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1、(广西地区)2017版中考英语总复习第一轮课本考点聚焦考点跟踪突破15八下Modules7-8外研版考点跟踪突破15八年级(下)Modules 78一、单项选择。1My mother bought _B_ for my brother.(2016,钦州)Atwo pair trousersBtwo pairs of trousersCtwo pairs trousers Dtwo pair of trousers2Some people think its the parents job to _C_ their children _ a clean and comfortable envir

2、onment at home.(2016,玉林)Aoffer,to Boffer;withCprovide;with Dprovide;to3Its getting dark.Youd better _A_ out by yourself.Its dangerous.(2016,宜宾)Anot go Bnot to goCto go4Tina doesnt like meat _A_ eggs. Shes afraid to be heavy.(2016,湘西)A. orB. andC. but5Are you going to have a part time job during the

3、summer vacation?Yes.I dont think I should always _D_ my parents since Ive grown up.(2016,襄阳)Afight against Bargue withChear from Ddepend on6Dont _C_ any more time,or we will miss the meeting.(2016,天津)Asave Btrust Cwaste Dlove7“right” and “write” sound the same,_A_ they do not mean the same thing.(20

4、16,扬州)Abut Bif Cso Dor8Can you catch what I said?Sorry,I can _D_ understand it because you speak very quickly.(2016,滨州)Aalmost Bprobably Cmostly Dhardly9The sofa is so large that it_A_ half of the room area.(2016,潍坊) Atakes up Bpicks upCturns up Dputs up10My friends are going to different schools,bu

5、t I hope we will _D_ with each other.Ago back Bgrow upChave a word Dstay in touch11Look,_D_ is dancing under the tree.Oh,thats my cousin,Anna.(2017,柳州预测)Aeverybody BanybodyCnobody Dsomebody12Would you like some cakes,Allen?Yes,please.And I also want some water.Im so _D_!Alazy Bhungry Csleepy Dthirst

6、y二、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示填写单词。13There are different cultures (文化) in different countries.14We all regard that friendship (友谊) is the most important in the world.15The total (总的)number of our classroom is 42.16The sun shines brightly.Lets take our sunglasses (太阳镜)17Humans (人类)should protect the Earth.18There

7、are so many clocks here.They are in different colours,sizes and shapes19Tomorrow is Sunday.Dont wake me up too early.20If you eat less calories (卡路里) than you burn,youll lose weight21If you work hard,you will make great progress22Some people prefer listening to music to watching TV.三、完形填空。(2016,新疆)Y

8、ou may think there is only sand in the desert (沙漠) of the world,_23_ it is not true.In the desert,as we know,there is a little _24_,but it is not _25_ for most plants.Still we can see some plants live in the desert.There is _26_ in some places in the desert.We call these places oases (绿洲)In the oase

9、s,there are villages and town.People grow all kinds of crops in the fields there.People _27_ live outside the oases.They have camels,sheep and other animals.There animals depend on the desert plants for their food and do not need _28_ water.The animals are useful to the desert people in many ways.Th

10、ey eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals.They use the camels for carrying water,food,tents and something else.The people of the desert have to keep moving from place to place.They must always _29_ grass or desert plants for their animals.When there is no more food for their animals,they mov

11、e to _30_ place.The desert people are _31_No man in the desert would ever _32_ to help the people in trouble and give them food and water.( B )23.A.and Bbut Cor Dso( A )24.A.rain Brains Cwind Dwinds( C )25.A.well enough Benough wellCgood enough Denough good( D )26.A.sand Bplants Cwoods Dwater( A )27

12、.A.also Btoo Ceither Dstill( C )28.A.a little Btoo manyCtoo much Dsome( B )29.A.look at Blook forClook up Dlook after( D )30.A.other Bthe otherCothers Danother( C )31.A.well Bfriend Cfriendly Dcarefully( B )32.A.agree Brefuse Cpromise Dwant四、阅读理解。(2016,山西)Emma has just finished travelling alone in E

13、urope.Are you interested in her journey?Lets read some of her travel diaries.33Emma was looking forward to this travel because _B_.Ashe had never taken a train ride beforeBshe could do anything she liked on the journeyCshe hoped to keep herself away from the busy life34From the passage,we can know S

14、alzburg is a great place for _A_Aenjoying classical musicBbuying childrens booksCvisiting history museums35In Amsterdam,she _B_Aclimbed the beautiful mountainsBtravelled along the river in a boatCwrote some postcards in her hotel36She didnt need to worry about her safety in Copenhagen because _A_Ath

15、ere was very little crime thereBthe city was full of friendly peopleCshe thought she was careful enough37We can know that _C_ from the passage.AEmma has little interest in artBEmma is a brave but careless girlCEmmas journeys were enjoyable and special.五、书面表达。假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Steven发来一封电子邮件,询问你的暑假计划,请根据以下表格提示,给他回复。


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