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1、天文类英文科技论文写作的常见问题1 用词分析1.1 近义词的用法区别例1 “方程”的英文是“equation”,不是“formula”,“formula”的意思是“公式”。例2 “question”和“problem”翻译成中文都是“问题”,但是英文的意思完全不同,如“ask a question”,“answer a question”,“formulate a problem”,“solve a problem”等;1 I have a question about the last page of your presentation.2 I have a problem about th

2、e last page of your presentation.前者的意思是你有不清楚或者不明白的东西要问,后者是指你认为“the last page of yourpresentation”有错误。例3 “too”和“also”的用法区别:1 I have done this quickly too.2 I have also done this quickly.例4 “few”和“several”用法区分。“several”的意思是“几个”,“few”的意思是“几乎没有”或者“少”,但是“a few”的意思是“几个”。如:1 (a) I bought several books toda

3、y. 1 (b) I bought a few books today.这两句话的意思略微不同:前者情况是指买的比较多,而后者指的是买的比较少。2 There is very few water left in the bottle. (那个瓶子里面几乎没有水了。)3 Very few students came to todays seminar. (今天参加讲座的学生很少。)4 Few students came last night. (昨晚只来了几个学生。)178 中国科学院上海天文台年刊 2010 年5 A few students came last night. (昨晚来了几个学

4、生。)例5 很多学生都不能区分科技英语中的property, character 和characteristic。翻译成中文都是“特征”、“特性”和“性质”,但是在英文中意思不同。1 quality 最普通用词,既可指有形或无形的特性,又可指个性或共性的特征。2 character多指一类人或事物所具有的独特的典型的特征。3 characteristic 指某人或某物天生有别于他人或他物的内部特质或外表特征。例6 Obscure (动词和形容词) 的主要意思是“遮挡”。很多同学以为“obscure”的意思就是“模糊”,应该用fuzzy, blur, dark, faint 等的时候误用obsc

5、ure。1 The black hole is obscured by the dust along the line of sight.2 The image of the star is fuzzy, because the telescope is out of focus.3 The image of the star is blurred, because the telescope .4 The source appears to be dark (或者faint), because of the obscuration by the gasin front of it.例7 “A

6、t last”和“Finally”不完全一样。如“Finally, we reconstruct the expansion history of theUniverse up to with the distance moduli of SNe Ia and GRBs.”Finally 换成 At last,意思是不同的:前者的意思是,“最后,我们重建(了) .”,后者的意思是“我们终于重建(了) .”。例8 “suspect or suspicious”(正面) 和“doubt or doubtful”(负面)。例子:1 We suspect that the observed devia

7、tion of data from the model prediction is caused by theover-simplification of the model. (我们怀疑观测数据和模型的偏离是由于模型过分简化造成的。)2 We doubt that the observed deviation of data from the model prediction is caused by theover-simplification of the model. (我们怀疑观测数据和模型的偏离不是由于模型过分简化造成的。)例9 distinction (定性的区别) 和diffe

8、rence (定量的不同):1 A distinction should be made between a star and a planet.2 The difference between the two measurements is only 10%.例10 “due to”, “because of”, “since”, “because”和“as”都有“因为”和“由于”的意思,但是使用起来很不一样。1 However, due to the fact that (注意此处需要the fact that) the inner disk temperature or BBtemper

9、ature is lower than several keV, the disk or NS flux below 2 keV contributes a considerableportion in the whole energy band.或者可以改为:2 However, because of the fact that the inner disk .3 However, since the inner disk .179 中国科学院上海天文台年刊 2010 年4 However, the disk or NS flux below 2 keV contributes a cons

10、iderable portion in the whole energyband, because the inner disk or BB temperature is lower than several keV.推荐表达4,因为主次关系明确,而且“because”的主要意思就是“因为”,而“since”的主要意思是“自从”(描述时间)。不建议使用“as”,因为“as”的主要意思是“作为”。以下是使用“due to”和“because of”的例子:5 Due to the expansion of the universe, the distances between galaxies

11、become farther and farther.6 Because of your work, this problem has been solved completely.在大多数情况下,“due to”和“because of”可以通用,但是意思略微有所不同。“due to”指自然发展、顺理成章的理由,“because of”指主动介入导致结果的理由。例11 revise、correct、modify 的区别:“revise or revision or revised”意为“修改或者更新,没有错误,但是不够完善”;“correct or correction or correct

12、ed”意为“修正或者改正,有错误,需要改过来”;“modify”的意思介于两者之间。1.2 大小写例12 能量的单位:eV (不是ev),keV (不是KeV), MeV (不是meV),GeV,TeV。例13 方程后面如果不是句号,后面的紧接的句子不能另起一段,而且第一个字母必须是小写;方程后面如果是句号,后面紧接的句子可以另起一段,也可以不另起一段,但是第一个字母必须是大写。例14 冒号后面如果接的是句子,则第一个字母是大写;如果是单词或词组,则第一个字母是小写。1 It requires that a clock still show proper time after being re

13、ad: The quantum uncertainty in itsposition must not introduce significant inaccuracies in its measurement of time over the total runningtime. (请注意这里的“show”用动词原形,因为“require”是命令语气。)2 I classify black holes into three categories: mathematical black holes, physical black holes orastrophysical black hole

14、s. (请注意这里的“or”经常被误写为“and”。)1.3 单复数例15 “data”是复数(单数是“datum”);spectrum, nova, formula, nuclear, index, locus, torus, modulus,radius, focus 的复数分别是spectra, novae, formulae, nuclei, indices, loci, tori, moduli, radii, foci。例16 “In Figure 7, I show the conversion efficiency of different kind (应改为kinds) of

15、 black holeaccretion systems.”例17 指示代词的单复数this, that, these, those 的用法。错误的例子:“This (or that) two pictures are taken . ”应该改为“These (or those) two pictures are taken . ”。180 中国科学院上海天文台年刊 2010 年1.4 数字的英文写法例18 如果能够使用一个单词的数一般不用阿拉伯数字。比如“nine books”或者“twenty books”而不是“9 books”或者“20 books”;但是后面接物理量单位时,9 kg 是正确的,nine kg 是错误的。例19 日期的写法:the first of July, 2006;July first, 2006;the second of July, 2006;the th



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