2012届高三英语二轮复习 专题07 阅读理解叙事类专题卷.doc

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1、2012届高三二轮复习专题七考试范围:阅读理解叙事类阅读理解(共8篇)(1)James Jablon thought of a creative way to raise money for the animal shelter he runs: He is spending the entire month of January living with his two African lions, Lea and EdAnimals at Floridas Wildlife Rehabilitation of Hernando County have been either deserted

2、 by their families or hurt in the wild, making it difficult for them to survive on their ownJablon, his 13-year-old daughter Chelsey, and a team of volunteers help the animals so that someday they can return to the wildJablon opened the shelter more than 11 years agoWhen the shelter first opened, Ja

3、blon focused mostly on species that are native to Florida such as turtles, owls, and alligators(短吻鳄)But soon many foreign animals needed care too, including lemurs, tigers, a type of South American raccoon called a coatimundi(长鼻浣熊), and even an Australian wallaby(沙袋鼠)named WallyHelping so many diffe

4、rent animals costs a lot of money, and Jablon thought this method would get people to donate to the shelter“I was looking for a way to raise funds to help the animals, and I am constantly struggling to look at what makes them happy,”Jablon says,“So I thought living with them for a month would help b

5、oth causes”Living with lions is dangerous, but Jablon feels safe because Lea and Ed are still very young, and they have known him for most of their livesLea is 18 months old, and Ed is only 10 months oldThe cubs(幼兽)love to play with each other and their funny human friend“Every time I bend over, the

6、ir teeth tear my pants right off,”Jablon says,“Ive been through six pairs already”Jablon has been sleeping on a pile of hay next to where the cubs sleepHes built a nest in one of the trees, where hes safe from harm in case things get dangerousBut Jablon is not that worried1It can be inferred from Pa

7、ragraph 3 that AJablon preferred native animals to foreign ones Bmany foreigners dont want to sent their pets to Jablons shelter Canimals from foreign countries were fiercer than native onesDsome native people raised pets coming from foreign countries2The underlined words“this method”in Paragraph 4

8、may refer to Aliving with the young lions Bopening a shelter for animalsClooking after foreign animals Dmaking people happy3Why did Jablon dare to live with the young lions?ABecause he wore thick clothes BBecause they werent old enoughCBecause he bent their teeth DBecause he was kind to them4What sa

9、fe measures did Jablon take?ATo play with the young lions most of the dayBTo sleep next to the young lions on a pile of hayCTo build a nest in one of the treesDTo prepare a lot of fresh meat for the young lions(2)Twenty-five-year-old Rick Aggeler says he discovers early in life that music is magic a

10、nd it makes him feel as if anything is possibleAt the age of seven, a medical condition required him to have a brain operationIt also prevented him from playing sportsHis mother suggested that he learn to play the drums insteadSo Rick Aggeler started playing the drums with Ronit Glick, his elementar

11、y(初学)teacherRick Aggeler still remembers the joy it brought to himIt was his favorite thingSixth grade was a new school to him and he had a hard time in getting along with other kidsAnd Ms.Glick just took him in and he had so much fun at the programIt just felt great all the timeRick Aggeler graduat

12、ed from the Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts, in two thousand sevenWhile there, he volunteered as a music teacher at a youth center in the Dorchester neighborhood of BostonHe helped create a small music club within the centerThe Music Clubhouse at the Blue Hill Boys and Girls Club q

13、uickly grewYoung people come to the Music Clubhouse after school and during the summer vacationThe club provides a safe environment to learn to play instruments and to perform together in bandsFourteen-year-old Javon Martin joined the Music Clubhouse three years agoIt has affected my life in a big w

14、ay because he never thought he would be doing thisThey now give shows in many placesPeople start to see him as an artistTen-year-old Akheylah Hunter joined the club last yearNow, she plays the piano and sings in a bandWhat she likes best is performingThey perform in different places like at Berklee

15、College of MusicThey go on trips and got on the stage to performIt is very funThe Music Clubhouse opened three years ago and has served almost five hundred young peopleRick Aggeler says preparing and performing is good for them1Young Rick Aggeler couldnt play sports because Ahe had no playmates Bhe was not willing to Che had a brain operation Dhis parents didnt allow him to 2Why did Rick Aggeler have a hard time in the sixth grade?AHe was slow in his lessons BHe moved into a new schoolCThe teacher was strict with him DHis classmates played jokes on him


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