为何要尊重每一个人甚至是对手 .pdf

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《为何要尊重每一个人甚至是对手 .pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《为何要尊重每一个人甚至是对手 .pdf(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、4 Reasons I Respect Everyone Even My Enemies 为何要尊重每一个人 甚至是对手 I have been a woman of principle for many years On the one hand I found it a very good quality that helped me keep my dignity on the other hand it was difficult to deal with people because I couldn t respect those whom I disliked especiall

2、y my enemies That trait of character made me burn already existent bridges and lose opportunities to make new acquaintances I didn t know what to do that s why I tried to talk to a wise man about my problem I visited my grandpa and asked him for a valuable advice on how to tame my temper and start t

3、reating this world with respect He told me that the problem was inside me It was impossible and pointless to run away from myself 多年来 我一直是一名有原则的女性 一方面 我发现这种非常优秀的品质可以帮我维 护尊严 另一方面 与人相交非常困难 因为我难以尊重自己不喜欢的人 尤其是我的对手 这种性格导致我焚毁了原本已经存在的人际关系桥梁 也失去了结交新人的机会 我不知该 怎么办 因此向一位智者讲述了我的问题 我探访了我的祖父 请他提出宝贵的建议 如何 驯服我的脾气 以

4、尊重的态度对待这个世界 他告诉我 问题在于我的内心 自我逃避是不 可能的 也是毫无意义的 After a considerable reflection on my life I decided to advance my mindset and made respect my new priority It was difficult to change myself at first but I did it because I knew that work at self improvement was not an easy thing It cost me a great deal

5、of effort and time Since I ve prioritized respect I noticed many positive changes in my life 对生活进行认真反思后 我决定改变心态 把尊重作为最重要的事 最初要改变自己非 常困难 但是我做到了 因为我知道 自我提高并非易事 这耗费了我大量的时间和努力精 力 自从把尊重放在首位之后 我发现我的生活发生了许多积极的改变 I think that respect is a powerful tool to deal with my enemies Moreover tensed relationships w

6、ith enemies help me grow and develop that makes me more mature and knowledgeable My respect is both my weapon and defense It doesn t give my enemies a chance to hurt my feelings because they lack reasons to do it 我认为 尊重是应对对手非常有力的工具 而且 与对手之间的紧密关系帮助我成长和 发展 让我更加成熟 更加博学 我的尊重既是武器 又是防御 尊重并未给对手伤害我感 情的机会 因为

7、他们没有理由这样做 Nowadays many people cannot realize this little but significant truth They waste nerves and time feeling hatred and harboring a grudge against others Negative thinking and destructive emotions usually bring sufferings and misery I think that the sooner people admit and realize this truth t

8、he quicker they ll learn to live with this world in accord I hope my life experiences will help you improve your life 现在 许多人难以意识到这个细微而重要的事实 他们浪费精力和时间 对他人饱含憎 恨情绪 消极的想法和破坏性的情绪总是会造成痛苦和煎熬 我认为 人们越快承认和意识 到事实 就越快学会如何在这个世界生存 我希望自己的生活经验能够帮你让生活变得更美 好 Respect is Not a Sign of Weakness 尊重不是软弱的标志 For a quite lon

9、g period of time different hesitations about respect captured my mind I was not used to yield or follow one s tastes I thought that my respect towards enemies would show that I wasn t strong enough Now I understand that I was mistaken 相当长一段时期 我的脑海里总是对关于尊重的做法犹豫不决 我不喜欢遵从或屈服于 别人的品味 我认为对对手的尊重会显得我不够强大 现在

10、我明白 我错了 My respect doesn t make me obliged to somebody When I feel complete antipathy towards my enemies I try to stay cold and emotionally neutral I believe that with the help of respect people can handle every situation It s a great pleasure for me to communicate with people and have relationships

11、 built on common respect They make me feel confident and contented 我的尊重不会让我向他人屈服 当我对对手非常反感时 我努力保持思想冷静 情感中 立 我相信 保持尊重的态度 人们可以处理任何情况 能够在互相尊重的前提下与人沟通 并建立关系对我来说是非常愉快的事 这让我感到自信而满足 I know that real weakness is to give way to negative emotions all the time and hurt everyone on your way It s important to st

12、art thinking efficiently If you cannot respect others then you should start from yourself 我知道 真正的软弱是一味让步于消极的情绪 伤害妨碍你的每一个人 开始有效地思 考非常重要 如果你不能尊重他人 那你应该从尊重自己做起 Every time I tried to understand myself I noticed that I was my own worst enemy Step by step I began treating myself with respect and when I be

13、came an absolutely confident person I reflected the feeling of respect on others even on my enemies 每次我试图了解自己的时候 我发现自己是最大的敌人 我开始逐步以尊重的态度对待 自己 当我变成绝对自信的人 我就把尊重的态度反射给他人 甚至我的对手 I Become More Experienced 我变得更有经验 Enemies like other life difficulties are wonderful teachers Everyone knows that people can e

14、xert either positive or negative influence on each other Unfortunately we tend to focus more on negative experiences than on positive life surprises Consequently we learn more lessons from unsuccessful situations 像生活中的其他困难一样 对手是很出色的老师 大家都知道 人们相互之间会产生积 极或消极的影响 不幸的是 我们总是更多地关注消极的经历 而不是积极的生活惊喜 因 此 我们能够从

15、失败的境遇中学到更多教训 Without a doubt nobody wants me to get into a trap like my enemies do I know it and I try to be more careful and tactful in my actions and words In other words enemies motivate me to develop without breaks in order to win the race I ve met a lot of people who were even grateful to their

16、 enemies because one day they had helped them reach their goals 毫无疑问 没有人像我的对手那样希望我陷入困境了 我深知这一点 因此我的言行更 加谨慎 更加机智 换言之 对手激励我为了赢得比赛而不断进步 我遇到过许多人甚至对 自己的对手表示感激 因为对手最终帮他们达到了目标 The same thing has happened to me a few times My former foreign language teacher was a private enemy of mine She was an extremely exigent and strict teacher who made me and my groupmates learn languages in a proper way We studied a lot of information day and night trying to achieve positive results It seemed that in those moments


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