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1、爱默生经典语录中英文导读:本文是关于爱默生经典语录中英文,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、智力取消了命运,只要一个人在思考,他就是自主的。Intelligence cancels the destiny, so long as a person is thinking, he is independent.2、我们做某件事最终总是要付出代价的,因为,社会组织机构总是凌驾于每个人的个性之上的。We do something at the end of the time, because the social organization is always superior to everyon

2、es personality.3、自尊是伟大的前提,那些言行一致、表里如一的人,可以超脱于命运之上,可以向命运夸口。Self esteem is a great premise, those words, people can be detached to be the same outside and inside, the fate of the above, can boast to fate.4、娱乐是花,务实是根。如果要欣赏花的美丽,必须先加强根的牢固。Entertainment is a flower, pragmatic is the root. If you want to a

3、ppreciate the beauty of flowers, you must first strengthen the root of the firm.5、谁诅咒命运,谁就是软弱而堕落的人。Who is the curse of fate, who is weak and corrupt.6、诚实的人必须对自己守信,他的最后靠山就是真诚。Honest and trustworthy person must own, his last patron is sincere.7、有哪个人采取了行动而没有成为行动的受害者和奴隶呢?Is there a man who has acted wit

4、hout being a victim or a slave?8、头脑清醒的时候,书就会像闲物一样被搁置一旁。When the mind is awake, the book will be set aside like a free thing.9、人像一块矿石,它在你手里暗淡无光,你只有从一定的角度才能看见它那深沉美丽的光芒。Like a piece of ore, it is in your hand dim and dark from certain angles, you only can see its deep beautiful light.10、身体是我们从物质世界获取一切援

5、助和力量的导管。The body is the conduit for all our aid and strength from the physical world.11、我们听别人讲,是为了自己也能够说!We listen to other people say, is to oneself also can say!12、读书时,我愿在每一个美好思想的面前停留,就像在每一条真理面前停留一样。When I read, I would like to stay in front of every good thought, as if in the presence of every tr

6、uth.13、我们为孩子的美丽和幸福感到极大的欢乐,这欢乐使我们的心灵博大到躯壳难以容纳的程度。We feel great joy for the beauty and happiness of children, this joy make our minds to the extent to accommodate the broad body.14、上天赋予你的能力是独一无二的,只有当你自己努力尝试和运用时,才知道这份能力到底是什么。God gives you the ability to be unique, and only when you try and use it, do y

7、ou know what it is.15、年教给我们许多日不懂的东西。Teach us many things that we dont understand.16、感情虽然难以控制,但却是一种强大的动力。Emotion, although difficult to control, but it is a powerful force.17、我们长期以来的想法和感受,有一天将会被某个陌生人一语道破。We have long thoughts and feelings, will one day be a stranger away.18、发现一颗新的行星和在地球上找到一种新的物质,是同样了

8、不起的收获。Finding a new planet and finding a new material on earth is a great harvest.19、有如语言之于批评家,望远镜之于天文学家,文化就是指一切给精神以力量的东西。What language is to the critic, the telescope to the astronomer, and the culture is the thing that gives power to the spirit.20、男子汉的责任就竭尽全力去做能够做到的事。A mans duty is to do what he c

9、an.21、自信就是成功的第一秘诀。Self confidence is the first secret of success.22、鞋匠会制作精美的鞋,那是因为除了鞋他什么也不会做的缘故。The shoemaker will produce exquisite shoes, it is because he will not do what in addition to the shoes sake.23、我们经常谈到对朋友的选择,其实,朋友更多的是自我选择的体现。We often talk about the choice of friends, in fact, friends are

10、 more of a self - choice.24、就是好思想,如果不去实行,就和好梦一样。Is a good idea, if not to practice, and a good dream.25、任何社会里的人们都非常渴望拥有财富,这是无可厚非的,它恰恰是人们对知识和劳动创造价值的一种认同。In any society, people are very eager to have wealth, which is understandable, it is precisely the people of knowledge and labor to create value of

11、a recognition.26、一个人的经历其实就是一部历史事实的百科全书。A persons experience is an encyclopedia of historical facts.27、仅有丽质而无幽雅的神态,有如鱼钩上未放钓饵。Only beauty without the elegant demeanor, as did not put on the hook bait.28、人们对博览群书的人推崇备至;这一点足以被视为对文学的赞扬。People who very much to be learned in books; this point enough to be c

12、onsidered for literature praise.29、超越观众的水平是极不容易的。你那拙劣的演技一旦使观众感到满意,就很难再提高了。Beyond the viewers level is not easy. Once you are satisfied with your bad acting, it is difficult to improve your performance.30、只要生命还可珍贵,医生这个职业就永远倍受崇拜。As long as the life is precious, the doctor will always be a profession o

13、f worship.31、充实你的时间那就是幸福。Enrich your time - that is happiness.32、英雄并不比一般人更勇敢,差别仅在于,他的勇气维持了五分钟而已。A hero is not a man who is more brave than a man, but the difference is that he has the courage to sustain it for five minutes.33、在那些为了抨击名望和学问的书籍的封面上赫然印着作者的大名。In the name of the author, the authors name i

14、s printed on the cover of the book to attack the fame and learning.34、文明的人为自己购置了马车,而他却失去了使用双足机会。The civilized man bought the cart for himself, and he had lost the opportunity to use it.35、观点不同,是人与人之间最难容忍的事。Different views, is the most difficult to tolerate between people.36、我们把美归结为质朴无华,实实在在,恰到好处。We

15、attribute the United States to plain and simple, real, just right.37、勇敢通常只会出现在那些勇于面对艰辛与危险和真正了解自己力量的人身上。Courage is usually only for those who have the courage to face the hardships and dangers and to truly understand their own strength.38、妒忌是无知,模仿是*。Envy is ignorance, imitation is suicide.39、尽管我们走遍全世界去找美,我们也必须随身带着美,否则就找不到美。Although we have traveled all over the world to find the United States, we must also carry the United States, otherwise we can not find the United State


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