必备词汇和短语 - 外事接待.doc

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1、国际机场 international airport机场大楼 terminal building候机大厅 waiting hall问讯处 information desk/inquiry desk起飞时间 departure time /take-off time抵达时间 arrival time登机卡 boarding ticket /boarding pass安全检查 security check海关 the Customs海关工作人员 customs officer通过海关检查 to go through the customs海关规定 customs requirements海关条例

2、customs regulations海关手续与准则 customs procedures and norms办理海关例行手续 to go through customs formalities报关 to make a customs declaration海关行李申报表 baggage declaration form /luggage declaration form外币申报表 foreign currency declaration form应纳关税物品 dutiable goods /dutiable articles往返票 round-trip ticket /return tick

3、et入境签证 entry Visa出境签证 exit visa过境签证 transit Visa过境旅客 transit passenger入境手续 entry formalities简化手续 to simplify procedures一次性签证 single entry visa多次入境签证 multiple-entry visa再入境签证 re-entry visa旅游签证 tourist visa护照 passport外交护照 diplomatic passport公务护照 service passport出示护照 to show ones passport免税商店 duty-free

4、 shop免税物品 duty-free goods/duty-free articles免税单 duty-free slips行李提取处 baggage claim /luggage claim手提行李 hand luggage出租车候车处 taxi stand /taxi rank随身携带行李 carry-on baggage行李标签牌 baggage tag /luggage tag行李寄存处 baggage depositary /luggage depositary行李手推车 baggage handcart /luggage pushcart健康证书 health certifica

5、te种症证书 vaccination certificate预防接种证书 inoculation certificate接待 to host /to receive接待单位 the host organization接待人员 reception personnel接待员 receptionist受到友好接待 to be cordially received /to get a friendly reception在旅馆下榻 to stay at a certain hotel旅馆登记表 hotel registration form旅馆休息大厅 hotel lobby /hotel loung

6、e旅馆服务员 attendant旅馆女服务员 chambermaid总统套房 presidential suite豪华套房 luxury suite单人房间 single room双人房间 double room招待客人 to entertain guests设宴洗尘 to give a banquet in somebodys honor举行盛大招待会 to hold a grand reception答谢招待会 a reciprocal reception冷餐招待会 buffet reception感谢热情招待 to thank you for your kind hospitality招

7、待所 guest house外宾 foreign guests /overseas visitors贵宾 distinguished guests外国专家 foreign experts/foreign specialists外事办公室 foreign affairs office外事组 foreign affairs section外事往来 dealings with foreign organizations活动日程 itinerary of a visit初步拟订的活动日程 tentative itinerary活动安排 schedule紧凑的活动安排 tight schedule/bu

8、sy schedule精心的安排 thoughtful arrangements详细介绍活动安排 to give a detailed account of the schedule播放有关录像 to show a video entitled.欢迎辞 welcome speech /welcome address告别辞 farewell speech /farewell address自我介绍 to introduce myself久仰大名 Ive long been looking forward to meeting you.期待已久 long-expected合作共事 to work

9、as your colleague深感荣幸 to feel greatly honored亲眼目睹 to witness with my own eyes东方巨龙 Oriental Dragon实现梦想 to realize my dream专程赶来 to come all the way亲自接待 to meet in person若有不便 to encounter any inconveniences排忧解难 to help you out与某人结识 to make the acquaintance of somebody欢迎光临本公司 welcome to our company参与我们的

10、项目 to participate in our project文化交流 cultural exchange促进友谊 to promote friendship加强合作 to enhance cooperation不辞辛劳远道来访 to come in spite of the long and tiring Journey短暂的访问 brief visit有此殊荣 to have the honor of doing something很高兴做某事 to have the pleasure in doing something请允许我介绍 May I present somebody?/Al

11、low me to introduce请你不要介意 Hope you dont mind.祝你参观顺利 Wish you a pleasant visit.祝你访问圆满成功 Wish your visit a complete success.祝你万事如意 Wish you all the best.送别 to see somebody off期待再次来访 Look forward to your visit again希望再次相会 Hope to see each other again soon.代我向某某问好 Say hello to.for me/Remember me to.保持联系 Keep in touch取得联系 to get into touch with./to establish contact with请多保重 Take care.视你旅途愉快 Wish you a pleasant journey./Have a nice trip.一路平安 Bon voyage./Have a safe trip home.



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