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1、 Unit 7: Whats the highest mountain in the world?The Fifth PeriodSection B 3a-3b, Self CheckTeaching aims(教学目标) 1. 总结形容词和副词的比较级和最高级用法及构词法2. 仿照阅读文章写动物的作文Language points(语言点)要求掌握以下句式:Catch whales for meat, fat and oil. Learn more about whales. Stop putting rubbish into the sea. They have to be protect

2、ed.要求掌握以下词汇及词组:(1)词汇:whale, oil, protection, huge (2) 词组:jump out of water, protect whales from Difficulties(难点):学会仿写动物的作文Teaching steps(教学步骤)I. Review and conclusion( 复习和总结)1. ReviewT:Class, can you remember what we learned last period? Good, lets look at the screen and work onsome exercises togeth

3、er. Can you translate the following sentences into English? 教学设计说明:复习环节是课本上一课时中的重点词汇和句型,目的是温故而知新2. Self Check T: Can you remember the grammar structures we learned in this unit? Lets look at Self check. 教学设计说明:本环节是对本课语法的总结,对比较级,最高级的用法,构词法等进行归纳和总结II. Before writing 1. Introduce whales (pictures and s

4、ome description about whales)T: We have learned a lot about pandas. Today we will learn about another mammal that lives in the ocean. Lets look at some pictures.教学设计说明:这是写前的热身活动,同时也是帮学生了解鲸鱼,为后面的写作做铺垫2. A news report from AustraliaT: Did you know that whales are also in great danger. Lets read the ne

5、ws article,教学设计说明: 这个环节还是写作做铺垫,让学生更多了解鲸鱼的生存环境,现状等。3. Work on 3a T: Now, class, lets look at 3a. Read the following words and phrases about whales. Then, put them in the correct place in the chart.教学设计说明: 这个环节还是写作前的准备,让学生从六个方面更透彻的了解鲸鱼,为学生下面的仿写做铺垫III. While writing1. Work on 3b T: Class, we know a lot

6、 about whales by now. Can you write a paragraph about whales and why they need to be protected? Use the information in 3a. 教学设计说明:此环节对话题作文的文章结构进行指导:内容有提示,思路要清晰;表达时尽量使用一些英语中惯用的、地道的表达方式。2. Writing strategyT: If we want to write a good article, what should we pay attention to? These five tips may help

7、you.教学设计说明:这个环节是写作时的指导,让学生更加清楚写作时要注意哪些方面。IVAfter writing 1 Peer assessment (互评)T:Have you finished writing the passage? OK, exchange your writing with your partner, and do peer assessment. First, look at each others writing standard.教学设计说明:这个环节是写作后的评价。首先是让学生了解写作评分标准,让同桌之间的互评。2. Show examples of good

8、 writing (美文欣赏)T: Read examples of good sentences written by your partner.教学设计说明:这是写作后的一个设计,让学生选出他们认为好的文章,让后在全班朗读,让其他学生学习和欣赏。V. Assignment T: You have done very well today. After class, I would like you to make a poster on whales. You can refer to the passage you wrote today to help you make the poster.教学设计说明:这个环节是课后写作的一个延伸和拓张。同时课堂上做一个poster,没有时间,让学生回家找材料制作,效果会更好3


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