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1、(新课标)云南省昆明市第一中学2017届高三英语月考试题(四)(扫描版)(新课标)云南省昆明市第一中学2017届高三英语月考试题(四)(扫描版)昆明一中第四次月考英语答案第I卷第一部分:听力(30分)第一节(7.5分)1 - 5 ACBBC第二节(22.5分)6 - 10 ABACC11 - 15 ABACB15 - 20 A ABBA第二部分:阅读理解(40分)第一节(30分)21 - 25 CACCD26 - 30 ABAAD31 - 35 BDADA第二节(10分)36 - 40 GCFAE第三部分:完形填空(30分)41 - 45 BADCA46 - 50 CBCAB51 - 55 A

2、DABC56 - 60 ABDBA第II卷第一部分:英语知识运用(15分)61. excites/will excite62. currently63. in/around/across/throughout64. an65. Another66. will be opened67. were68. growing69. where70. to build第二部分:写作(35分)第一节:短文改错(10分)Dear Sir or Madam,Im Lucy Wang, supposing to start at Brooklyn College next fall. However, I sti

3、ll have some supposedrelatively questions.relativeI have heard every student who major in English is required to finishing 4 papers during the majors finishfirst year. I wonder what I should prepare for them. In addition, could you inform me on the of/aboutcourse fees? I dont know that whether I can

4、 afford them. Besides, I have being arranged to stay at beenBrooklyn College Hostel providing good living condition, what costs $200 per week. Could you whichconfirm it?Id appreciate if you could answer these question.it questionsYours faithfully, Lucy第二节:书面表达(25分)Dear Miss White,Im Li Hua, deeply s

5、orry for not being able to attend the lecture about British history and culture next Monday afternoon. Im writing to ask for a leave.I am to participate in my final-round interview for Sino-British exchanging program on the same day, for which I have prepared for a long time. Personally, Im desperat

6、e to be chosen as an exchange student. There is no doubt that English history interests me most and I will try hard to make up for the missing parts. Would it be possible for me to have my classmates take the record? If possible, I could take notes while listening.Hoping to have your permission. You

7、rs, Li Hua详解第I卷第二部分:阅读理解(40分)第一节(30分)A 篇本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了Griffin在鬼屋游玩时被其演员过度惊吓而受伤,从而引发了一场诉讼。21. C 细节判断题。根据第二段中“the Haunted Hotel calls this act the Carrie effect.”可知,演员拿着电锯紧追Griffin的这一行为被称之为“Carrie效应”;再结合后文对这一效应的解释“the audience believes the film is over but is surprised by one final scare”,综合可知,为呈现Carrie

8、效应,该演员在Griffin以为游览已结束的情况下出其不意地给他最后的惊吓。故选C。22. A 短语含义题。根据第三段中划线短语后“though they were aware of the potential danger of their conduct”可知,Griffin指责主办方the Haunted Hotel虽然明确知道其行径存在潜在的危险,却故意无视他的安全。所以,划线短语的意思为“故意无视”。故选A。23. C 细节判断题。根据第四段中“Superior Court Judge Katherine Bacal agreed with it and said Griffin w

9、as still within the scare experience that he purchased”以及其后语句可知, Katherine Bacal同意主办方the Haunted Hotel的说辞,认为此事不是主办方的错,其不应该为此负责。故选C。24. C 主旨判断题。通读全文可知,本文讲述了Griffin在鬼屋游玩时被其演员惊吓过度而受伤,结果引发了一场诉讼。故选C。B 篇本文为一篇应用文。介绍了耳蜗植入的优势和与之相关的具体事项。25. D 细节判断题。根据文章第一段“Being unable to hear affects your ability to communic

10、ate with your loved ones”可知,失聪会造成交流困难。故选D。26. A 细节判断题。根据文章第二段和第一组Q & A可知,助听器只能扩大其携带者所听到的音量。故选A。选项B、C、D都是耳蜗植入的特点。27. B 细节判断题。根据最后一组Q & A中“its never too late to regain access to the sounds youre missing”可知,选择耳蜗植入的老年人不受年龄因素的影响。故选B。C篇本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了对环保因素的考虑成为衣料领域的一种趋势,科学家正在研发既环保又好看的衣料。28A 细节判断题。根据文中第二段“A

11、 fully sustainable business would be one that creates no negative impact on the environment.”可知:一个全面可持续发展的企业不会对环境产生负面影响,即它一定是保护环境的。B项的意思是:一个全面可持续发展的企业对环境没有影响,应该说没有不良影响,才能紧扣问题。故选A。29A 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“Cotton plants, for example, are often covered with harmful chemicals to keep away bugs and weeds.”意思是

12、:为了避免虫害和杂草,棉花上会有有害的化学物质,由此推断:棉制袜也会对地球产生污染。故选A。其他选项均没有信息支持。30D 词义推断题。从含划线的句子“In the 1990s, for example, recycled wool came and went, mostly because the resulting clothes were scratchy and shabby.”理解:二十世纪九十年代回收再生的棉制品,用不了多久就被扔掉,主要原因是这种回收物制成的衣服粗糙扎人而且显得破旧。故选D。31B主旨判断题。通读全文,尤其首段可见,本文就衣料的环保性,从研制、实践到展望等方面进行

13、了一系列的说明。故选B。 D篇本文是一篇议论文。文章对犯罪情节较轻的罪犯处罚方式公开羞辱进行探讨,文章还陈述了社会各界对此的不同见解。32D 细节判断题。根据文章第一段“He was charged with underage drinking, illegal possession of alcohol and very big noise while holding a party.”可知:James被指控非法藏酒、不到合法年龄喝酒及聚会时噪音太大。故选D。33A 推理判断题。从本文第二段“Shaming punishments are sometimes called Scarlet L

14、etter punishments. The name comes from US author Nathaniel Hawthornes 1850 novel, The Scarlet Letter. In this novel, a woman is forced to wear a red A on her clothes as punishment for her misdeeds.”可知:“羞辱惩罚”这个词早在1850年,美国小说作家Nathaniel Hawthorne在其The Scarlet Letter一书中就使用过。故选A。34D细节判断题。从本文第二段“Early soc

15、ieties often had a re-acceptance ceremony to welcome the criminal back into main society, but contemporary punishments in America lack this.”可知:早期的美国社会使用羞辱惩罚后,对受惩者会有“重新接纳”的仪式,欢迎罪犯重回主流社会,而当代美国已经没有这种仪式了。故选D。35A 细节判断题。从本文最后一段“Others arent so sure. There is little evidence to suggest that shaming punishments are successful in preventing people from committing special crimes. And a shamed criminal may face a


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