新动力听力材料第四册Unit 16.doc

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1、Unit 16Section A: Short Conversations1. M: Im sure that Pauls new house is on this street, but I forget the exact address. W: Well, all I know is that its three blocks from his old one. Q: what information did the woman give the man? (B)2. W: Whats wrong? Why do you stop me here? M: Im sorry, Miss.

2、But you were speeding. May I have your drivers license, please? Q: Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? (C)3. M: Whats wrong? Why do you stop me here? W: Im sorry, Miss. But you were speeding. May I have your drivers license, please? Q; Where is the woman going on Sunday? (B)4.

3、W: Mary is always complaining about her job. M: Its not difficult to understand. If you try typing letters day, maybe youd see what its like. Q: What dose the man mean? (A)5. M: That was a beautiful dive you just made. Where did you ever learn how to do that? W: Oh, I have taken many courses in life

4、saving, and diving, too. Q: Where are the two speakers? (D)6. W: Im very glad you have found time to receive me today. You should be very busy as head of the department. M: To tell the truth, Im looking forward to meeting you. Mr. Morse has told me so much about you and you are so promising. Q: Who

5、is the man? (D)7. M: Id like to get a ticket for the first concert.W: Any single performance is one dollar each. I advise you to get the series ticket. Actually you can go to all six concerts for just 4 dollars.Q: How much money would the man have to pay if he just wanted to attend the first concert

6、? (A)8. M: Im terribly sorry that my wife was so rude to you, Mrs. Green. Usually she is quite polite, but our son has been very sick recently and shes rather upset. W: It doesnt matter. I have children of my own so I understand how she feels. Q: Why is the man apologizing? (C)Section B; Long Conver

7、sationW: Do look at those fur coats! Theyre rather lovely, arent they?M: Well, I suppose they are quite lovely.W: Quite lovely? Just feel this one. Its all soft and silky. It must be sealskin.M: Its not sealskin. Its squirrel.W: Sealskin or squirrel, I never know the difference. I think Ill try it o

8、n. Oh, on, perhaps not, its pretty expensive. It is beautiful, though.M: Of course it is. Squirrels are beautiful creatures.W: How about this one? Its fairly reasonable compared to the other, and its got one of those huge collars that frame the face. I always think theyve very flattering. What sort

9、of fur is it, do you think?M: If its fairly cheap, its probably coney.W: Whats that?M: Its a sort of rabbit.W: Well, anyway, Ill try it on. Here, hold my handbag a moment, will you? Im terrified of losing it. Its the crocodile one which cost a lot. The trouble is its rather heavy so I dont use it ve

10、ry often.M: Quite heavy.W: Are you all right?M: Quite all right, thank you. Why?W: Oh, nothing. I thought you sounded a bit annoyed or something. There! Now! How does that look? Its rather on the long side. I think it looks magnificent, just like something out of a thirties film. What do you think?M

11、: I think its horrible. I can hardly bear to look at it, let alone touch it. Honestly, Helena, if you must waste your money, why dont buy a fake fur?W: But I never buy synthetics, you know. They are horrible.M: You are too critical! Im pretty sure you wouldnt refuse a fur coat if someone offered you

12、 one. And anyway, what about those shoes youre wearing? The leather for those must have come from some animal or other.M: Theyre not leather. Theyre plastic.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9. Why doesnt the woman speaker want to try on the fur coat made of squirre

13、l?(C)10. Why doesnt the woman speaker use her crocodile handbag very often?(C)11. According to the man speaker, what kind of fur coat should the woman buy?(D)12. Whats the mans attitude toward buying fur coats?(B)Part Two Computer Do It All Could you live without your television, stereo, VCR or tele

14、phone? Most people would say,No way! But in the future, we may not need these machine at all. Thats because their jobs will all be taken over by your home computer. As a matter of fact, computers can already do most of the things that these that these machines can. The future promises to make our co

15、mputer even more powerful. And the Internet will play a big part in this change. Soon we will be able to buy Internet videophones for our computers. Imagining seeing your friends on your home computer screen while talking to them on the phone! And are you tire of making the trip to a video store? Home computers will soon allow you to choose a movie from an online library. The selection of movies would be convenient! As the home computer takes over the jobs of all our other machines, it is changing the way we live, such as the way we listen to music. On


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