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1、Hello, everyone! We are from Tongxin class 2. These are our names. Today we will introduce you to the solar system. Now, lets begin our journey through space.太阳sun,Our light, our lives. .everything we do is controlled by the Sun.我们的光线,我们的生命,我们的一切都被太阳控制着。Its so far away that if it is burned out, we w

2、ouldnt know about it for eight minutes.由于实在太远,如果太阳熄灭了,8分钟后我们才会知道. Its so Big, you could fit one million Earths inside it.太阳大到可以装下100万颗地球.水星Mercury, For its size, Mercury has a powerful gravitational pull. 相对体积来说,小小的水星具有强大的引力 Its a huge ball of iron, covered with a thin veneer of rock.它就像一个裹着薄薄岩石层的大铁

3、球.金星venus,Venus,the goddess of love,爱之女神. This planet can also be called The morning star,启明星, Or The evening star,长庚星. Because she can welcome the new day in the east, say good night in the west.(它可以在东方迎接新的一天, 还会在西方道晚安.)But this Venus is one angry goddess. 金星是一个愤怒的女神.These dazzling clouds, theyre m

4、ade of deadly sulfuric acid. 那些耀眼的云层是由致命的硫酸构成The atmosphere is choking with carbon dioxide. 大气层中的二氧化碳留住了太阳热量.Its global warming gone wild.这是无节制的全球气候变暖.Maybe, this could be Earths future.也许就它是我们地球的未来.火星Mars,Mars is the planet that most captures our imagination.火星比任何其他行星都能激发我们的遐想。Once, we believe ther

5、e are Martians live on the planet.我们曾以为有火星人存在。However,Up close, this is a dead planet,no Martians there.然而近观火星是一个死去的行星,并没有火星人存在。And theres no ozone layer.这里没有臭氧层。There is water, but frigid temperatures keep it in a constant deep freeze.这里有水,但在彻骨的严寒中只能永远被冰冻木星JupiterJupiter almost all gas. 木星几乎都是由气体构成

6、的 Its is a monster, at least a thousand time bigger than Earth.木星是巨大的怪物.至少比地球的大1000倍.Its so vast you could fit all the other planets inside it大到可以装下太阳系其它所有行星土星 Saturn. Saturn, named for the Roman god.由古罗马农神的名字命名 Its spectacular rings would stretch almost from Earth to the Moon.壮观的土星环展开的长度几乎等于地球到月球的距

7、离天王星UranusIn the solar systems outer reaches, here is Uranus. 天王星在太阳系的外围It is the third largest planet.天王星在太阳系中是第三大行星。海王星 Neptune, the god of the sea, 海洋之神, This world is covered in methane gas一个被甲烷包围着的世界And a storm as big as Earth whipped up by savage thousand mile-an-hour winds平均时速1000英里的飓风,形成一个像地

8、球一样大的风暴地球 Earth Finally, let us go back home,warm, comfortable, familiar.最后让我们回到我们的地球,温暖、舒适 熟悉After the journey, when we look up, we may know that the universe is vast and we are merely a celestial footnote.旅途结束,当我们仰望天空,我们或许已了解到我们仅仅是太空的小小一隅。 However, we do occupy a special place in the cosmos, a lovely world. So, be kind to our home and enjoy your life.但是我们确实居住在宇宙中一个独特的地方,一个亲切友好的世界。所以,善待我们的家园,享受人生。



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