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1、原2017春八年级英语下册Unit8HaveyoureadTreasureIslandyet综合水平测试2(新版)人教新目标版Unit 8综合水平测试听力部分(20分) 一、听句子,选择正确的应答语。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:1.Have you read the book Robinson Crusoe?(C)1.A.Yes,I am.BIts not long.CNo,I havent.听力材料:2.Is this story about peoples life in the future?(A)2.A.Yes,it is. BIn 10 years. CI dont belie

2、ve it.听力材料:3.When did the boy return the book to the library?(C)3.A.He was fine. BNo problem. CLast Friday.听力材料:4.What kind of music do you like when you are not happy?(B)4.A.I have a guitar. BRock music. CIts my favorite.听力材料:5.What do you think of Guo Jingming?(A)5.A.He is a famous writer. BHe is

3、only interested in science.CHe failed the English exam.二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:6.W:Mark,is Jane at home?M:Yes.Shes talking about country music with her friends on the phone.(C)6.Whats Jane doing now?AWatching TV. BListening to music.CTalking on the phone.听力材料:7.W:I like listening to piano mu

4、sic.What about you,Mark?M:I like country music.But my sister Holly likes rock music.(B)7.What music does Mark like?APop music. BCountry music. CRock music.听力材料:8.M:Emily,did you see the movie Cinderella last night?W:Yes.And I have seen that movie twice.(B)8.How many times has Emily seen the movie Ci

5、nderella?AOnce. BTwice. CThree times.听力材料:9.W:Could you go to the music store with me and help me choose some records for the party tonight?M:Sure,Id love to.(B)9.What will the girl buy?ASome books. BSome records. CSome drinks.听力材料:10.W:I like action movies best.What about you?M:I like science ficti

6、on movies best.(B)10.What kind of movies does the boy like best?AAction movies. BScience fiction movies.CComedies.三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听第一段长对话,回答第1112小题。听力材料:W:Have you read the writers new book?M:Yes,but I dont like it.Some say its interesting but I think its boring.W:Really?I havent read it

7、yet.Do you have the book?M:Yes,I borrowed it from the library.(C)11.How does the boy like the book?AIts interesting. BIts exciting. CIts boring.(B)12.Where did the boy get the book?AFrom the bookstore. BFrom the library.CFrom the Internet.听第二段长对话,回答第1315小题。听力材料:M:Hi,Linda.Are you free tonight?W:Yes.

8、Whats up?M:I have two concert tickets.Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight?W:With the greatest pleasure!Where is the concert?M:At the Music Hall.W:What is it about?M:Its about piano music.I love piano music best,you know.W:Yeah.I like it,too.We are sure to enjoy ourselves tonight.By t

9、he way,where and when shall we meet?M:The concert will begin at 7:00.Lets meet at 6:30 at my house.Then I will drive you there.W:OK.See you then.M:See you.(C)13.Where is the concert?AAt the Music Room. BAt the Music Theater.CAt the Music Hall.(A)14.Which is the mans favorite music?APiano music. BVio

10、lin music. CRock music.(B)15.How will they go to the concert?ABy bus. BBy car. COn foot.四、听短文,完成表格。(每空一词)(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:Have you read the book House on Mango Street?If your answer is no,let me introduce it.There are 44 stories in this book.Young girl Esperanza is the main character of this book.Es

11、peranzas parents take her and her sister to live in the US.Esperanza enjoys watching everything there.In the book,Esperanza talks about her neighbors,friends,peoples hair,even the clouds.The writer wrote the book in very beautiful simple English.I think its good for middle school students to read.Ho

12、use on Mango StreetMain characterEsperanza:Her parents take her and her 16.sister to live in the US.Content (内容)There are 17.44 stories in this book and they are talking about her neighbors,friends,peoples 18.hair,even the clouds.LanguageIn 19.English.ReadersIts good for 20.middle school students to

13、 read.笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共计15分)(B)21.Look!There is _ island in the middle of _ lake.Aa;/Ban;theCa;aDan;a(C)22.How did you know the song?I heard it _ the radio yesterday evening.Aof Bfor Con Dto(B)23.Ill take two schoolbags.One is for my sister and _ is for myself.Aanother Bthe other Cother Dthe

14、 others(B)24.In this part of the city,you can see both ancient and _ buildings.They show the changes of the city.Astrange Bmodern Cbeautiful Dbroken(C)25.Were worried about Mark,because we havent received a letter from him _.Aalready Bever Cyet Dnever(A)26.Whose book is this?It _ belong to Lucy.Her

15、name is on it.Amust Bneed Ccould Dwill(A)27.The movie is so interesting that about _ people have seen it in the past few days.Atwo million Btwo millionsCtwo million of Dtwo millions of(A)28.Do you know the worlds first highspeed train line circling an island (环岛高铁线路) opened in Hainan?Yes.And I cant wait _ that train.Ato take


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