高中英语 Unit1 The phantom of the opera-listeningspeaking&ampamp;writing教案 牛津上海版S1B.doc

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《高中英语 Unit1 The phantom of the opera-listeningspeaking&ampamp;writing教案 牛津上海版S1B.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit1 The phantom of the opera-listeningspeaking&ampamp;writing教案 牛津上海版S1B.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Chapter1. The Phantom of the OperaListening, Speaking, Using English, Writing一、章节分析 (Section Analysis ) (一) 综述 本章节是语言运用部分。通过听,说,写方面的训练,提高学生语言词汇方面的能力,加强他们运用语言知识来表达思想感情的能力。教会学生实用的应用文的使用,学会填写各类表格。(二)目标Listening 帮助学生学会用outline的格式进行笔记形式的纪录Speaking 帮助学生学会在各种情况下,以恰当的语言进行小组讨论,学会如何引入各类不同话题,并在小组成员各种不同的表现的情况下,

2、顺利地引导讨论的进行,并最终得出讨论的结论。Using English 帮助学生学习实用的应用文的使用,学会填写各类表格。在日常生活中,能毫无困难地准确填写各类表格。Writing 1 学会看清各幅图画所要表达的意思以及图画之间的联系。2 学会列出写作的plan,并能有连贯性。3 能够完整,连贯,生动地完成一个故事的叙述。(三)重点和难点Listening 确保学生掌握如下词汇:Page 6: concert, conductor, choir, musician, piano, orchestra Page 21: harbour, architect, auditorium, multi-

3、storey, reservation, premium, restrict帮助学生知道:the Royal Academy of Music, the HK Philharmonic OrchestraSpeaking 学会在小组成员表现各异的情况下顺利引导讨论的进行,并掌握一些有用的句型。Using English 学会填写献血表格和订票表格,并学会看剧院的座位及场次安排。Writing 根据提示写出连贯生动的故事。二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Listening l 材料的整合:将课本第6页和课本第21页上的听力材料整合。两份材料都是培养

4、学生抓关键词汇的能力。l Pre-listening 在听之前,创设环境,要求学生明确听力任务(recognize key words),扫清在听力材料中出现的困难词汇(concert, conductor, choir, musician, piano, orchestra),提高听的效果。 l While-listening诱发兴趣,增强听的动力。l Post-listening 要求学生小组活动,找一份人物或者建筑物的介绍,一人给出提纲,并朗读,其余人进行记录,看是否能抓住主要内容。具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接1。牛津英语教学参考Page 5, Page20Speaking 学生在平时

5、的小组活动中,确实容易有不同的反应和表现。作为group leader,适当地进行引导,调整,以顺利地围绕主题,完成讨论的任务,得出结论,是非常重要的。课本提供了在开始讨论时,讨论中,及讨论结束时的句型,用语及注意要点,会使学生有清晰的概念,如何来lead a discussion。课后的练习也是层层深入,从单个情况的处理,到整个对话的进行,让学生循序渐进,逐渐适应小组讨论的模式。Using English 这2张表格的内容都比较多。要求学生首先要看懂表格的每个栏目分别要求填写的是什么,然后,仔细阅读课本提供的情景,根据需要,填写表格。尤其是第二张订票表格,学生还需要看懂节目场次的时间安排表格

6、,价目表以及座位安排图。然后才根据课本提供的情景,选择合适的节目场次和座位,完成表格的填写。旧版本的Step by Step第26课,也是对剧院座位,节目安排,及票务的预定的介绍和练习。(听力练习)Writing l 看清各幅图画所要表达的意思以及图画之间的联系。l 课本已经列出写作的plan,学生要学习写作前列plan的习惯。l 恰当使用课本提供的短语,完整,连贯,生动地完成一个故事的叙述。l 注意细节,情绪等的描写能为文章增色。l 可以在写作完成后,进行小组的交流,以获得更多信息。l 可以分小组,将所写的故事整合并表演出来。具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接2。链接1说明: 建议听说结合:在说

7、的基础上,引入听的内容,要求学生掌握note-taking的技巧。Listening 1 Pre-listening (page 6) 1) Get familiar with the new words (concert, conductor, choir, musician, piano, orchestra, harbour, architect, auditorium, multi-storey, reservation, premium, restrict, the Royal Academy of Music, the HK Philharmonic Orchestra).2) I

8、ntroduce the task to the students, that is , to recognize the key words; to learn to take notes 2 While listening 1) According to the outline, guess what information you are going to fill in the blanks.2) Listen to the passage, and fill in the blanks. See if you had the right idea before.3) Tell the

9、 students this is the introduction of a person, and there is another article about a construction-page 21. Do the listening.3 Post-listening After the listening , ask students to find some descriptive articles and work in groups, the group leader offer the outline of the article, and then read it to

10、 the whole group. The group members try their best to write down some key words. 链接2说明: 通过这一部分的学习,让学生学会看清各幅图画所要表达的意思以及图画之间的联系,能列出写作的plan,养成写作前列plan的习惯。WritingStep One Pre-writing - to introduce the rules of writing a story.l Students should first review the text of “the phantom of the opera”, knowin

11、g how a love story happens and goes on.l Students should find out the clue of the story as well as the answer to the wh- words.l Students look at page 18 and understand what the pictures are talking about, knowing the connections between each picture.l According to the plan offered on page 19, stude

12、nts should have a better understanding of the pictures.Step Two While-writing l Students should follow the plan and write the story with the useful phrases offered on page 19.l Students should pay special attention to the connection of each picture and use some connective words.l Students should als

13、o pay attention to the details, eg. The numbers of the ticket. l Students should have the imaginative thinking. Try to describe the thoughts and mood of the two characters.Step Three Post-writingl Students read out their articles in groups, trying to get new ideas from others. l Students may act their stories.- 4 -用心 爱心 专心


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