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1、 前 言 此为中英对照版,奉献给您。 成功的钥匙NAPOLEON HILLS KEYS TO SUCCESS下面是节选。 在我们做的事情当中,有许多都受到感情的影响。由于 我们的感情可为我们带来伟大的成就,也可能使我们失败, 所以,我们必须了解,要控制自己的感情,首先应该做的是,了解对我们有刺激作用的感情有哪些?我们可将这些感 情分为七种消极和七种积极的情绪。Much of what we do is directed by our feelings.Since our feelings can lift us to great achievements or hurl us down to

2、defeat,we owe it to ourselves to understand and control them.The first step is to identify the feelings which motivate us.There are seven negative emotions and seven positive.七种消极情绪为:There seven negative emotions are: 1恐惧 Fear2仇恨 Hatred3愤怒 Anger4贪婪 Greed5嫉妒 Jealousy6报复 Revenge 7迷信 Superstition 七种积极情

3、绪为:The seven positive emotions are: 1爱 Love 2性 Sex3希望 Hope4信心 Faith5同情 Sympathy6乐观 Optimism7忠诚 Loyalty 以上14种情绪,正是你人生计划成功或失败的关键, 他们的组合,既能意义非凡,又能够混乱无章,完全由你决定。 These fourteen emotions are the letters of the alphabet with which you will write your plan for success or failure.They can be combined meaning

4、fully or chaotically.上面每一种情绪都和心态有关,这也就是为什么我一直强调心态的原因。这些情绪实际上就是个人心态的反映,而心态是你可以组织、引导和完全掌控的对象。为了达到组织、引导和掌控的目的,你必须控制你的思想,你必须对思想中产生的各种情绪抱持着警觉性,并且视其对心态的影响是好是坏而接受或拒绝。乐观会增强你的信心和弹性,而仇根会使你失去宽容和正义感。如果你无法控制自己情绪,你的一生将会因为不时的情绪冲动而受害。 回目录 将明确目标运用于工作将明确目标运用于工作Putting Definiteness of Purpose to Work使潜意识发挥作用,只是迈向成功的第一

5、步而已。如果 你不能说服他人与你合作,而且又无法遵守严格标准的话, 一样不会成功的,在后面几章中将详细说明这些标准。Making your subconscious work for you is only the first for many steps.You will not succeed if you cannot convince other people to cooperate with you and if you do not live in accordance with strict standards. Those standards form the remaind

6、er of this book.假设你已经设定了明确目标,接下来你可能会问:“在哪里可以得到执行计划所需要的资源?”But lets assume you have developed the necessary definitions of purpose.You are now likely to ask an obvious questuion:Where do I get resources to implement my plan?从贫穷到富有,第一步是最困难的。其中的关键,在于 你必须了解,所有财富和物质的获得,都必须先建立清晰且 明确的目标;当目标的追求变成一种执着时,你就会发现

7、, 你所有的行动都会带领你朝着这个目标迈进。The first step from poverty to riches is the most difficult.The key is to realize that all the riches and all the the material goods that you acquire through your own efforts begin with your having a clear,concise picture of what you seek. When that picture grows to be an obses

8、sion with you,you will find that your every action leads you toward its acquisition.卡内基就是一个很好的例子,当他决定要制造钢铁时,脑海中便不时闪现此一欲望,并变成他生命的动力。接着他 寻求一位朋友的合作,由于这位朋友深受卡内基执着力量的感动,便贡献自己的力量;这两个人的共同热忱,最后再说 服另外两个人加人行列。Andrew Carnegies life again provides an excellent examples.Once he knew he wanted to make steel,he fe

9、d that desire until it was the driving force in his life.He then turned to a friend,similarly broke but smart enough to recognize that value of his idea.Because he was impressed by the power of Carnegies obsession,the friend joined forces with Carnegie.Their combined enthusiasm was sufficient to con

10、vince two others.这四个人最后形成卡内基王国的核心人物,他们组成了一个智囊团(请参阅下一章),他们四个人筹足了为达到目 标所需要的资金,而最后他们每个人也都成为巨富。These four people became the nucleus of Carnegies empire.They formed a mastermind group,the subject of the next chapter.Together they were able to find the capital necessary to pursue Carnegies obsession,and e

11、ach of them made vast fortune as result.但这四个人的成功关键并不只是“辛勤工作”而已,你 可能也发现到,有些人和你一样辛勤工作甚至比你更努 力但却没有成功。教育也不是关键性的因素,华尔顿从 来没有拿过罗德奖学金,但是他嫌的钱,比所有念过哈佛大 学的人都多。It was not sheer hard work that made these men successful.You probably know several people who work as hard as you do at anything they try-perhaps even

12、harder than you-and are never successful.Education isnt the reason either.Sam Walton never won a Rhodes scholarship,but he made more money than anyone who ever studied Oxford.伟大的成就,是得自对积极的心态的了解和运用,无论你做任何一件事,你的心态都会给你一定的力量。抱持着积极心态,意味着你的行为和思想有助于目标的 达成;而抱持消极心态,则意味你的行为和思想不断地抵消 你所付出的努力。当你将欲望变成执着时,并且设定明确目标

13、的同时,也应该建立并发挥你的积极心态。但是设定明确目标和建立积极心态,并不表示你马上就 能得到你所需要的资源,你得到这些资源的速度,须视需要范围的大小,以及你控制心境使其免于恐惧、怀疑和自我设 限的情形而定。Great success id the result of ones understanding and using a positive mental attitude.You mental attitude gives power to everything you do.Having a positive mental attitude means that your action

14、s and thoughts further your end;having negative mental attitude means that you are constantly understanding your own efforts.As you build your desire into an obsession and develop your positive mental attitude.It would be foolish to suppose that having developed your definiteness of purpose and PMA,

15、you will immediately find that you have the resources you need.The speed at which you acquire these will depend on the size of your needs and on the control you exercise to keep your mind free of fear,doubt,and self-imposed limitations.如果你只需要1万美金来实现你的明确目标,可能在很 短的时间内就筹得;但是,如果是100万美金,可能就得花 较长的时间了。If y

16、ou need ten thousand dollars for your definite major purpose,you may be able to marshal it in a few days or even hours by impressing others with the quality of your enthusiasm and vision.If you require one million dollars,its likely to take longer.在此一过程的一项重要变数是,你要拿什么来交换这1 万或100万美金,提供相对服务或其他等价值得时间,对取得资源的速度快慢也


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