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1、八年级英语下册Unit5FeelingExcitedTopic3Manythingscanaffectourfeelings学案(新版)仁爱版Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings.Section A【目标导航】明确目标,把握方向1.我能掌握四会单词:test,nervous,speech,rich等;2.我能掌握的句型: Is there anything wrong? I feel more relaxed now because of your help.等;3.继续学习表达对他人关心和建议的句子。【谈重论难】:抓住重点,突破难点重点:简单

2、句的六种基本句型。难点:能通过图文信息掌握有关表达情感的方法。【知识回顾】:回想一下Topic 1和Topic 2所学知识,完成下列的练习吧:A. 词形转换:1. film (同义词)_2. disappoint (形容词) _3. fail(反义词) _ 4. either(同义词) _5. accept(反义词) _6. help(形容词) _7. useless(反义词)_ 8. elder(原形) _ 9. usual反义词) _10. sad (名词) _11. care for(同义词组) _12. deal with (同义词组) _B. 造造句子:( 各来一个呗!)1.系表结构

3、:_.2.原因状语从句:_.3.同级比较:_.【01】快乐预习 课前预习,探索新知Task1. 结合课后注释,预习对话1a及3,完成下面任务,为课堂学习做好准备。1)在文中找出包含新词的短语,标出疑难点,准备在课堂中讨论解决。考试_变得紧张 _ 作演讲_ 一张关于的光盘_感到更轻松_油腻的食物_ 2)找出对话1a中两人描述自己情感的句子并在句子下划线.Task 2. 我在预习中的困惑:_.【02】合作探究 【你探我究】合作学习,共同提高1.小组对学:认真听1a录音,回答课本1b与对话内容相关问题,相互检查答案。 2.小组互学:仔细阅读1a对话内容,把1c短文中缺失的单词补充完整。 3.小组讨论

4、:结对讨论2中两个问题,模仿1a编对话,分角色表演编造的对话。4.分组讨论:分组讨论4a中出现的4种情感,选一组成员暴风轮流发言。5.小组讨论:讨论总结简单句的6种结构,完成4b.【考点聚焦】直击中考,层层突破1. Is there anything wrong? 译:_. 可省略为: ?同义句:Whats wrong? / Whats the matter? /Whats the trouble?2. I feel more relaxed now because of your help. 译: 回忆:because和because of 的区别: 后接从句; 后跟名词,代词,或名词短语。

5、填空: a. Wang Ming feels unhappy he failed the Chinese exam. b. Mr. Lee was very excited the ticket to the movie. 3I always get nervous before a test. 点拨:nervous 焦虑的,紧张不安的。搭配:be nervous about 对感到紧张不安 练习:我总是对考试感到紧张不安。I _always _ _the tests.【03】达标检测【过关微题】要点追踪,各个击破单词拼写:1. There is going to be an English

6、t tomorrow.2. Listening to light music makes me feel very r_.3. The soldier gave a s about saving people in Wenchuan. All the people were moved.4. Im a shy girl. I always feel n when I speak in public.5. Janes father has lots of money, he is very r_.【课后提升】拓展思维,提升能力任务型阅读:If you think youre too shy an

7、d want to be a little braver, try the following. You can make it. a Theres no need to hide it. When they get to know youre a shy kid, theyll understand you better. This also helps you feel easier in talks. b When you smile, people think youre friendly and easy to talk with. Remember that other peopl

8、e have feelings, too, and most people will stay away from an angry-looking face.Take one small step at a time. If you find it hard to start talks, say something nice about people around you. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesnt it make you want to keep talki

9、ng to that person?Turn your attention elsewhere. Think more about ways to enjoy the party or the game. Dont waste(浪费) time worrying about your looks or whether people like you or not. c Each time after you say “hi” or smile at someone for the first time, say “I did it!” to yourself. Or it could be s

10、omething bigger, like buying yourself an ice cream.Keep trying and one day youll never be shy when you talk to others.1. 根据短文内容,从下面方框中的4个句子中,选出3个句子分别放入文中第a.b.c的空白处,使短文意思完整。ALearn to be a good talker. B. Tell people youre shy. C. Dont lose heart. D. Try to smile more.a. _ b. _ c. _2按要求完成下面两小题。(1)把画线句

11、改为同义句。People dont want to talk to the person who _.(2)把画线句翻译成汉语。_.【04】盘点收获本课我学会的新词有:_等;短语有:_.我的困惑是:_我会用_方法来解决.Section B编写人:晏雪云 责任编辑:谢加琼【目标导航】【明确目标,把握方向】1. 我能听说读写下列四会单词:sick,proud,anyway,ready,passport,boss,和grandson;我会认读理解下列单词:affect,confident,mood. 2. 我能正确理解并运用以下短语: be confident about, in a bad moo

12、d, be proud of , put on (a short play) , get ready for,和give sb. a surprise. 3.我能区分元音音素/ i/和/ i:/, 并能正确拼读单词,注意对应的字母组合的拼写规则。【谈重论难】:抓住重点,突破难点重点:朗读时掌握英语的语调和停顿规律,能自如地运用描述情绪和情感的形容词。难点:在交流与写作中注意六种简单句式的正确运用。【01】快乐预习 课前预习,探索新知Task 1.浏览1a和2,补全下列新词并注明词义:(1)s_ _k _(2)._ff_ct_ (3)c_nf_d_nt_ (4)m_ _d_ (5)pr_ _d_

13、(6)_nyw_y_ (7)r_ _dy_ (8)p_ssp_ _t_ (9)b_ ss_ (10)gr_nds_n_Task 2.读1a ,回答下面的问题:(1) Why is Kangkang happy? _(2) Whats Marias idea? _(3) What will Michaels friends do for him? _Task 3.找出对话1a中三人谈论给Michael提建议的句子,并在句子下划线。Task 4.我在预习中的困惑:_【02】合作探究 【你探我究】合作学习,共同提高. 学习流程Task1:认真听1a录音,完成课本1b。Task2:仔细阅读1a对话内容,补全 1c句子中缺失的单词。Task3:根据2中的图片和提示词,完成其造句任务。 Task4:朗读3a中每对单词,注意画线部分的发音



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