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1、it 在英语中的意思较多,用法较广,现总结如下。 一、it作句子的真正主语 1it 指前面已经提到过的人或事物,有时指心目中的或成为问题的人或事物,作真正主语。 例如: Whats this? It is a sheep? 这是什么?这是一只绵羊。 Who is it? Its me (I). 谁?是我。 Its the wind shaking the window. 是风刮得窗户响。 2it指时间、季节。一般用在无人称动词的主语。 例如: What time is it? Its nine. 几点了?九点了。 Its time for the meeting. Lets go. 开会的时间

2、到了,我们走吧。 What day is today? Its Saturday. 今天星期几?今天星期六。 Whats the date today? It is October 1st. 今天是几号? ?今天是十月一日。 What season is it? It is summer. 现在是什么季节?是夏季。 3it 指气候。一般作无人称动词的主语。 例如: Is it cold in this room? No, it isnt. 屋里冷吗?不冷。 Whats the weather like today? It is fine. 今天天气怎么样?是晴天。 It often rains

3、 in summer and it often snows in winter in this city. 这个城市夏天经常下雨,冬天经常下雪。 4it指距离、情况等。一般用作无人称动词的主语。 例如: It is five kilometers from my home to the school. 从我家到学校有五公里。 It is very near from this factory to that one. 从这个工厂到那个工厂非常近。 It is a long way to the sea. 离海很远。Is it well with you? 你身体好吗? 二、it作形式主语 动词

4、不定式、动名词短语起、从句在句子中起主语作用,而这一部分用词较多时,可以用it作为形式主语,放在句首代表其后所说的事实上的、真正的主语,而把真正的主语放在后面。 1It +谓语动词不定式。It 作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语。 例如: It is difficult to climb a mountain. 爬山是很艰难的。 Its a good habit to do morning exercises. 作早操是个好习惯。 Its important to do proper memory work in the study of a foreign language. 在学习外语时适

5、当地做一些有助于记忆的练习是很重要的。 It is right to do so. 这样做是对的。 2It谓语动名词短语。It 作形式主语,动名词短语作真正的主语。 例如: It is dangerous playing with fire. 玩火是危险的。 It is no use learning without thinking. 学而不思则罔。 Its useless arguing with a silly boy. 和笨孩子争论是没有用的。 3It 谓语名词性从句。It 作形式主语,以that 引导的名词性从句是真正的主语。 例如: It is a pity that you di

6、dnt see such a good film. 你没看这么好的电影,真可惜。 It is certain that we shall succeed. 我们一定会成功。 It is strange that nobody knows where he lives. 真奇怪,谁也不知道他住在哪里。 (It is strange that后面可用虚拟语气。 如:It is strange that he should have made such a mistake. 他居然犯了这样一个错误,真奇怪。 It is strange that nobody should know where he

7、 lives. 居然没有人知道他住在哪里,真奇怪。) It is said that the plane will take off at ten tomorrow morning. 据说飞机明天上午十点起飞。 三、it作形式宾语 it 作形式宾语,代表其后所说的真正的宾语。真正的宾语是以that 引导的名词性从句或不定式短语。例如: I consider it wrong that you Chinese students learn English without comparing it with your own language. 我认为你们中国学生学习英语,不和你们自己的语言比较是

8、不对的。 I find it not so difficult to learn a foreign language. 我发现学习一门外语不那么困难。 I remember I made it clear to you that I was not coming. 我记得向你明确表示过我不来。 They want to make it clear to the public that they are doing an important and necessary job. 他们要向公众表明,他们在做一件重要而又必要的工作。 四、it 用于强调结构 在表示强调的结构中,it 可用作先行代词

9、,这种结构的句型如下:It +is/was +被强调的部分that +其他部分。如果强调的部分是人,可用who, whom 代替that. 例如: Professor Wang teaches us English every Monday afternoon. 王教授每星期一下午教我们英语。强调主语:It is Professor Wang who teaches us English every Monday afternoon. 强调间接宾语:It is us whom Prof. Wang teaches English every Monday afternoon. 强调直接宾语:I

10、t is English that Prof. Wang teaches us every Monday afternoon. 强调状语:It is every Monday afternoon that Prof. Wang teaches us English. It was here that I first met him. 这就是我初次与他见面的地方。 (强调状语) It is the people who are realy powerful. 翻译练习 1)该上课了,快。 It is time for class. Hurry up. 2)从这儿到你们学校远吗?不远,大约一公里。

11、 Is it far from here to your school? ?No, it isnt. Its about a kilometer. 3)从我家到颐和园去很近。 It is very near from my home to the Summer Palace. 4)(天)正在下雨。 Its raining now. 5)电灯是爱迪生发明的。 It was Edison who invented the electric light. 6)我认为学习一门外语是很重要的。 I think it important to learn a foreign language. 7)他通常

12、一天读两次英语。 He made it a rule to read English twice a day. 8)从我家去天安门广场坐公共汽车大约要一个小时。 It takes about an hour to go from my home to the Tiananmen Square by bus. 反意疑问句 反意疑问句相当于“对不对?”“好不好?”“行不行?”,用yes或 no 回答。由两部分组成,前一部分是陈述句,后一部分是附加疑问短语,中间用逗号隔开,所以反意疑问句又叫附加疑问句。通常的形式是:肯定的陈述句否定的附加疑问,或否定的陈述句肯定的附加疑问。 如: He studie

13、s English, doesnt he? He doesnt study English, does he? They are from America, arent they? They are not from America, are they? 反意疑问句的主要形式: 1如果主句是be或其他助动词(如can, shall, will 等),其反意疑问句用同一助动词。 如: We are late, arent we? You havent met my wife, have you? He can drive a car, cant he? They used to have dif

14、ficulty in just making ends meet, didnt (usednt) they? Youd better eat with knives and forks, hadnt you? 2如果主语带有seldom, hardly, never, rarely, few, little等否定词或半否定词时,因为主句本身具有否定意义,附加疑问部分的动词用肯定式, 如: We seldom go to the cinema, do we? Sue almost never worked, did she?3如果主句部分是 “I am”结构,由于”am not” 没有相应的缩略

15、形式,附加疑问部分一般用arent I 代替。 如: I am your friend, arent I? Im late, arent I? I am a student, arent I? 在祈使句中的附加疑问部分一般用will you, wont you. 4. 在祈使句中的附加疑问部分一般用will you, wont you. 如: Sit down, will you? Have some tea, wont you? Open the window, wont you? 这种句子可以理解为: Will you do something? 如:Will you open the window? 注意:否定的祈使句之后,只能用will. 如: Dont forget, will you? Dont make so much noise, will you? 5以Lets 开头的祈使句,肯定的用shall we? 否定的用all right? 或OK?, 如: Lets go back t



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