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1、Im Peppa pig. This is my little brother, George.我是小猪佩奇。这是我的弟弟,乔治。This is Mummy Pig.这是猪妈妈。And this is Daddy Pig.和这是猪爸爸。Peppa pig.小猪佩奇Best Friend.最好的朋友Peppa is waiting for her best friend, Suzy Sheep.佩奇正在等她最好的朋友,小羊苏珊。Hello, Suzy.你好,苏珊。Hello, Peppa.你好,佩奇。Suzy Sheep has come to play with Peppa.小羊苏珊来和佩奇一

2、起玩。Peppa loves Suzy. Suzy loves Peppa.佩奇喜欢苏珊,苏珊喜欢佩奇。They are best friends.她们是好朋友。Peppa, why dont you and Suzy go and play in your bedroom?佩奇,你为什么不和苏珊去你房间玩呢?Yes, Mummy.好的,妈妈。George wants to play, too.乔治也想去玩。Peppa and Suzy love playing in Peppas bedroom.佩奇和苏珊喜欢在佩奇房间里玩。So does George.乔治也一样。No, George.不

3、,乔治。This game is just for big girls.这个游戏只适合大女孩玩。Go and play with your own toys.去玩你的玩具吧。Peppa and Suzy want to play on their own.佩奇和苏珊想要她们自己玩。Im a tiny little fairy princess.我是小仙女公主。Im going to wave my magic wand我要挥舞我的魔法棒。And turn you into a frog.把你变成青蛙。George doesnt like playing on his own.乔治不喜欢自己独自

4、玩。George want to play, too.乔治也想玩。No, George! Im playing with Suzy.不,乔治。我在和苏珊玩。Youll have to play somewhere else.你得去别的地方玩。George wants to play with Peppa.乔治想和佩奇一起玩。He feels a bit lonely.他感到有点孤独。George, I need some help!乔治,我需要些帮助!Im making chocolate chip cookies!我在做巧克力曲奇饼干!Someone needs to lick out th

5、e bowl.得有个人把碗舔干净。George likes helping Mummy make cookies.乔治喜欢帮妈妈做点心。But he likes playing with Peppa more.但是他更喜欢和佩奇一起玩。I want to be a nurse.我想要当护士。I want to be a doctor.我想要当医生。But whos gonna be the sick person?但谁会是那个病人?GEORGE!乔治!Peppa and Suzy love playing doctors and nurses.佩奇和苏珊喜欢扮演医生和护士。So does Ge

6、orge.乔治也一样。Peppa listens to Georges chest.佩奇听着乔治的胸部。Now, George, take a big breath in现在,乔治,深吸一口气。Then cough.然后咳嗽。Mm, I think your hearts a bit loose嗯,我想你的心脏有点乱。Ill put a plaster on it.我给它贴个创可贴。Open wide, please.请张开。Suzy takes Georges temperature.苏珊给乔治量体温。Oh, dear, youre very, very hot.噢,亲爱的,你发烧很严重。I

7、 think you have to stay in bed for three years.我想你得在床上躺三年。Daddy Pig has come to find George.爸爸来找乔治了。Oh, no! Whats wrong with George?噢,不!乔治怎么啦?Dont worry, Daddy. Its only a game.别担心,爸爸。这只是个游戏。George is our patient.乔治是我们的病人。Oh, I see.噢,我明白了。Can the patient have a visitor?病人可以有探访者吗?Just for a little wh

8、ile.只能一小会儿。He might get tired.他可能会累。Cookies!点心!Yes, theyre for George.是的,它们是给乔治的。Theyre his medicine to make him feel better.这些是他的药,会让他感觉好一些。Um, excuse me, doctor,嗯,不好意思,医生,Can you help me ?你可以帮帮我吗?I have a sore tummy.我肚子疼。I can hear it rumbling. I think youre hungry, Daddy.我能听到它咕噜咕噜叫,我想你是饿了,爸爸。Then I think I need lots of cookies to make me better.那我想我需要很多饼干来让我好起来。And me!还有我!And me!我也是。And me.我也一样。



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