幼儿英语日常生活美语 更新版.doc

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1、 日常生活美語 Daily Life EnglishSchool bus 娃娃車美語 1. Mommy, the school bus is here. 媽咪,娃娃車來了。2. Im going to school. 我要去上學了。3. Good morning, teacher. 早安,老師。4. Good morning, Uncle (Pete). 早安,司機叔叔。5. Good morning, my friends. 早安,我的朋友。6. Goodbye, Daddy. 爸爸,再見。7. Goodbye, Mommy. 媽媽,再見。8. Please get on the bus.

2、請上車。9. Please get off the bus. 請下車。10. Please be quiet. 請安靜。11. Sit tight! 坐好! 請助理老師帶著中英文的名單,小朋友上下車的時候可以叫他們的英文名字。 每位小朋友上下車的時候,請車上所有的小朋友都要說:上車時“ Hello, (Tom). How are you? “ 哈囉, 。你好嗎?“ Good morning, (Tom). How are you? “ 早安, 。你好嗎?下車時“ Goodbye, (Tom).” 再見, 。 請務必跟司機叔叔做好溝通並達成共識,讓全園進入雙語環境。Morning Exercis

3、e 晨操美語1. Its a (nice day/lovely day). 今天的天氣很好!2. Lets take a deep breath. 我們來深呼吸。 3. Breathe some fresh air. 吸一些新鮮空氣。4. Follow me please. 請跟著我。5. Make a line, please. 請排隊。6. Hands front. 手向前伸。7. Hands up. 手向上伸。8. Times up. 時間到了!9. Lets go back to the classroom. 我們回教室去。 Office English 辦公室美語1.May I co

4、me in? Yes, you may. 我可以進來嗎? 好,你可以2. Hello, This is wilson school. May I help you? 你好,威爾森. 有什麼可以幫忙的?3.What do you want(need)? 你需要什麼?4.I want to get goat milk. 我要拿羊奶5.May I borrow some tape(s) ? Yes, you may. 我可以拿一些膠帶嗎? 可以,你可以6.Can you help me to put some ointment? Yes, I can. 你可以幫我擦藥嗎? 我可以,7.Teacher

5、, I m not feeling well. Can you check my temperature? 老師我覺得不舒服. 你可以幫我量體溫嗎?8.May I have the attendance record ?我可以拿點名表嗎?9.Tr. Mandy, where is Tr. Vivi ? Tr. Mandy ,Tr. Vivi在哪裡?10.I want to exchange my pass cards. 我想換我的好寶寶卡11.Dont forget your quilt / sleeping bag. 別忘了你的棉被/睡袋Classroom English 教室美語1.Wai

6、t a moment. 等一下。2.Hurry up. 快一點。3.Teacher, Im coming. 老師,我就來了。4.Clean up your shelf, please. 清理你的書架。5.Clean up your drawer, please. 清理你的抽屜。6.Keep it clean and neat. 保持清潔。7.Put your chair under the desk. 將小椅子放入桌底下。8.Turn your chair towards me. 將小椅子轉過來對著我。9.Put it into your bag. 放進你的袋子裡。10.Put on your

7、 clothes. 穿上衣服/shoes. 鞋子/jacket. 夾克。11.Put it back. 放回去。12.Put it away. 收起來。13.Turn on the light, please. 請開燈。14.Turn off the light, please. 請關燈。15. Please open the door. 請開門。 16. Please close the door. 請關門。 17.Take out your pencils/markers. 請把鉛筆/彩色筆拿出來。18. Take out your books, please. 請把書拿出來。 19. T

8、ake out your books/ pencils / erasers/ rulers. 把你的書/鉛筆/橡皮擦/尺拿出來20. Give me your homework/ communication book.把你的作業/連絡本交出來21.Where is your homework? 你們的家庭作業在哪裡? - Oh, I forget. 喔,我忘了。- Here you are. 哪,在這兒。22. Open your book / close your book.打開你的書/ 闔上你的書23. Go get your pencil and eraser. 去拿鉛筆跟橡皮擦24 T

9、hrow the trash in the trash can.把垃圾丟進垃圾桶25.Pick up the garbage, please. 請把垃圾撿起來。.26.Bless you. 保重。27.Whats wrong with you? 你怎麼了?28.Dont cry. 別哭。29.Get it? 懂嗎?30.I got it. 我懂了。31.Its time for class. 上課時間到了32.May I go to the bathroom? Yes, you may. 我可以去廁所嗎? 可以,你可以33.Drink some water, please. 請去喝水34.Pu

10、t away your water bottle. 把水壺放回去35. Dont leave your seat. 不要離開座位。36. Go back to your seat. 回到座位。37.Write it neatly.寫整齊38 .Put it into your bag.放進你的袋子裡39 Lets take a break.我們休息一下40. Erase the whiteboard, please.請把白板擦乾淨41. .May I blow my nose? Yes, you may.我可以擤鼻涕? 是的,你可以42. May I have some tissue pape

11、r? Yes, you may.我可以拿衛生紙嗎? 是的, 你可以43 Flush the toilet after using it.上完廁所請沖水44. Teacher, can you help me to wipe my bonbon? Ok.老師,可以幫我擦屁股嗎? 好!45. Dont litter.別亂丟垃圾46. Role up your sleeves and wash your hands.袖子捲起來去洗手47. .Wash your hand before you eat.吃東西前請先洗手48 .Please keep quiet.請保持安靜49 Sit down, pl

12、ease. 坐好。50. Keep quiet! 保持安靜51 Excuse me. 對不起。Lunch and Snack Time午餐及點心美語1.Is it lunch time? 午餐時間到了嗎?2.Its 11:30. 現在11點半。3.Its 12 oclock. 現在12點。4.Im hungry. 肚子餓了。5.Open the bowl bag and take out your bowl.打開餐袋把碗拿出來6.I want to eat lunch. 我要吃午餐。7. Dont talk when your mouth full.嘴巴有東西不要講話8. May I have

13、 some snacks, please? 我可以吃點心嗎?- Sure, here you are. 當然可以,拿去。9.What are we eating today? 我們今天吃什麼?- We are eating rice. 我們吃飯。10. Thank you, Auntie. 謝謝你,阿姨。11. Enjoy your meal. 請慢用。12. Thank you, teacher. 謝謝你,老師。13. I like vegetables and fruits. 我喜歡吃青菜和水果。14. I like soup. 我喜歡喝湯。15. It tastes good. 味道真好

14、。16. Its delicious. 美味極了。17. Yummy! 好吃!18. Do you want some more? 你還要一些嗎?19. I am full. 我吃飽了。20. Stop eating and put it away. 不要吃了,收起來。21. I can clean up. 我會收拾乾淨。22. Dont be messy. 別弄髒了。23. Get some tissue paper. 拿些面紙來。24. Wipe your mouth. 擦擦你的嘴。25. Wash your hands. 洗洗你的手。26. Dont cut in. No pushing

15、. 不要插隊/推擠。27.Dont be picky. 不要挑食。28.Take out your bowls and spoons, please. 請拿出你們的餐具。29.Its snack time. 點心時間。30.Take out your yellow bowl. 拿出你們的黃色碗。31.Line up, please. 請排隊。32.Are you ready? Dig in! 準備好了嗎?開動!午餐美語韻文i. Lunch time, lunch time, Yee Bee Yee BeeWash your hands, get ready, what are you eating?Chicken, soup, and noodles.ii. Goo Loo Goo Loo hungry hungry I m very hungry.Goo Loo Goo Loo hung



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