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1、安庆二中2016届高三年级最后一卷安庆二中2016届高三年级最后一卷第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)第1节 (共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AInternational Studies (BA) Key features Recognizes the global community (国际社会) Has close connections with practical research Much of the teaching is done in small discussion g

2、roupsAbout the course The course gives you chances to know great power polities between nation states. It will provide morespace to study particular issues such as relationship among countries in the European Union, third worlddebt, local and international disagreement, and the work of such internat

3、ional bodies as the United Nations,the European Union, NATO, and the World Bank. The course puts theories into the working of the international system with close attention to particularcountries. You will also have a better knowledge of methods of solving the international problems. Related (相关的) co

4、urses BA (Hons) Community Management BA (Hons) Public Policy and Management Employment possibilities International organizations International business Earth Science (BSc) Key features Based on key courses and the latest research findings Pays much attention to practical skills Offers chances for fi

5、eldwork (实地考察)About the course The demand for natural resources is becoming an increasingly serious problem for the future of mankind.Graduates in Earth Science will play an important role in meeting this demand, and in knowing the meaningof using the natural resources. The course covers geography a

6、nd geology. You will carry out fieldwork in the UK and possibly overseas,and a research in an area of interest to you in the final year. Related courses BSc (Hons) Geograhpy BSc (Hons) Geology Employment possibilities Mineral, oil, water or other related engineering industries21.International Studie

7、sis a course in _.A. international businessB. international politiesC. international systemsD. international bodies22. After taking the course ofInternational Studies, the students will _.A. know how to settle international problemsB. have a greater ability to discuss theoriesC. become practical and

8、 open-mindedD. have good jobs in any international organizations23.Earth Science, as described in the second text, _.A. is attractive because of the chances for fieldworkB. pays more attention to practical skills than theoriesC. is built on important courses and the results of recent studiesD. encou

9、rages students to play a role in using natural resourcesBWhen we were growing up,my mom focused most of her energy on the organization like the church,the school or the community.I remember her comment whenever I complained about the volunteer activities.”Its for the church.”Or”Its for the school.”S

10、o my brother ran the sound equipment for the schools annual Christmas play,my dad made bean soup for the churchs summer festival,and I spent days reorganizing the elementary school library at the end of each school year.How could anyone dare to refuse? Each demand was accompanied by that unspoken qu

11、estion,”If you dont do it ,who will?”For my mother,volunteering was like breathing or cleaning out the closets each spring.If it needed to be done and you were able to do it,you did it.Now as an adult and mother of three children,I have raised my hand at more meeting than I care to count.As a Girl S

12、cout leader,I spent my Thursday evening with sixteen energetic Brownies.I baked dozens of cookies to raise money for the school gardening club.I f I didnt do it,who would?That little question has also encourage me to take action in other aspects of my life when I would have preferred to just stay in

13、 bed.If I dont cut fat ,add calcium(钙),and exercise,who will? If I dont turn off TV programs that are inappropriate for my children for my children,who will?Sometimes what comes with that question seems overwhelming(压倒性的).How easy it would be to turn the responsibility of life over to those we all l

14、ove to reply on:”them”.Let “them”worry about endangered whales,Let “them”pick up roadside garbage.Let “them”serve on the school board.But that isnt what my mother taught me.If I can do it,I believe I should do it. After all,if I dont, who will?24. What can we learn from the first paragraph?_ A.The a

15、uthors father had the biggest power in the family. B.The authors mother cared more about others than her own family. C.The authors mother influenced her family greatly in volunteering. D.The authors family always happily did volunteering.25. What does the authors mother think of volunteering?_ A.It is a big challenge. B.It is a natural thing. C.It is a sign of ability. D.It takes up too much time.26. For the author,”If you dont d


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