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1、(江苏专用)2016届高考英语一轮复习Unit1Theworldofoursenses单元检测(必修3)The world of colours and light单元检测.单项填空1(2014安徽师大附中月考)Can you keep an eye on my bag, Jack? I just want to use the bathroom._. Itll be safe with me.AI think soBIts my pleasureCGo ahead DYoure welcome2. (2014江苏四市调研)I was disgusted _ the picture on Pa

2、ge 1 of Sundays feature section.Aseeing Bto seeCto have seen Dto be seen3(2014长沙质检)Hardly _ the phone _ I was told that the hotel had been booked up.AI had picked up; when Bhad I picked up; thanChad I picked up; when DI had picked up; than4(2014常州高三模拟)His early works, mostly in the traditional Chine

3、se style, reflected the_ of eastern China.Asight BsceneryCview Dscene5(2014安徽名校联考)Steven Hawkings conclusion about black holes is a little _, but it has been accepted by most of the world.Arealistic BabstractCcontemporary Dappropriate6(2014淮安楚州高三质检)We enjoyed the atmosphere _ we could talk in a frie

4、ndly way.Athat BwhereCwhen Dwhich7(2014湖南六校模拟)I dont know how long _ will take the workers to build the bridge.Ait BthatCthis Done8(2014陕西咸阳四校抽样检测)When we entered, we found lying on the ground _ along with her parents.Awas a girl Bwere a girlCa girl was Da girl were9(2014淮北高三模拟)The architect has com

5、mitted herself_ the design within a month.Afor finishing Bto finishCto finishing Dat finishing10(2014淮安高三模拟)Tom got nothing in _ for his kindness, _ made him very sad.Aaward; as Breward; whichCprize; which Dmedal; as11(2014宝鸡模拟)Unsatisfied_with the payment, he took the job just to get some work expe

6、rience.Aas was he Bas he wasChe was as Dwas he as12(2014浙江金华高三模拟)Typhoon Fitow hit Zhejiang Province in October,2013, _ serious flooding.Acaused Bhaving causedCcausing Dto cause13(2014连云港模拟)I was_ in the middle of my call because I had no more coins to put in the box.Abroken in Bcut offChung up Dput

7、 down14(2014安徽省级示范高中名校联考)As_ birthplace of Huaxia civilization, Xian is_ city with a long history and abundant cultural relics.Athe; a Ba; aC/; a Dthe; /15(2014江苏灌南高级中学模拟)In order to discover the crops most suited to the soil, Dr. Johnson as well as his assistants_ various kinds of grain.Aare experi

8、menting with Bis experimenting withCare experimented with Dis experimented with.完形填空(2014徐州高三适应性考试)Have you ever not wanted to do something so badly that you would rather die than go? Well, thats how I _1_ about joining Madcaps, a mothers and daughters club assisting philanthropies (慈善事业)But now I b

9、elieve that you _2_ open up your mind to things because eventually you might _3_ end up enjoying them.“Its a waste of time,” I said when my mom told me that I had to join Madcaps, and then when she said I had to _4_ at a homeless shelter, I thought this just could not be _5_.We got there late, of co

10、urse, and the security guard led us to the kitchen _6_ we ran into 48 other fellow Madcaps members.I looked around for my mom but she was not there.Damn, I was _7_! When the man in _8_ came and asked for 3 mothers to work outside the _9_ to clean up the plates, my mom just happened to volunteer, lea

11、ving me to _10_ food with others.Soon the _11_ families started to walk in and a little girl walked up and pointed to the food I was _12_.After I gave her the cold sandwich, she nodded in a form of saying _13_, and then walked to join her family at a large table.As she walked away, I thought of how

12、much I _14_. I go to the top school, I have a great house, and I have a warm meal every night.It is that little girl who made me _15_ how lucky I am.After that moment I had a change of _16_. Now, I love Madcaps and dont miss one meeting.I have _17_ being socially awkward and now have many friends.An

13、d this year I am sure I will do _18_ the required 20 hours of philanthropies.I believe that if you have an _19_ mind about things, you can accomplish more and become a better rounded person.I believe sometimes you can make a difference just _20_ doing one thing you dont want to do.1A.cared Bjoked Cf

14、elt Ddoubted2A.should Bwould Cmay Dcan3A.also Bjust Cnot Dstill4A.report BliveCdonate Dvolunteer5A.better Bsooner Ceasier Dworse6A.where Bwhen Cuntil Dbecause7A.shy Blate Calone Dhopeless8A.need BpreparationCstore Dcharge9A.kitchen Bhouse Cclub Dshelter10A.pack BpurchaseCserve Dbake11A.poor Bhomeless


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