2017人教版(新起点)英语四上Unit 1《Sports and Games》单元测试卷.doc

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1、Unit1 单元测试卷一、根据汉语补全单词。1. ru_ _ing(跑步)2. sp_ _t(运动)3. b_sk_tball(篮球)4. p_ng-p_ng(乒乓球)5. l_te(经常)6. _fen(晚)7. int_ _esting(有趣的)8. sw_m(游泳)9. fri_ _d(朋友)10. fa_ _er(父亲)二、选出与其它单词不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. sometimes B. often C. late( ) 2. A. running B. also C. hiking( ) 3. A. basketballB. baseballC. sport( ) 4. A.

2、 hockey B. football C. like( ) 5. A. goalB. ping-pong C. cricket三、按要求完成下列各题。1. is的否定形式 _2. likes的动词原形 _3. go的单三形式 _4. get up的翻译 _5. he的对应词 _6. do not的缩写形式 _四、选词填空。also am do often not good at(1) I like hiking, I _ like running.(2) Are you _ at it?(3) She _ goes roller skating, but she is not good at

3、 it.(4) I sometimes play tennis, but Im _ good at it.(5) Do you like baseball? Yes, I _.(6) Lily is good _ ice hockey.(7) Are you good at jumping? Yes, I _.五、选择。( ) 1. Joy likes sports. She often _ running.A. go B. goesC. to go( ) 2. Is Bob good at hockey?A. No, he isnt. B. Yes, he do. C. Yes, he is

4、nt.( ) 3. Lets go _.A. swim B. tennis C. swimming( ) 4. I _ play baseball in a club.A. often B. sometime C. with( ) 5. I like jumping rope. _ interesting.A. Its B. its C. Its六、连词成句。1. sometimes, running, go, I (.)_2. it, you, good, Are, at (?)_3. I, ping-pong, also, like (.)_4. Do, you, basketball,

5、often, play (?)_参考答案一、1. nn 2. or 3. a; e 4. i; o 5. a 6. o 7. er 8. i 9. en 10. th二、1-5 CBCCA三、1. isnt 2. like 3. goes 4. 起床 5. She 6. dont四、(1)-(7) also; good; often; not; do; at; am五、1-5 BACAA六、1. I sometimes go running.2. Are you good at it?3. I also like ping-pong.4. Do you often play basketball?


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