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1、Ive had this bike for three years. Section AThis information comes from Yang Xuehui at Shili middle school in Xihe, Gansu. 你有那边的那辆自行车多久了?我已经有它三年了。我学会了如何骑自行车。 杰夫一家人正在举行庭院拍卖会。阿米觉得出售旧东西很难。杰夫已有自行车10多年了。 艾米想把旧东西保存下来因为这些东西可以回想起甜蜜的往事。你也可以把旧东西赠送给需要的人。 这的确是本旧书。是啊,我已拥有它7年了,已经看过三遍了。 那你为何要卖掉呢? 因为不想再看了。要多少钱?你可以给

2、75分币。 艾米已经拥有最喜欢的书三个年头了。艾米自从她小孩时就已经有这个玩具熊了。 她妈妈已经有这台面包机10多年了。她可以把毛衣和裙子送人因为再也不适合她穿了。 艾米,我们可以把这些毛绒玩具送人吗?妈妈,我想把熊保留下来。 为什么呢?它那么旧了。因为自从我婴儿时我已经拥有了它。 欢迎来到阳光儿童之家。我是琳达。你好,我是艾米。我有一些东西要送给孩子们。 这本杂志我买来几个月了,里面的故事可能有点儿旧,但还很有趣。 太棒了!很多孩子都喜爱阅读。看看这些小孩子玩的毛绒玩具和棋类游戏吧。我还是个孩子时就拥有它们了。 这里还有一件毛衣和一条连衣裙。太好了。我们总是需要玩具和衣服。 最后一件东西是面

3、包机。妈妈有它很长一段时间但还能用。太感谢了! 我的孩子们长得很快。我女儿16岁了,儿子已经上了初中。当他们一天天长大,我们的家显得越来越小。 所以我们想在庭院拍卖会上出售一些自己的东西,并把钱捐给儿童之家。 我已经从卧室里清洁出了许多东西。我们决定每个人出售五件我们不再使用的东西。 我儿子一开始很不情愿。虽然他很久没玩过他的旧玩具了,但他还想留着它们。 比如,自从他四岁生日时他就拥有了火车和铁路轨道的玩具,一直到七岁之前他几乎每周都要玩这套玩具。 他也不想失去他的玩具猴。他小的时候每天都睡在玩具猴上。我女儿更能理解一些,尽管她也觉得要和某些玩具分开很不情愿。 至于我,我不想放弃我的足球衣,但

4、是说实话,我现在已经有一段时间不玩球了,我也越来越年长了。 失去2 实话2 一段时间3 快地4孩子们2 许多3 尽管2 年长2你拥有那边的那辆自行车多久了?我已经拥有它三年了。 他儿子已拥有火车和铁路轨道玩具多久了?自从他四岁生日时就已经拥有了。 你曾经踢过足球吗?踢过。我小时候踢的。可我现在已经有一段时间没踢过球了。 吉姆在日本已经三天了。他们自从10小时前就已经没吃过饭了。 自从我2009年买来相机我就已经拥有了它。 自从我三年前第一次见到安娜我就已经认识了她。 琳达自从本周星期一以来就一直生病。以前我从未去过水上公园,我想在下个月天冷之前去一趟。 他们从未有过任何宠物,但他们一直想要只狗

5、狗。 自从去年11月份以来我们以及拥有了一架钢琴。我们从李家那儿买来的,就在李家人去年搬住美国时。 凯西和艾米已经有两年没有回过自己的家乡了,他们非常思念家乡,希望来年看看家乡。 这个博物馆在这儿已经有20多年了。它在这个小镇上算是最古老的建筑物之一。 How long have you had that bike over there? I have had it for three years! I learned how to ride a bike on it. Jeffs family is having a yard sale. Amy thinks its hard to sel

6、l her old things. Jeff has had his bike for more than 10 years. Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back sweet memories.You can also give old things away to people in need.This is a really old book. Yes, I have had it for seven years. Ive read it three times. Why are you selling it?

7、Because I dont read it anytime.How much is it? You can have it for 75 cents.Amy has had her favorite book for three years. Amy has had the toy bear since she was a baby. Amys mom has had the old bread maker for more than10 years. Amy can give away the sweater and dress because they do not fit her an

8、ymore. Can we give away these soft toys?Mom, I want to keep the bear.Why? Its so old. Because I have had it since I was a baby. Welcome to the Sunshine Home for Children. Im Linda.Hi, Im Amy. I have some things for the kids. Ive had this magazine for a couple of months. The stories inside may be a b

9、it old, but theyre still interesting. Great! Many children here love reading. And check out these soft toys and board games for younger kids. Ive had them since I was a child. Theres also a sweater and a dress. Perfect! We always need toys and clothes. One last thing is a bread maker. My moms had it

10、 for a long time but it still works. Thanks so much! My children are growing up fast. My daughter is 16, and my boy is already in junior high school. As they get bigger our house seems to get smaller. So we want to sell some of our things in a yard sale and give the money to a childrens home. We hav

11、e already cleared out a lot of things from our bedrooms. We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use.My son was quite sad at first. Although he has not played with his old toys for a long time, he still wanted to keep them. For example, he has owned a train and railway set since h

12、is fourth birthday, and he played with it almost every week until he was about seven. And he did not want to lose his toy monkey, either. He slept next to the monkey every night when he was a child. My daughter was more understanding, although she also felt sad to part with certain toys. As for me,

13、I did not want to give up my football shirts, but, to be honest, I have not played for a while now. I am getting older, too!lose/part with truthful/to be honest some time/a while/a long time quickly/fast/rapidly/soonkids/children many/a few/ much even though/althougholder/growing up How long have yo

14、u had that bike over there?I have had it for three years. How long has his son owned the train and railway set?He has owned it since his fourth birthday. Have you ever played football?Yes, I have. I did when I was little, but I havent played for a while now. Jim has been in Japan for three days.They have not eaten since ten hours ago. I have had it since I bought the camera in 2009.I have known Anna since I first met her three years ago. Linda has been ill since this Monday.I have ne


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