六年级英语上册 Unit 6(1)教案 湘少版.doc

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1、How tall are you教学目标:知识目标:1.使学生能听、说、读、写有关比较级的单词older、younger 、shorter、taller 、stronger。2.知道than是比较的意思,than前面要用形容词比较级(v-er)。3.了解cm、kg分别表示长度和重量单位,并知道它们的读音,会回答句型:How tall are you? How heavy are you?能力目标:1.使学生初步掌握比较级的用法及句型。2.使学生知道形容词比较级变化的一般规律。3.使学生能在一定的情境中自觉运用所学新知识。情感目标:培养学生分析观察能力,知道要关爱身边的人,爱父母要从生活中的小事

2、做起。教具准备:图片、卷尺、课件,录音。教学过程:一、问候谈话Hello,boys and girls .Im Miss Jin, hello, boys and girls.( Hello,Miss jin.) Im very glad to give you this lesson. Im your new teacher, so I want to know something about you.(对学生A) Hello,whats your name? Nice to meet you?(对学生B)Hi,Whats your name?How old are you? How do

3、you go to shool?(对学生C)Hello, whats your name? Whats the weather like today?(对学生D)Hi, whats your name? How old are you? What does your father do? Whats he like?(对全体学生)Whos your math teacher? Whats she like ?Whos your English teacher ?Whats she like ?Boys and girls ,Do you like chant? Now Lets chant .

4、Lets do ,please stand up. 1.Lets do 师生吟唱做动作Great,you do a good job.Are you happy? I have some pictures ,Do you want to see ?Whats he like?2.课件出示图片复习单词old young tall short srongYou are very clever. I love you, so I want to tell you a sicrit. I have a best friend, he has big eyes ,short hair,he is ver

5、y tall and strong .He is handsome. Can you guess who is he ?二、新授1.教学Im_cm tall. Shes/hes _cm tall.请上这位同学He is my friend, Is he tall ?Do you know how tall is he?给学生量身高Lets see. Oh, He is_cm tall.板书句子Cm = centimeter Can you tell your classmate, how tall are you? (Im_cm tall板书) Thank you, go back to yo

6、ur seat.对全体学生 How tall are you ? How tall is she/he?找几个同学练习2.教学taller shorter请上一高一矮两个同学You come here to the front. How tall are you?How tall is she/he?Look at them ,Is he tall? Yes ,I think he is taller .Do you know taller ? 板书taller 领读 Look who is taller? Yes _ is taller than_ .板书此句型Who is taller?练

7、习几组指两个同学Yes, he is taller and I think he is shorter.Anderstand me? Who is shorter?板书shorter领读Ok ,Lets practice with this sentence partten. Use shorter taller.Are you clear?出示鲍喜顺和开伦Look at this picture. Can you make some sentences?3.教学You are shorter than your brother.出示我和我弟弟图片Boys and girls ,Look, c

8、an you guess who are they?Yes, He is my brother and this is me .Who can compare my brother and me ?(Your brother is taller than you.)(You are shorter than your brother.)板书领读Thats all for my brother and me.4.教学older younger出示图片Oh ,there is a beautifull girl. She is my best student . You are my best s

9、tudent too. Can you guess how old is she ?Look, She is 10 years old, Are you right?Look at This woman, guess how old is she ?She is 30 years old.Who is older?板书older 领读 Yes ,the woman is older than the girl. Do you know young ?can you tell me who is younger?(The girl is younger than the woman.)板书you

10、nger领读课件出示In my family,my father is 57 ,my mother is 55. I have an aunt ,my aunt is younger than my father and older than my mother,can you guess how old is she? Can you say something about your family ? Practice in your groups? 学生练习Who want to say ?5.教学strongerThis time Ill introuduce another man.

11、Look Whats he like ?Who can change strong into this form? Can you write on the blackboard?Oh , you look very strong, he kooks very strong , yes? I think Im strong .But Who is stronger he or I? Lets play a game .If you think he is stronger than me please say “_,stronger”,If you think I am stronger th

12、an he say “teacher,stronger”,anderstand me?Do you like this game? Do you want to play this game?Ok ,Lets play ,begain.学生掰手腕Who is stronger?三、巩固练习1.打开书跟读单词Just now ,we learn some new words and some sentence.Lets open your books turn to page4, listen to the tape,read after it.This time read by yoursel

13、f. Who want to read?2.学生活动自由说话Do you want to use these words make sentence?Ok say some thing with your classmate.Who want to say ?Boys and girls ,Youre great ,I love you very much. Look here,I give you some homework.Lets remember them. Ok times up .Thats all for this lesson. Please stand up ,face to the teachers, Lets say goodbye .Good bye, boys and girls. 四、作业Have a look at the things and people around you and describe them. Use “younger older taller shorter stronger”make some sentences.(比一比身边的人和事,用younger older taller shorter stronger写句子3


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