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1、 阅读理解: ABody language is a nonverbal communication that becomes a key in understanding childrens feelings and thoughts. The following are the basic components of body language of children:FaceShortly after birth, a baby shows facial expression reflecting innermost (内心深处的) feelings. At the age of thr

2、ee, a child has different innermost emotional expressions.PostureOnce toddlers (学步前的儿童) begin to move, they show a variety of body postures. For example, when they move slowly and hunch their shoulders (耸肩), it means they are sad.Hands and fingersIf your children close their hands and clench them ti

3、ght, they are certainly upset and angry. However, if their fingers open and their arms hang beside their body, it means that they are relaxed.FootIf your children move their foot forward and backward, it indicates that they are thinking about something or they may feel guilty about what they have sa

4、id, or they are frightened.DistanceWhen a child is in a bad mood, he creates a distance between you and him by sitting in the opposite corner of the room. Otherwise, he wants to hug you when he is frightened.It is better for you to understand some facts about body language in order to build a better

5、 relationship between you and your child. The following points are some facts about body language:Body language is more often used than spoken language. The results of a study showed that less than 10% of emotion was expressed in words, but more than 90% was expressed in body language. Words are mor

6、e often used by children to communicate the facts, while body language is used to communicate emotions.Body language is less controllable than spoken language. Smile, body postures, the movement of hands and feet, eye contact, and other gestures are done unconsciously.When you are trying to understa

7、nd a childs body language, do not forget that body language is not an exact science. Your understanding is not always right. Increasing your experience by paying careful attention to children in every situation is the best way to improve your ability to read a childs body language.1. Which of the fo

8、llowing actions shows that a child may be thinking about something?A. Opening the fingers.B. Closing the hands tight.C. Sitting in the opposite comer of the room.D. Moving the foot forward and backward.2. From the passage we know that _.A. a child starts to use facial expression to express feelings

9、at the age of threeB. when a child moves slowly and hunches his shoulders, he may be not happyC. a child starts to use body posture shortly after birthD. a child may hug you when he feels guilty3. What can we learn from the passage?A. Body language is used less than spoken language.B. Body language

10、is used more to communicate facts.C. Body language is more controllable than spoken language.D. We may make mistakes in understanding a childs body language.4. Whats the authors purpose in writing this passage?A. To tell parents how to understand childrens body language better.B. To show the importa

11、nce of body language in daily life.C. To explain different kinds of body language.D. To help us learn foreign culture better.B Sometimes youll hear people say that you cant love others until you love yourself. Sometimes youll hear people say that you cant expect someone else to love you until you lo

12、ve yourself. Either way, youve got to love yourself first and this can be tricky. Sure we all know that were the apple of our parents eyes, and that our Grandmas think were great talents and our Uncle Roberts think that we will go to the Olympics. But sometimes its a lot harder to think such nice th

13、oughts about ourselves. If you find that believing in yourself is a challenge, it is time you should build a positive self-image and learn to love yourself.Self-image is your own minds picture of yourself. This image includes the way you look, the way you act, the way you talk and the way you think.

14、 Interestingly, our self-images are often quite different from the images others hold about us. Unfortunately, most of these images are more negative than they should be. Thus changing the way you think about yourself is the key to changing your self-image and your whole world.The best way to defeat

15、 a passive self-image is to step back and decide to stress your successes. That is, make a list if you need to, but write down all of the great things you do every day. Dont allow doubts to occur in it. It very well might be that you are experiencing a negative self-image because you cant move past

16、one flaw or weakness that you see about yourself. Well, roll up your sleeves and make a change of it as your primary task. If you think youre silly because you arent good at math, find a tutor. If you think youre weak because you cant run a mile, get to the track and practice. If you think youre dull because you dont wear the latest trends, buy a few new clothes. But remember, just



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