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1、美国文学练习题 1Part One Fill in the blanks with the correct information1. The first permanent English settlement in North America was established at _, Virginia in the year of _.2. _ was the first American writer.3. The Mayflower voyage was taken in the year of _.4. With _ begins the history of religious

2、toleration in America, and with him, too, the history of the separation of church and state.5. The best of the Puritan poets was _.6. The most interesting works of New England Puritan literature were _.7. The Declaration of Independence was signed on _ (month/date/year).8. The writers held vitally i

3、mportant places in the movement for American independence. Without the writings of _, there might have been no army for Washington to lead; without the writings of _, France might never have aided the cause.9. The writings of _ show the Enlightenment spirit in America at its best and most optimistic

4、.10. _ has been respected as “the father of the Yankees”.11. The most historically important pamphlet in American history is _. Its clear thinking and exciting language quickly united American feelings against England.12. The most important document in the political history of the United States is _

5、 _, which is also a fine work of literature.13. The United States achieved its independence in _(year).14. _ has been called the Father of American Poetry.15. _was the first American to earn his living through literature.16. _ was the first American novels, who made the American conscious of his pas

6、t, and made the European conscious of America.17. _became known in Europe as “the American Walter Scott”.18. The national anthem of the U.S.A. is _, written by Francis Scott Key.19. The five novels that comprise the Leatherstocking Tales are: (1)_(2)_(3)_(4)_(5)_20._was responsible for bringing Tran

7、scendentalism to New England. In 1836, he published _, the clearest statement of Transcendentalist ideas. _ was his truest disciple, the man who put into practice many of his theories and who, in 1854, wrote his world-famous _, about his stay in the pond side hut. 21._ is the pseudonym of Samuel Lan

8、ghorne Clemens, and _ is the pen-name of William Sidney Porter.22._ created the first theory for American realism, and the greatest of Americas realists were _ and _.23._ was the first American naturalist whose greatest novel is _ _.24._ was Americas greatest naturalists writer, whose greatest and m

9、ost successful novel is _.25. Soapy is the hero in _s short story The Cop and the Anthem.26. Carrie Meeber is the heroine in _s novel entitled _.27. Hester Prynne and the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale are the two main characters in _ _s novel_.28. President Lincoln once said “so youre the little woman

10、who made the book that made the great war.” Here “the little woman” is _, and “the book” is _.29. _ in the 1860s was the first American writer of local color to achieve wide popularity.30. Mark Twains greatest novel is _.31. _was the most famous of the Muckrakers, and his greatest novel is _.32. _ w

11、as the leader of the “Imagist” school of poetry in America.33. F. Scott Fitzgeralds masterpiece is _.34. The title of Ernest Hemingways famous novel For Whom the Bell Tolls comes from _ _s Meditations.35. The Sound and the Fury is one of _s “modernist” masterpieces.36. _ was the most joyful poet of

12、the Lost Generation. In the poetry we can see the clear influence of the Cubist painters.37. _ was the foremost novelist of the American Depression of the 1930s, whose masterpiece was _, a novel about the great “dust bowl” disaster in Oklahoma.38. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Senator _ led America on a “witch hunt” against “Communist” intellectuals, writers and Hollywood figures.39. Joseph Hellers novel _ introduces the “black humor” literature in A


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