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1、(通用版)2017届高三英语二轮复习第1部分专题5短文改错考法3行文逻辑错误考法3| 行文逻辑错误错误1主谓不一致1. (2014全国卷)My dream school look like a big garden. looklooks主语My dream school是单数,谓语应用第三人称单数。2(2014辽宁高考)The early morning barking have been disturbing us as we are often up all night with the baby. havehas主语The early morning barking为单数,故把have改

2、为has。3(2016日照市二模)More and more Guoxue courses is given in schools of different levels all over China. isare主语More and more Guoxue courses为复数,故把is改为are。4(2016哈尔滨市第六中学模拟)Eating snacks are a bad habit and is also a waste of money. areis动名词短语作主语为单数,故把are改为is。5(2016长春外国语学校质检)You are the most considerate

3、person who know exactly what I need in our class. knowknows定语从句的先行词the most considerate person为单数,故who后的谓语动词应为单数。6(2016银川一中模拟)Therefore, too much exposure to phones are bad for people in terms of health. areis主语为too much exposure为单数,故把are改为is。不要受phones的影响而认为主语是复数。 【导学号:90892033】7(2016湖北省七市联合考试)There

4、 are green grass and colorful flowers everywhere. areis当there be结构后有两个并列的主语时,遵循就近原则,green grass为单数,故把are改为is。8(2016银川一中二模)What you have gained are the result of your hard work. areis主语从句为单数,故are改为is。9(2016济南市模拟)Talking to friends or family members first are always a good idea. areis动名词作主语为单数,故把are改为

5、is。10(2016沈阳二中模拟)Last month, I, together with my parents, were invited to my uncles in the USA. werewas本句的主语是I,不受together with后面主语的影响,故把were改为was。感悟与反思主谓不一致错误主要有三种情况:由于对基本概念忽视而失分:应注意单复数的一致,例如当不定式、动名词或从句作主语时应为单数。由于受其他词的影响而失分:例如第六题too much exposure to phones中易受phones的影响而认为主语是复数。注意就近原则。错误2时态不一致1(2016全国

6、乙卷)It is always crowded with customers at meal times.Some people even had to wait outside. hadhave由前面的句子可知,这里吃饭时总是涌满了顾客,用的是一般现在时,根据时态的一致性,后面的句子也应用现在时。2(2016全国甲卷)I thought that it is a good idea.It does not cost much, yet we can still learn a lot. thoughtthink由is,does和can可判断句子的主体时态为一般现在时,根据时态的一致性,应把t

7、hought改为think。3(2015全国卷)When I was a child, I hoped to live in the city.I think I would be happy there. thinkthought这两句话是回忆童年的事情,由was,hoped和would也可知时态应为过去时,根据时态的一致性,把think改为thought。4(2014全国卷)We can lie on the grass for a rest, or sat by the lake listening to music. satsitor连接两个并列谓语,第一个是can lie,第二个应是

8、can sit,前面已有can,后面的can应省去。5(2014浙江高考)I was taking a train to Londons Victoria Station.I had noticed that the carriage was noisy and filled with people. 去掉had此处只是对过去事实的描述,而且没有明显的时间提示,故用一般过去时。6(2016陕西师大附中模拟)Last night, I went to my friends birthday party, where I make some new friends. makemade既然是昨晚发生

9、的事情,时态是一般过去时,根据时态的一致性,where引导的定语从句也应指过去。7(2016邯郸市第一中学模拟)Yesterday morning I went fishing, but the only thing I catch was a tree branch. catchcaught句子的整体用过去时,有went和was,故把catch改为caught。8(2016西工大附中适应性训练)One day, our teacher told us that we would have an exam and asked us to go over our lessons carefull

10、y.However, my friend Lisa spends too much time playing computer games. spendsspent第一句指的是过去,时态用的是过去时,根据时态的一致性,第二句应用过去时。9(2016海南省“七校联盟”联考)I decided that I would enter for elections again in my final year at school and that I will win the election. willwould句子的整体时态为过去时,故will与前面的would并列,也应用would。10(2016

11、青岛市一模)One of the reasons is that they show great interest in Chinese and English.Besides, they thought a number of physics and maths problems are too difficult for them to work out. thoughtthink句子的整体时态为现在时,故把thought改为think。 【导学号:90892034】感悟与反思时态不一致错误主要有三种情况:并列句中的时态不一致。主从句的时态不一致。前后句中的时态不一致。错误3指代不一致1(2016全国甲卷)If we go on a trip abroad, we can broaden your view and gain knowledge we cannot get from books. yourour


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