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1、(通用版)2017届高三英语二轮复习第1部分专题2阅读七选五模式2设空在段中模式2| 设空在段中考查要点(1)段落主题句:有时段落首句只是引语,接下来的语句才是段落主题句。(2)解释、引申、例证类语句:对前面的论点或观点加以解释、引申或例证。(3)建议性语句:作者提出的解决问题的方法、措施或步骤。(4)句子间的过渡语句:为使上下文语意承接、转换自然,作者加入的过渡语句。1.段落主题句考题回放(2016全国丙卷)There are many common methods used to cook fish. 40 First,clean it and season it with your ch

2、oice of spices (调料)Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8 to 10 minutes if it weighs about one pound.(A larger one will take more time.) Then,its ready to serve.BThe easiest is to steam it.思路分析段落首句说“鱼有很多普通做法”并不是主题句,根据空格后面“如何蒸鱼”的介绍可知,空格内的句子“最简单的(方法)是蒸鱼”才是本段的主题句。2解释、引申、例证考题回放(

3、2016全国丙卷)Everyone knows that fish is good for health. 36 But it seems that many people dont cook fish at home.Americans eat only about fifteen pounds of fish per person per year,but we eat twice as much fish in restaurants as at home.Buying,storing,and cooking fish isnt difficult.37.It just requires

4、 a little knowledge. This text is about how to buy and cook fish in an easy way.GThe fats in fish are thought to help prevent heart disease.思路分析空格内的句子是对前句的进一步解释,空格前说“人人都知道吃鱼有益健康”,空格内的句子解释原因是“人们认为鱼的脂肪有助于预防心脏病”。3方法、措施、步骤考题回放(2014全国卷)Understanding how others feel can be a challenge for kids.We know wha

5、ts going on inside our own head,but what about others? Being able to read people helps kids from misreading a situation and jumping to false conclusions. 39 “Why do you think shes crying?”“Can you tell how that man is feeling by looking at his face?” “If someone were to do that to you,how would you

6、feel?”FWe can do this in real life or ask questions about characters in stories.思路分析根据39空后面的几个问题我们很容易判断出,家长可以采取的方法是利用故事书中的人物教育孩子,引导孩子学会揣摩别人的心思。4句间过渡语句考题回放(2014北京高考)Watch for misleading language.Some studies will find that a behavior “contributes to” or is “associated with” an outcome; this does not

7、mean that a certain course must lead to a certain result. 73 Carefully read or listen to information in order to fully understand it.FBe aware that information may also be incorrectly explained by an authors point of view.思路分析F项与本段主题句Watch for misleading language.相吻合,句中的also很好地衔接了前一句话,同时从意思上也为下文做了很好

8、的过渡。A(2016郑州市第一次质量预测)Every scientific field uses the scientific method to conduct experiments.Performing experiments is very important in the field of psychology(心理学)Before beginning a study,however,any scientist who wishes to perform an experiment should be familiar with the steps of the scientific

9、 method. 1 Form a hypothesis(假设)It is an educated guess about what will happen during the study. 2 Coming up with a hypothesis before you start can help guide your experiment.Plan out a study.Planning out the experiment is essential because the psychologist needs to know if they have time,materials,

10、and testing areas prepared beforehand.This step also helps the scientists to determine if they will be performing descriptive or experimental research.The ideal situation is to always perform experimental research. 3 Descriptive research simply collects data regarding the problem and forms a hypothe

11、sis according to the data.Collect data. 4 If the data collected is not recorded and organized,the entire efforts of the study may be wasted.The best way to do this may be to record the proceedings so that no details are lost.Analyze the data.Once all the data has been collected and organized,it must

12、 be analyzed.Using previous research or scientific information about the problem,the psychologist must apply the new data gathered.Publish the information learned.The final step of the scientific method in psychology is publishing the results of the study. 5 Most psychological experiments are publis

13、hed in scientific journals.AIt is based on scientific facts,not just opinions.BRead on to find out how to use the scientific method in psychology.CBefore psychologists start the experiment,they must plan out the steps.DThis helps other psychologists to learn about and use the new information.EThe sc

14、ientific method has proved to be an effective way to conduct research.FTo fully understand the study,each part of the experiment must be recorded.GSometimes,however,this is impossible and descriptive research will have to be used.本文是一篇说明文。主要阐明了如何在心理学实验中使用科学的方法。1B根据空前的“the scientific method”可知,选B项,用来

15、指明如何在心理学实验中使用科学的方法。2A根据本段第一句“Form a hypothesis(假设)”以及空后的“Coming up with a hypothesis before you start can help guide your experiment.”可知,本段主要阐述了心理学实验的第一步:形成一个假设,以科学事实而不仅仅是观点为根据。故A项正确。3G空前的“to always perform experimental research”与G项中的“this”相对应;空后的“Descriptive research”与G选项中的“descriptive research”相对应,用以阐明描述性研究的特点,故G项正确。4F根据空后的“If the data collected is not recorded and organized,the entire efforts of the study may be wasted.”以及“record the proceedings”可以判断,空处阐述的是将数据记录下来的重要性,故F项正确。5D根据该段首句“Publish the information learned.”可知,该段主要阐述将实验得出的结论公开出版,故选D,这有助于其他心理学家学习和使用新的信息。 【导学号:90892009】


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