词汇公开课unit3 Inventors and inventions.ppt

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1、Unit3Inventorsandinventions Wordsandexpressions 1 callup给 打电话 使 回忆起 想起 1 WhenIcalledupmymother shewasveryupset ringup 2 Oldsongscallupmemoriesofthepast bringsth backtoone smind 短语扩展与打电话有关的短语 ring callback再打电话 回复电话ringoff挂断电话 2 hangon holdon别挂电话 抓紧 1 Hangonplease I lljustseeifheishere 稍等一下 我这就看看他在不在

2、2 anddon tletgo 抓紧那根绳子 别松手 Hangontotherope 3 outoforder发生故障 次序颠倒 1 Ican tmakeacall asmyphoneisoutoforder 我无法打电话 我的电话坏了 2 Thesepagesarealloutoforder willyouarrangethemforme 这些页码都乱了 你能给我整理一下吗 4 getthrough打通电话 通过 考试 门 熬过 做完 task job 用完 花光 Ican tgetthroughtothisnumber 这个号码我打不通 ItriedtotelephoneyoubutIco

3、uldn tgetthrough 我试图给你打电话 但是我打不通 Usethephrasescorrectlyinthedialogue ringupringoffcallbackoutofordergetthroughhangon A Hello Canyouputmethroughtoextension256 please B I mputtingyouthrough A Hello Serena Iwasexpectingyouto me yesterday C I msorry Itriedbutyourphonewas andIcouldn t A Ohdear I msorryab

4、outthat Ididn trealizethat C AndI mratherbusynow WouldyoumindifI you later I ll now A Notatall I llbewaitingforyourcall Hangon ring up outoforder getthrough ring back ringoff 5 nowandthen 偶尔 有时occasionally fromtimetotime sometimes Iseethemnowandthen butnotoften 我有时会见到他们 但是并不经常 distinguish 很难分辨出她和她的孪

5、生妹妹 Itishardtodistinguishherfromhertwinsister 6 1 distinguish from distinguishbetween and 把 与 区分 辨别 分清 Couldshedistinguishrightfromwrong betweenrightandwrong 她能辨别是非吗 2 Hisredhairdistinguisheshimfromhisbrothers makesb differentfrom 使区别于 以 为特点 语言把人和动物区别开来 Speech 象因为有长鼻子而有别于其他动物 Elephants fromtheothera

6、nimalsbytheirlongtrunks distinguishesmanfromtheanimals aredistinguished Hedistinguisheshimselfinmusic 3 distinguishoneself todosthsowellthatpeoplenoticeandadmireyou 使出众 使著名 使受人青睐 Hedistinguisheshimselfas inourshool MadamCuriedistinguishedherselfbywinningtheNobelPrizetwice distinguishedadj 卓越的 著名的 ad

7、istinguishedscientist wehavewastedenoughtime 来开始你的工作吧 我们已经浪费够多时间了 setouttodosth starttryingtodo开始努力做 他一到那儿就着手解决问题 He assoonashearrivedthere He assoonashearrivedthere setaboutsolvingtheproblem setouttosolvetheproblem 7 setabout doing sth startorbegin Comeandsetaboutyourwork TheysetoutforParisearlytha

8、tmorning set的短语setoffvi 动身 出发 vt 点燃 引爆 引起 引发setoff fireworks awar strikes setup abusiness ahospital 建立 成立 setdown写下 记下 setaside把 放一边 抽出 时间 Trytosetasidesometimeforexerciseeveryday Hesetasidehisworkforayeartotakecareofhissickdaughter setout setdown setup setoff setaside setabout 1 WhenGeorge hissiste

9、r swishesshewasveryupset 2 Thedaythey wascoldandwindyandlookedasifitwouldrain 3 She allherworkingexperienceinherresume 履历表 4 Areyouready Wewill toclimbthemountain 5 Thegovernmenthas acommitteetolookintotheaffair 6 ZhangLiagreedtomoveand packingup 7 Beforethefireworkswerelit myuncle alltherockets set

10、aside setdown setoff setout setabout setup setout off 8 seizevt 抓住 1 one sarm hand抓住某人的胳膊 手seizesb bythearm hand 2 theopportunity chance抓住机会 grasptheopportunity chanceIdeciedtoseizetheopportunitytogetrecognitionformysuccessfulidea 9 bear1 stand putupwith忍受 容忍 口语 can could搭配 否定 疑问 Shecan tbearhavings

11、nakesinthecourtyard Ican tbeartobelaughedat beinglaughedat 2 bear take shouldertheresponsibilityfor承担 责任 费用cost等 Whowillbeartheresponsibilityfor ThePresidenthastobeartheblame 10 diveinto a putone shandquicklyintosth迅速将手伸入某物中 diveintoone spocket bag etc迅速把手伸进衣袋 包等 Hedivedintohispocketandtookoutafewcoins b involveoneselfcompletelyinsth一心投入某事物diveintoanewproject潜心钻研一个新项目 考纲知识预览 Task1 Makeupastoryusingthewords expressionsbelow callupnowandthenhangonsetouttodogetthroughsetaboutringbackdistinguishringoffseizeoutoforderdiveintobear



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