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1、(江苏专用)2016届高考英语一轮复习Unit2Language课时跟踪检测A卷(必修3)Language课时跟踪检测A卷.单项填空1(2015合肥一中模拟)He is one of my previous students and always comes to see me whenever _.Ahe is convenientBhe will be convenientCit is convenient to himDit will be convenient to him2(2015常州中学3月月考)A medical team of PLA, _ of 30 people from

2、 the 302 Military Hospital of the PLA, has been sent to fight Ebola in Africa.AconsistsBconsistedCconsisting Dbeing consisted3(2015南京二模)As we can see, online shopping has made a great _ to the development of express delivery industry. Acontribution BprogressCinvention Dprotection 4(2015永州二模)The news

3、 that he _ in the election, which is broadcast repeatedly on the television, is not true. Ahas been defeated Bhad been defeatedCis being defeated Dwill be defeated5(2015徐州高三一模)If you find yourself in _ situation where there is no one to take _ control of an aggressive dog, you should try to leave th

4、e area slowly to avoid being attacked.Aa; the B. a; /Cthe; the Dthe; /6(2015江苏盐城高三入学考试)Finally, the young explorer, through a series of lucky accidents, arrived at _ was socalled the valley of death by the locals. Awhich BwhereCthat Dwhat 7(2015浏阳一中高三一模)His favorite food is fried snacks and soft dri

5、nks._ is no wonder that he was almost out of breath after the 100meter race.AHere BItCAs DWhat8The Senior Three students are all working hard to get a qualification _ continuing to study in university. Asticking to Bleading toCturning to Dreferring to9(2015苏州高三调研) How was the journey? Tiring! All th

6、e seats in the train _. I stood all the way.Awere occupied Bwould be occupiedCwould occupy Dhad occupied10(2015杭州高三质检)The celebration will start soon. _, please remain seated.AHowever BBesidesCInstead DTherefore11(2015泰州高三质检)Though working outside, he is always _ about his aging mother at home.Asati

7、sfied BconcernedCpleased Dexcited12(2015苏南高三联考)Today I put my foot in my mouth before my teacher, _ really made me _.Awho; embarrass Bthat; embarrassed Cwhich; embarrassed Dwhich; embarrassing13(2015连云港高三调研)All of a sudden, he stood directly,_ his ideas to the people present at the meeting.Ato repre

8、sent BrepresentingCrepresented Drepresent14(2015安庆一中模拟)This type of MP4 sells well. _ any problems occur within 5 days after purchase, we _ it with a new one.AShould; would replaceBHad; replacedCWere; would replaceDWere; would have replaced15(2015黄山一检)Everyone wants to live in a beautiful, comfortab

9、le and livable place, but not _ know where it is.Aall BsomeCeither Dboth.阅读理解A(2015苏南四市高三第一次联合考试)In the past, they were laughed at for being eggheads (书呆子) wearing glasses with a passion for the pointless. But now,being a member of their group has become a source of pride, with Collins online dictio

10、nary naming the term “geek” as UKs “Word of the Year” on December 16.“Geek” tops the list for 2013 because of its “positive makeover”, a spokeswoman for Collins Dictionary told The Scotsman newspaper.The word originally appeared in the 19th century as a variant (变形) of “geck”, meaning “a simpleton (

11、傻瓜)”“In the 1980s, the word still had a negative meaning, referring to someone who was boring and socially awkward. However, from the late 20th century, due to the increasing importance of technology in society, the word has come to mean a clever, switchedon and cool person,” noted The Scotsman.In S

12、eptember, the dictionary changed the main definition of “geek” from “someone preoccupied with computing” to “a person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about a specific subject”“Geekis a great example of a word that has evolved from having a negative meaning to having a positive one.” Ian B

13、rookes, consultant editor to Collins Dictionary told The Guardian. “This change in meaning represents a positive change in views of specialist expertise (专长;专业知识), and is a result of the influence of technology on peoples lives.”The Telegraphs John Bingham believes that the transformation of the wor

14、d was helped along by the success of the US movie The Social Network, about the creation of the US website Facebook. “Commentators said the film showed that it had become fashionable to be a geek”,Bingham wrote.1The underlined word “makeover” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to _.Aevolu

15、tionBresultCinfluence Dresponse2When did the word “geek” begin to have a positive meaning?AIn the early 20th century. BFrom the 1990s.CIn the 1980s. DAt the end of 2013.3According to the article, “geek” now mainly refers to _.Asomeone who is addicted to computing and new technologyBsomeone who is boring and unfashi



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