大学暑假做什么?快乐一夏五十招 .pdf

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1、50 Ways to Stay Entertained During College Summers 大学暑假做什么 快乐一夏五十招 Your time in college during the academic year that is is of course filled with stressors like classes papers lab reports and exams It is also happily filled with the fun stuff like friends parties going out and a seemingly endless sc

2、hedule of upcoming events and activities During the summer however the social scene in your life can drastically decrease especially if you re no longer on campus and spend your days at a job or internship What s a college student to do 你的大学生活固然充斥着各种压力山大的课程 论文 实验报告 当然还有考试 但是也不乏乐趣 你有朋友 参加派对 出去玩 每天都排满

3、了大大小小的活动 一个接一个好像没有尽头 然而到了夏天 这热闹忙碌的景象可能一下子就不见 了 尤其是如果你不在学校 白天去实习工作 怎么办呢 1 Read a new release book It can be science fiction general fiction trashy romance murder mystery historical fiction but it doesn t matter Grab the latest release and let your brain take a break 读一本新出版的书 无论是科幻小说 一般小说 无用琐碎的爱情故事 悬疑

4、谋 杀 还是历史小说都可以 读一本最新出版的书 让大脑休息一下 2 Read a classic Always hearing about a classic book one of your friends or family members loves Been curious about a novel you never read in high school Summer is the perfect chance to finally sit down and read it 读一本经典 总是听说一本朋友家人喜欢的经典 高中里很好奇却一直没有读的 小说 既然放暑假了就不要再错过了

5、坐下来读吧 3 Buy a magazine you don t usually read It can be intellectual like The Economist or ridiculous and fun like People But when s the last time you just let yourself sit veg out and read a magazine 买一本你不常看的杂志 可以是很高冷的杂志 像 经济学人 也可以很无厘 头 像 人物周刊 上一次你坐下来轻松惬意地看杂志是什么时候了 4 Get an audio book Fair enough y

6、ou may read enough during the year to not want your nose in another book over the summer Consider buying or getting from the library an audio book that you can listen to while working out or driving around 试试有声书 这很公平 你这一年可能已经看了很多书 不想在暑假里继续埋在 书里了 考虑买 或是从图书馆借 一本有声书 这样你出去工作或是开车兜风的 时候也能听听 5 Volunteer Th

7、ink of the last time you volunteered Didn t you feel great afterward No matter where you leave there s undoubtedly places that could use your time energy and smarts 做志愿者 想想上次做志愿者 是不是很有成就感 不管去哪里 总是可以用上 你的时间 精力和才智的 6 Try a new form of exercise Been curious about yoga pilates spinning or something else

8、 The summer is a great time to explore something new and see if it s a fit 尝试一种新的锻炼方式 对瑜伽 普拉提 动感单车或是别的什么感兴趣 趁着 暑假尝试新鲜事物 看看是不是适合你 7 Join a community sports team Most places have community sports team that play in the summer they can range from competitive baseball to completely silly kickball leagues

9、 See what s in your area and what you can join for the few months you re free 参加社区运动队 很多地方都有在暑假活动的社区运动队 无论是厉害的棒球队 还是傻兮兮的踢球联盟都能组织起来 看看你那边有什么能在这空闲的几个月里 一块儿玩的运动队吧 8 Take a class at the gym Summer can be a great time to get in shape Your local gym probably has classes you can join that will help you exe

10、rcise your body and relax your brain 去健身房上课 夏天可是减肥的好时候 你那边的健身房可能有适合你锻炼身体 的课程 还能放松大脑呢 9 Join a community group Treat yourself to something fun that also gets you out into the community like a running or hiking club 加入一个团体 找点有意思的 能让你出门和团体打交道的事来做 可以加入跑 步或是远足俱乐部之类的 10 Try a new video game Seriously it s

11、 summer What better time is there to grab a new game and play it without worrying about that paper you d have to write if it were the school year 找个新的电子游戏来玩 真的 放暑假了呢 有什么能比得上拿起一个新游戏来 玩还因为没课所以不用担心论文 11 Watch a movie marathon You can rent a ton of your faves or just watch a themed marathon on a TV netw

12、ork 电影马拉松 你可以租一套最爱的碟 或是在网上找同一主题的电影连着看个够 12 Spend a weekend seeing all the new releases Grab a friend and see if you can see all the new releases in one weekend With food in the theater there s no reason why you can just spend all day there seeing movie after movie 找个周末把新片看完 拉个朋友 看看能不能用一个周末把所有的新片都看完

13、在剧场里抱着零食 一部接一部看一整天电影要什么理由呢 13 Try a new idea breakfast and a movie Just wake up Call a friend and meet at a local place that serves 24 7 breakfasts ASAP Then amble over to the theater and enjoy whatever movie is next playing Added bonus breakfast is cheaper than dinner and matinees are cheaper than

14、the later shows 没试过吧 吃早餐 看电影 刚起床 叫上一个朋友 约在24小时供应早餐的 地方 越快越好 然后漫步到剧院 放什么就看什么 额外的好处 早饭比晚饭 便宜 早场也比之后的电影便宜 14 Take a bus or a train somewhere new Flying can be so cheap these days that folks sometimes forget about the bus or train But sometimes the journey is half the fun and you ll see new parts of the

15、 country you d never see from the air 乘汽车或火车去不认识的地方 现在机票这么便宜 有时候都会忘记还有汽车和 火车 但是有时候旅途本身就是乐趣 你能看见新的风景 飞机上可看不见 15 Take a quick flight somewhere new Since flights especially last minute deals can be so cheap why not hop a flight this weekend and see a friend 搭乘最近一班飞机去新的地方 现在乘飞机 尤其是那些快要起飞的飞机可能特 别便宜 周末就跳上

16、飞机去看朋友吧 16 Learn an instrument You may have always had a desire to play the piano learn the flute or even play the drums Why not learn now when you have the time and freedom to really put your heart into it 学一样乐器 你可能一直想学钢琴 学笛子 或是学打鼓 现在你有闲有空 为 什么不认认真真去学呢 17 Get a head start on your fall classes Alright this one may sound lame but it can do wonders for your mental health to look over your syllabi and perhaps get a head start on the reading especially for a class you might be geeked out about 预习秋季课



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