we know_.A.one more such satellite is needed to form a global communication networkB.the satellite was developed byC.hina Manned Space Engineering Office C.it was less than three years since China launched its first date relay satellite of this kindD.the satellite could help track and command space vehicles in orbits because its lower in position3.Which of the following


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