外研版英语 必修三 unit4 writing cultural corner and task.ppt

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《外研版英语 必修三 unit4 writing cultural corner and task.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版英语 必修三 unit4 writing cultural corner and task.ppt(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高一外研版必修三 Module4SandtormsinAsiaWrtingCultralCorner Task Ifyouaretowritethearticledescribingoneenvironmentalproblem howmanypartswillyouincludeinit Whatwillyouwriteineachpart introduction causes results people sattitude measures conclusion Writing 1 Discussion CutralCorner Lookatthefollowingpicturesan

2、dsayhowtheworldhaschangedandwhatwecandotomaketheworldabetterplacetolivein theworldusedtobebeautiful Butnowthebeautifulworldbecomespolluted Butnowthebeautifulworldbecomespolluted Theclimateisgettingworseandmanydisastersappear Theclimateisgettingworseandmanyanimalsareextinct Whatistheboydoing Howdocou

3、ntriesinEuropetrytoimprovetheenvironment Theyrecycleeverything dodifferentialcollectionofrubbishandhaveagreenmovement Readthepassageandanswerthesequestions 2 ArethereorganizationsinChinawhoseaimistoprotecttheenvironment Open 3 Whatdoyouknowabouttheseorganizations Open Readthetextandfillintheblanks l

4、ookingafter Somecountriesarebetterthanothersat theenvironment InEurope GermanyandthenorthernEuropeancountriesworkveryhardtoimprovetheenvironment Peopleincountriessuchas puttheir intodifferentbags paperinonebag inanotherbag etc Thegarbageisthentakenawayand recycled Germany garbage plastic ifpossible

5、CFCs chemicalswhicharefoundin andaerosolcans arenotallowed Therearelawsthatdonotallowpeopletoburntoomuchcoal Inthe1970s aspeople more environmentalproblems refrigerators learnt about the Green triestogetgovernmentstothink abouttheenvironmentandhowtolookafterit Itcollectsinformationabouthow is theenv

6、ironmentandgivesthisinformationtonewspapers movement seriously industry damaging LanguagePoints 1 Arethereorganizationsinchinawhoseaimistoprotecttheenvironment protect from against使 免受 undertheprotectionof 在 的保护下save from 使 免受 keep prevent stop from 阻止 做 free from 把 从 解救出来 1 Weputonourmackintoshesto

7、protectus therain fromtoB againsttoC fromD against 我们穿上胶布雨衣 免得淋雨 C 2 Thegarbageisthentakenawayand ifpossible recycled 这些垃圾然后被运走 如果可以回收利用就再进行回收利用 ifpossible是ifitispossible的省略形式 在if when while once where 等引导的从句中如果含有系动词be的某种形式 而且主从句的主语一致或从句的主语是it时 从句的主语和系动词be可以省略 当你过马路时请当心 Becarefulwhile when youare cr

8、ossingtheroad 如果必要的话 我将和你一起去 I llgowithyouif itis necessary ifanyifnecessaryifsoifeverifnotIfpossible if引导省略的情况归类 如果必要的话 如果是这样的话 如果曾经有的话 如果不这样的话 如果可能的话 如果有的话 3 CFCs chlorofluro carbons chemicalswhicharefoundinrefrigeratorsandaerosolcans arenotallowed allowvt 允许allow n pron 允许 allow doingsth 允许干某事all

9、owsb todosth 允许某人干某事allowsb prep adv 允许 法律不容许这种行为 Thelawdoesn tallowsuchanaction 警察不允许在街上停车 Thepolicedon tallowparkinginthestreet 仆人不让他进入房子 Theservantwouldn tallowhimin intothehouse Themanagerhas toimprovetheworkingconditionsinthecompany A acceptedB allowedC permittedD agreed 经理已经同意了改善公司里的工作条件 D 1 P

10、eopledon tcareenoughaboutthe 环境 2 C raindiddamagetotheair 3 Saltm inwater 4 There salotof 污染物 intheairhere 针对练习 environment hemical elts pollutants 5 Qingdaoisa 沿海的 city 6 I mc aboutyourhealth 7 Heoften 抱怨 ofhislowpay 8 Inan thestoryisinteresting coastal complains oncerned utshell 短语翻译 1 努力干某事2 善于干某

11、事3 努力工作4 例如5 把 放入6 把 拿走7 太多8 在20世纪70年代 trytodo begoodat workhard suchas put into take away toomuch inthe1970s 9 全欧洲10 让某人干某事11 考虑12 给某人某物13 绿色运动14 浏览 alloverEurope getsb todo thinkabout givesth tosb thegreenmovement lookthrough Homework ReviseWhatyouhavelearnedduringthisperiodofclass FinishthepaperofModule4


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