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1、(全国通用)2017版高考英语二轮复习考前三个月专题一阅读理解细做模拟试题,题型分类突破(六)主旨大意之文章大意题主旨大意之文章大意题AOur “Mommy and Me” time began two years ago.My nextdoor neighbor and fellow mother,Christie,and I were out in our front yards,watching seven children of age 6 and under ride their bikes up and down.“I wish I could take one of my chi

2、ldren out alone,” said Christie.Then we worked out a plan:When Christie takes one of her children out,Ill watch her other three children.And when she watches two of mine,Ill take someone out.The children were extremely quick to accept the idea of “Mommy and Me” time.Christies daughter,McKenzie,went

3、first.When she returned,the other children showered her with tons of questions.McKenzie was smiling broadly.Christie looked refreshed and happy.“Shes like a different child when theres no one else around,” Christie shared with me quietly.With her mother all to herself,McKenzie didnt have to make an

4、effort to gain attention.Just as Christie had noticed changes in McKenzie,I also discovered something different in each of my children during our alone times.For example,I am always surprised when my daughter,who is seldom close to me,holds my hand frequently.My stuttering(口吃) son,Tom,doesnt stutter

5、 once during our activities since he doesnt have to struggle for a chance to speak.And the other son,Sam,whos always a follower when around other children shines as a leader during our times together.The “Mommy and Me” time allows us to be simply alone and away with each childtalking,sharing,and lau

6、ghing,which has been the biggest gain.Every child deserves(应得到) to be an only child at least once in a while.语篇解读本文叙述了我和Christie进行的the “Mommy and Me”活动以及这项活动给每个孩子带来的改变。1What is the text mainly about?AThe experience of the only child being with mother.BThe advantage of spending time with one child at

7、 a time.CThe happy life of two families.DThe basic needs of children.答案B解析主旨大意题。根据全文特别是文章最后一段的内容可知,“Mommy and Me”这个活动让每个孩子都得到了独生子女的待遇,让他们都得到了更多获得父母关爱的机会。故B项正确。2Right after McKenzie came back,the other children were .Ahappy BcuriousCregretful Dfriendly答案B解析细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“When she returned,the other c

8、hildren showered her with tons of questions.”可知,当McKenzie回来以后,其他的孩子非常好奇,想知道妈妈带她出去干什么了。故B项正确。3What is one of the changes the author finds in her children?AThe daughter acts like a leader.BSam holds her hand more often.CThe boys become better followers.DTom has less difficulty in speaking.答案D解析细节理解题。根

9、据第四段第三句“My stuttering(口吃) son,Tom,doesnt stutter once during our activities since he doesnt have to struggle for a chance to speak.”可知,曾经口吃的Tom在和作者独处时不口吃了。故D项正确。BHollywood is on the edge of a nervous breakdown.Worried about an industry wide writers strike,struck by a series of theaterchain bankruptc

10、ies(破产),burdened with unreasonable corporate profit,requirements and seemingly incapable of producing consistently creative movies,the American film industry is in a period of soulsearching.Theres little doubt that it will survive this crisis.But most insiders agree there is disease at both ends of

11、the businesswhere films are produced,and where theyre shownthat may take years to overcome.While annual boxoffice income increases for nine straight years,largely due to increased ticket prices,the number of actual tickets sold declined for the second year in a row.The construction boom has added ne

12、arly 10,000 theaters(more than 200,000 more seats) in the last five years.But due to a static(静止的) audience base,eight major chains have gone into bankruptcy and several others are in terrible financial situations.In fact,insiders say,Hollywood is now in a business it does not want to be in.“Theres

13、a general problem in that the companies that have the most consistent output of material are least interested in what theyre making,” says former 20th Century Fox CEO,Bill.And,Bill adds,“Were in a period where movies are getting bigger and more costly and less interesting and fulfilling to an audien

14、ce.”Today the studios are under the stress to increase profit margins(营业利润) for their corporate parents,and profit margins are hard to control in a business whose products are seen as impulse buys(即兴购买)Other business can increase profits by cutting costsbuying cheaper material,or making the candy ba

15、r smaller.Not Hollywood.“What were cutting is risk,” says the head of one major studio,who asked not to be named,“And risk is what great film has always demanded.” While the studios are avoiding risky concepts,their competitors in the home entertainment business have been expanding the boundaries of

16、 the imagination.It was this pressurein electronic games,the Internet,EVDsthat forced the movie theater chains into a selfdestructive craze of expansion.4Which of the following is NOT the worry of the American film industry according to the passage?ATheaterchain bankruptcy.BLack of the advertisement funds.CThe stress to increase corporate profit.DB


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