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1、【机场篇】 乘机手续通知开始办理乘机手续通知Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please:We are now ready for checkin for Flight CO099 to Hong Kong at Counter No.20. Thank you.前往香港的旅客请注意:您乘坐的CO099次航班现在开始办理乘机手续,请您到20号柜台办理。谢谢!推迟办理乘机手续通知Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please:Due to1.the poor weathe

2、r condition at our airport 2.the poor weather condition over the air route 3.the poor weather condition over the New York Airport 4.aircraft reallocation 5.the maintenance of the aircraft 6.the aircraft maintenance at our airport 7.the aircraft maintenance at the New York Airport 8.air traffic conge

3、stion 9.the close-down of New York Airport munication trouble,the supplementary Flight BA030 to Boston has been delayed . The check-in for this flight will be postponed to10:50. Please wait in the departure hall for further information. Thank you. 乘坐补班BA030次航班前往波士顿的旅客请注意: 由于1.本站天气不够飞行标准 2.航路天气不够飞行标准

4、 3. 纽约天气不够飞行标准 4.飞机调配原因 5.飞机机械原因 6.飞机在本站出现机械故障 7.飞机在纽约机场出现机械故障 8.航行管制原因 9. 纽约机场关闭 10.通信原因,本次航班不能按时办理乘机手续。预计推迟到10点50分办理。请您在出发厅休息,等候通知。谢谢!催促办理乘机手续通知 Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please:Check-in for Flight BA030 to Boston will be closed at 10:30. Passengers, who have not been checked

5、 in for this flight, please go to Counter No.20 immediately. Thank you. 前往波士顿的旅客请注意: 您乘坐的BA030次航班将在10点30分截止办理乘机手续。乘坐本次航班没有办理手续的旅客,请马上到20号柜台办理。谢谢!过站旅客办理乘机手续通知Passengers taking Flight CO099 from New York to Hong Kong , attention please:Please go to the 1. counter 2.service counter 3. information deskN

6、0.3 to exchange your boarding passes for transit passes. Thank you.乘坐CO099次航班由纽约经本站前往香港的旅客请注意:请您持原登机牌到3号1.柜台2.服务台3.咨询台换取过站登机牌。谢谢!候补旅客办理乘机手续通知Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please:Stand-by passengers for supplementary Flight BA380 to Boston, please go to Counter No.3 for check-in .Th

7、ank you.持补班BA380次航班候补票前往波士顿的旅客请注意:请马上到3号柜台办理乘机手续。谢谢! 登机广播用语正常登机通知Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please:Flight BA380 alternated from New York to Boston is now boarding. Would you please have your belongings and boarding passes ready and board the Aircraft No. 8 through Gate NO.7. We

8、wish you a pleasant journey .Thank you.由纽约备降本站前往波士顿的旅客请注意:您乘坐的BA380次航班现在开始登机。请带好您的随身物品,出未登机牌,由7号登机口上8飞机。祝您旅途愉快。谢谢!催促登机通知Ladies and gentlemen, may I have you attention please:Flight BA380 alternated from New York to Boston will take off soon. Please be quick to board the Aircraft No.8 through Gate NO

9、.7. This is the 1. second 2.final call for boarding on Flight BA380. Thank you.由纽约备降本站前往波士顿的旅客请注意:您乘坐的BA380次航班很快就要起飞了,还没有登机的旅客请马上由7号登机口上8飞机。这是BA380次航班1.第二次2.最后一次登机广播。谢谢!过站旅客登机通知Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please:Flight BA380to Boston is now ready for boarding. Transit passengers

10、please show your passes and board Aircraft No.8 first through No.7. Thank you. 前往波士顿的旅客请注意:您乘坐的BA380次航班现在开始登机,请过站旅客出示过站登机牌,由7号登机口先上8号飞机。谢谢! 航班延误取消航班延误通知Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please:We regret to announce that Flight BA380 alternated from New York to Boston1.can not leave on

11、schedule 2. Will be delayed to10:50 3. can not take off now due to the poor weather condition over the air route. Would you please remain in the waiting hall and wait for further information? If you have any problems or questions, please contact with the irregular flight service counter. Thank you.由

12、纽约备降本站前往波士顿的旅客请注意:我们抱歉地通知,您乘坐的BA380次航班由于航路天气不够飞行标准1.不能按时起飞2.将继续延误3.现在不能从本站起飞,起飞时间1.待定2.推迟到10点50分。在此我们深表歉意,请您在候机厅休息,等候通知。如果您有什么要求,请与不正常航班服务台工作人员联系。谢谢!航班取消通知Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please: We regret to announce that Flight BA380 alternated from New York to Boston has been cance

13、lled due to the aircraft maintenance at our airport. Would you please contact with irregular flight service counter or call 8556789? We will make all necessary arrangements. Thank you. 由纽约备降本站前往波士顿的旅客请注意:我们抱歉地通知,您乘坐的BA380次航班由于飞机在本站出现机械故障,决定取消今日飞行。在此我们深表歉意。请您与不正常航班服务台工作人员联系,或拔打联系电话8556789,我们将为您妥善安排。

14、谢谢! 航班服务通知Passengers for Flight BA380 alternated from New York to Boston, attention please:Please go to service counter to get 1.a meal coupon 2.a meal box 3.the refreshmentsand show your 1.boarding passes 2. Air-ticketsfor identification. Thank you. 由纽约备降本站前往波士顿的旅客请注意:请您到服务台凭1.登机牌2.飞机票领取1.餐券2.餐盒3.饮

15、料、点心谢谢! 进港广播用语正常航班预告Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please:Flight BA380 alternated from New York to Boston will arrive here at 7:09. Thank you.迎接旅客的各位请注意:由纽约备降本站前往波士顿的BA380次航班将于7点09分到达。谢谢!延误航班预告Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please: We regret to announce that Flight BA380 alternated from New York will be further delayed to 11:00 due to communication trouble. Thank you.迎接旅客的各位请注意:我们抱歉地通知,由纽约飞来本站的BA380次航班由于通信原因将继续延误,预计到达本站的时间为11 点。



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