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1、.J I A N G S U U N I V E R S I T Y本 科 毕 业 论 文R801飞锤的4孔组合钻床设计The designantion of a combination drilling machine for R801flyweght学院名称: 京江学院 专业班级: 机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名: 袁堃 指导教师姓名: 葛涛 指导教师职称: 讲师 2013年 5 月飞锤4孔组合钻床设计的意义专业班级:机械0902 学生姓名:袁堃指导老师:葛涛 职称:讲师摘要 本文首先通过分析比较,确定了4孔单工位组合钻床的配置型式及结构的最佳方案,遵循机械设计中标准化、通用化、系列化原

2、则, 给出机床的总体设计,绘制出代表机床总体设计的被加工零件工序图、加工示意图、机床联系尺寸图和生产率计算卡。对本机床的关键部分:主轴箱和夹具的结构进行了创新设计。由于在本台组合钻床上髓同时加工4个孔,孔多、间距小,采用常规方法排箱无法实现4孔的工序集中的加工方案。本钻床的主轴箱传动系统通过采用变位齿轮和滚针轴承等结构方面的创新设计,将常规方法下不能完成的排箱成为可能。本台组合钻床夹紧机构,采用了快速螺旋夹紧机构。减少了装卸零件所用时间,提高了生产效率。本文从企业实际需求出发。在全面分析被加工零件的结构特点、尺寸精度、被加工孔相互之间位置精度、表面粗糙度和技术要求的基础上,指出采用现有设备不仅

3、工人劳动强度大,生产率低,而且零件加工精度难以保证。根据实际需要,研制出了4孔单工位组合钻床。按上述设计方案制造出的4孔单工位组合钻床与原方案加工工件的实验结相比较,有以下几个突出的优点:1 提高了加工精度在普通钻床上加工,由于是采用多工步,各孔的位置精度不易保证,废品率一般在2:采用4孔组合钻床,因为在设计的每一个环节,都严格控制设计零件的精度,且是多刀同时加工,所加工出的零件位置精度均在要求范围内,废品率为0。通过实际运行结果证明:该4孔单工位组合钻床确实达到了“体积小,重量轻,结构简单,使用方便,效率高,质量好”的要求。既大大减轻了工人的劳动强度,又给厂家带来了可观的经济效益。2. 提高

4、了生产率在本台组合钻床上加工该零件,由于是8把刀具同时加工,缩短了辅助时间,加工循环时间仅为27min,而在原普通钻床上加工此工件,加工循环时间平均需要15分钟,生产率提高了46倍。关键词: 组合钻床 主轴箱 夹具设计 传动设计The meaning of the designation of a combination drilling machine for R801flyweghtABSTRACT In view of the actual conditions of enterprises and on the basis of overall analyzing workpiece

5、structure features,accuracy of size,surface roughness,accuracy of distance between drilled holes and other technical requirements,this article points out that the existing equipments used to manufacture workpieces may result in lower productivity,greater intensity of labor and worse working accuracy

6、Therefore,it is necessary to develop a new type of 4 hole single working position combination drilling machineThrough analysis and comparison,the article has determined the best project of the structure and the disposition of the 4 holes combination drilling machineAccording to the principle of stan

7、dardization,generalization and serialization in machine design,the article offers the master design of the drilling machine,the process drawing of workpiece,the working diagram,the connection dimensional drawing of the drilling machine and the calculating card of productivityIn some key parts of the

8、 drilling machine,there are certain new designs on the structure of the spindle box and the fixtureWith 4 hole drilled simultaneously on the drilling machine,in addition to dispersive arrangement of hole position,the 4 holes drilling program cannot be completed in conventional wayIn the transmission

9、 system of 4 hole drilling machine are used some new structural designs such as pin bearings and position-changeable gears,so that the arrangement of hole position,which cannot be finished in conventional way,can be accomplishedThe combination drilling machine is applied a fast spiral pinch machiner

10、y whose features are not only shortens the time consumed in loading and unloading workpiece but also enhances productivityAfter the experimental result of the new type of 4 hole combination drilling machine is compared with the one of the original working program,there are followingprominent advanta

11、ges:1Improving working accuracyThereject rate of workpiece cut on the general-purpose drilling machine usually reaches to 2 because of its multistep working procedure,so it is difficult to secure the spacing accuracy of every holeYet the 4 hole combination drilling machine may reach to 0This is beca

12、use the working accuracy of workpiece is strictly controlled at each design point and the spacing accuracy of workpiece cut by multitool is limited within thedesired scopeThe result checked through actual operation proves that the 4 hole combination drilling machine really meets the requirement of“s

13、mall in volume,light in weight,simple in structure,convenient in use,high in efficiency and excellent in quality”This type of drilling machine reduces the labor strength largely and brings enterprises huge economic benefits,either2Enhancing productivityIf the workpiece is cut with 4 drills on the co

14、mbination drilling machine,the auxiliary time would be shortened and the working cycle time would be limited within 27minOn the other hand,if the workpiece is cut on the general-purpose drilling machine,its working cycle time would take 15min on an average,the productivity would increase by 46 timesKey Words:Combination drilling machine Design of transmission systemSpindle box Design of fixture目录第一章 绪论111 论文背景及研究意义112 组合机床发展概况1121组合机床的由来1122组合机床技术装备现状与发展趋势113 本文研究的主要内容2第二章 4孔钻床总体设计321 4孔单工位组合钻床工艺方案的制定322 4孔组合钻床配置型式及结构方案的确定323 主要参数的计算4231确定切削用量,计算各主轴转速4232 确定切削力F、切



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