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1、UNIT ONE1. Globalization is the actual movement or potential to move across borders of nations in areas of trade, investment, technology, finance and labor.全球化在贸易、投资、科技、金融和劳务这些领域是一个潜在正在发生的跨越国界的趋势。2. Globalization has resulted in increasing financial flows and trade between countries, as each country

2、 tries to establish itself into the global economy. 因为每一个国家都尝试纳入到全球化经济体系中去,全球化导致了各个国家资金流动,贸易的不断增加。3. The WTO is the main multilateral trading agreement, which provides a forum for countries to promote free trade and resolve trade disputes.世界贸易组织是一个主要的多边贸易协定,它为各国提供了一个讨论的场所旨在促进自由贸易,解决贸易争端的论坛。4. OPEC u

3、sed its control to artificially raise the oil prices in its member countries in 1973.在1973年,石油输出国组织人为的通过成员国抬高了油价。5. The countrys economy has emerged from recession for the reason that the government adopted some flexible policies.因为政府采取了一些灵活得政策,所以这个国家从经济萧条中走出来了。UNIT TWO1. The computer makes possible

4、 a marvelous leap in human proficiency; it pulls down the fences around the practical and even the theoretical intelligence.计算机使得人类得熟练程度有了一个巨大的飞跃(提升),它突破了束缚实践智能,甚至是理论智能上的一些障碍2. Electronic brains can reduce the profusion of dead ends involved in vital research. But they cant eliminate the foolishness

5、 and decay that come from the unexamined life.电脑可以减少在重大研究中大量的死胡同(困境),但是它们不能消除未经检验的生活带来的愚蠢和腐朽。3. Give me a good fruitful error, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections. You can keep your sterile truth for yourself.给我一个内容丰富的错误,充满希望的种子,包含自我更正,可以把贫瘠的真理留给自己。4. The biggest single need in computer

6、 technology is not for increased speed, or enlarged capacity, or prolonged memory, or reduced size, but for better questions and better use of the answers.对于计算机技术,唯一的要求不是提高速度,不是扩大容量,延长记忆,或者缩小体积,而是为了更好的提出问题,更好的利用这些问题的答案。5. A poet, said Aristotle, has the advantage of expressing the universal; the spe

7、cialist expresses only the particular.亚里士多德说,诗人的优势是表达共性,而专家表现的仅仅是某个特性。UNIT THREE1. The sinking price makes a huge difference in West Africa, where more than 10 million people depend directly on cotton to pay for food, school fee and housing.日益降低的价格对西非造成了巨大的影响,在那里,超过1000万的人直接依靠棉花来支付食物、学费和住房。2. The ro

8、und of talks collapsed after developing countries refused to open the door to their service industries until they got a favorable deal on agriculture.发展中国家除非在农业上能够获得优惠待遇,否则他们拒绝开放本国的服务行业,因此几轮会谈均已失败告终。3. West African cotton growers should have been thriving, but the subsidies U.S. cotton farmers recei

9、ve help destroy any advantage West Africas farmers have.西非的棉花种植户本应兴旺发达,但美国棉农所获得的补贴却破坏了西非农民的任何优势。4. Brazil, now the worlds second biggest cotton exporter after the U.S., last year won a WTO ruling that Washingtons cotton subsidies unfairly distorted world trade.巴西现在是仅次于美国的世界第二大棉花出口国。去年,世贸组织裁定华盛顿的棉花补贴

10、不公平地扭曲了世界贸易。5. Paradoxically, America would lose the high-paying jobs in health care but still become wealthier.矛盾的是,美国将失去在医疗保健方面的高薪工作,但仍会变得更富有。UNIT FOUR1. The war for talent is at its fiercest in high-tech industries. The arrival of an aggressive new superpowerGooglehas made it bloodier still.人才争夺战

11、在高科技产业中最为激烈。一个新的超级强大的超级谷歌的到来让它变得更加血腥。2. Other companies employ “talent” as a synonym for the entire workforce, a definition so broad as to be meaningless.其它的公司用人才这个词来指代整个劳动力,这样的定义过于宽泛而显得没有意义。3. Nor does stocking up on talent seem to protect companies from getting it spectacularly wrong.对人才储备的囤积不能够避免

12、公司陷入大错特错的境地。4. Whereas in manufacturing industries a decline in ethical standards is often slow, in talent-intensive ones it can be terrifyingly sudden.相比于制造业中道德标准缓慢的下降,在密集产业中这一标准下降是猝不及防的。5. Competition for talent offer many benefitsfrom boosting productivity to increasing opportunities, from promot

13、ing job satisfaction to supercharging scientific advances. 对人才的竞争提供了许多好处从提高工作效率到增加机会,从提升工作满意度到提高科学进步。UNIT FIVE1. Like so many things American-made, the hallowed M.B.A. is now facing stiff competition in the form of cheaper and shorter business degrees.就像许多美国制造的东西一样,这个神圣的MBA现在面临着激烈的竞争,以更廉价和更短的商业学位。2.

14、 In overseas presence, Wharton is noticeably lagging behind its U.S. competitors. Many either have partnerships with foreign schools or operate their own campuses abroad.在海外市场上,Wharton明显落后于美国的竞争对手。许多人要么与外国学校建立伙伴关系,要么在国外经营自己的校园。3. According to the Graduate Management Admission Council, which administ

15、ers the GMAT, 81% of the 3,710 new graduate management programs introduced worldwide in the last ten years showed up outside North America.管理GMAT的研究生入学管理委员会表示,在过去十年中,在全球范围内推出的3,710项新研究生管理课程中,有81%都出现在北美以外的地区。 4. The global challenge especially confronts the nations oldest B-school, the University of

16、Pennsylvanias Wharton School of Business, ranked number five on our list of U.S. business schools.美国最古老的商学院宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院在美国商学院排行榜上名列第五,这一全球性挑战尤为突出。 5. The multinational companies rushing into those hot spots are quite happy to hire an M.B.A graduating from a program of 12 to 18 months, as opposed to the two years for a full-time M.B.A from a U.S. school.那些涌入这些热点地区的


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