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1、三年级上册重难点Unit1 My homeKey words and expressions:flatblock estatestreet thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred wherelive Difficult points:1. Twenty “二十”英语中的数字逢整数20,都以ty结尾,2. Where do you live? 你住在哪里?答句为 I live“我住在的地方”。Live 后面可以接at或者in, at后面主要接街区,in后面接单元房或小区。 Unit 2 Place

2、s and homeKey words and expressions:supermarket post officerestaurant clinicbookshopcinemacitycentre letter overover there moneyDifficult points:1. 冠词the,a/an的用法,the 是特指,a/an 表示某个非特定的人或物,泛指某人或某物,有时也表示一个,an用于元音前,a 用于辅音前。例如:a bookshop 一家书店(这里的书店是泛指) The clinic 这家诊所(特指)2Where 的用法, 后面接一般疑问句,用来问路或问别人的相关情

3、况 3It 意思是它,代词,通常用来替代前面刚刚出现的单数名词,有时指人,动物或时间。Unit 3 My favourite things Key words and expressions:stamp soft soft toykey key ring badge coin IC cardsome ofDifficult points:1. What do you have? “你有什么?回答时用I/We have意思是我/我们有.2. Some 一些,某些通常用在名词前,表示一定的数量,但不是具体的确定数,后面跟的名词如果是可数名词,就必须用复数。3. How many 多少是一个疑问词组

4、,后面接可数名词再加do或does,引导一个疑问句,回答必须用具体的数字来回答。Unit4. Fun with shapes.Key words and expressions:circle square trianglestarhiswhoseherDifficult points:1. Whose picture is this? “这是谁的图画?”whose 为疑问词,意思是谁的后面接名词,再加一般疑问句。 2 名词所有格。在英语中,有些名词的词尾可以加上s,用来表示所有关系。这种结构称为名词的所有格。如this teachers pen (这位老师的笔)3 His her 是形容词性物

5、主代词,作用相当于形容词,通常与名词一起连用,构成名词词组,如:his picture (他的画),her cat (她的猫)。 Unit 6 Our fashion showKey words and expressions:socks jeans jacket shoes sweater shorts trousers wear fashion fashion show Difficult points:1. 现在进行时。现在进行时由系动词be加动词的现在分词构成。(1)表示说话时谓语动作正在进行。(2)表示现阶段正在进行的动作。2. 英语中有些名词一般就用复数形式,如:trousers裤

6、子,jeans牛仔裤,socks 短袜,shoes 鞋子,glasses 眼镜,shorts 短裤, 否则就不完整,要表示一双,一对,一副时必须在前面加 a pair of. 3. whose 和whos的区别,读音一样,意思不一样,whose 指谁的,whos 谁是. 例如:Whose raincoat is this? 这是谁的雨衣? Whos Miss Cheng? 谁是程老师?Unit 7 WeatherKey words and expressions:hot cold wetdry umbrellaraincoatmanwomanweather like put on take o

7、ff forget but beDifficult points:1. 祈使句。 表示请求,命令或劝告的句子叫祈使句。它通常省略主语(you)。 祈使句有肯定句和否定句两种。(1) 肯定式祈使句直接由动词原形开头。例如:put on your coat. 穿上你的上衣(2) 否定式祈使句在谓语动词前面加dont,即Dont 加肯定式祈使句。例如:Dont play here. 不可以在这里玩。 (3) 以let 开头的祈使句。例如: Lets go together! 我们一起去!2 Whats the weather like? “天气怎么样了?” 答句通常为it is 加天气的形容词。同义

8、句为 how is the weather?Unit 8 Play timeKey words and expressions:badminton footballtable tennis basketballvolleyballtimeoclockoutside with Difficult points:1. play 意为 “玩”, 随后跟名词不同,意思也不同。如:play football 踢足球;play the piano 弹钢琴;play chess 下棋。记住:后面跟运动项目或棋类时不加the,后面接乐器时该乐器前必须加the. 2. What time is it? “现在几

9、点了?” 也可以说What is the time? 意思一样。 答句为 Its oclock. 3. 现在进行时的疑问式有两种:(1)一般疑问句,直接将be动词调到前面,答句用yes或no来回答。(2)特殊疑问句,疑问词加一般疑问句,答句必须是一个完整的句子。例如:Are you playing football? 你们在踢足球吗?(一般疑问句) Yes, we are (playing football). 是的,(我们在踢足球) What are you playing? 你们在干吗? (特殊疑问句) I am playing the piano, 我们在弹钢琴。 Unit 9 Chri

10、stmasKey words and expressions:make wrap turkeyget giveGrandma Grandpa Christmas Santaall merrybusy Difficult points:1. What do you do at Christmas? “你们在圣诞节的时候做些什么?” 是一般现在时的特殊疑问句, 答句为:I/We do2. Merry Christmas! “圣诞快乐!” 类似的句子还有Happy New Year! 答句通常为The same to you . 三年级上册重难点Unit 1 Our favourite subjec

11、tsKey words and expressions:mathssciencearts and crafts PE English Chinesesubjectdoessportclever petcorner Difficult points:1. What subject does Tim like? Tim喜欢哪门功课?答句为 He likes.或是hes good at.2 学会不同功课的英文,如maths, PE, science, English, music.Unit 2 Pet corner Key words and expressions:kittenpuppycarro

12、tfoodmilkwaterseeditsdoesnt = does not look afterof courseDifficult points:1. its 是形容词性物主代词,后跟名词表示它的 如:it food 它的食物。2. does 引导的一般疑问句, 结构是 Does+主语+其它?答句用yes或no来回答。例如:Does it eat fish? 它吃鱼吗? No, it doesnt 不,它不吃;或是 Yes, it does. 是的,它吃。 Unit 3 My dayKey words and expressions:get upbreakfastlunchhomework

13、dinnerwhenbacktireddinnertime laterusuallyDifficult points:1. When 是特殊疑问词,意思是什么时候,表时间,如 When do you get up? 你几点起床?2. 时间表示法,用介词at+时间,如at six oclock 或 at 6:00 在六点。 Unit 4 Our lessons. Key words and expressions:MondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundaylessontake out othertodaytimetableDifficult points:1. What lessons do you have on Monday morning? 你在星期一的早上要上什么课?2. At eight twenty, we have.在8点20分,我们要上.Unit 6 At homeKey words and expressions:bedroom bathroom living roomdining roomkitchen watchwatch TV cookwashsleepanybody quickhouseawayDifficult points:1. Where 是特殊疑问词,意思是



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