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1、Unit 1 Shes my aunt教材分析: 本单元主要教学内容为“认识家庭成员”。在教学中,教师要通过扎实的听说训练,让学生熟练运用This is . Is this your .? Hes/Shes .来介绍和询问亲属关系并能用形容词回答人物特征。在引入本单元话题时可以充分利用学生已学的知识,让学生自带一些家庭成员的照片,在课堂上创设生活情景,引导学生产生询问欲望,鼓励学生积极自主地参与交流。学习目标:(1)能听懂、会说、初步认读uncle,cousin,aunt,tall,short这五个单词,发音正确。(2) 能听懂This is . Is this your .? 并能根据实际情

2、况用Hes/Shes回答。(3)能使用句型Is this your .?向他人询问和描述某人,发音正确。(4)培养学生对英语的热爱之情并激发学生的英语学习兴趣。(5)培养学生的交际能力和语言的表达能力。(6)会唱歌曲This is my uncle.学习重点:(1)能听懂、会说、初步认读uncle,cousin,aunt,tall,short这五个单词,发音正确。(2) 能听懂This is . Is this your .? 并能根据实际情况用Hes/Shes回答。(3)能使用句型Is this your .?向他人询问和描述某人,发音正确。学习难点:(1)能听懂This is . Is t

3、his your .? 并能根据实际情况用Hes/Shes回答。(2)能使用句型Is this your .?向他人询问和描述某人,发音正确。学时安排:共四课时Unit 1 Shes my aunt ( Period 1)学习目标:(1)能听懂、会说、初步认读uncle,cousin,aunt这三个单词,发音正确。(2) 能听懂This is . Is this your .? 并能根据实际情况用Hes/Shes回答。 学习重点:(1)能听懂、会说、初步认读uncle,cousin,aunt,tall,short这五个单词,发音正确。(2) 能听懂This is . Is this your

4、.? 并能根据实际情况用Hes/Shes回答。学习难点:能听懂This is . Is this your .? 并能根据实际情况用Hes/Shes回答。教具:课件、词语卡片、挂图学习过程:A. Free talk:T: Hello, boys and girls. Whats your name? (My name is )请学生打开书本至List of characters,用Whos NO.1?等句子和学生复习本册书中的人物,同时引导学生正确运用she和he。B、look and Learn 1、准备照片中三个人物的图片。T:(出示图片)Hello,Im Mike. Welcome to

5、 my family. Look, this is my uncle.Hello,Im Mr Brown, Mikes uncle.2、出示单词uncle,教学单词读音,先带领学生模仿录音朗读,再开“小火车”操练,以加深学生对单词的印象。3、以相同方法教学uncle cousin aunt4、多媒体出示小诗,巩固单词家庭成员我熟悉,英语说来挺容易:最忙碌的是叔叔,uncle,uncle, my uncle This is my uncle.亲爱的阿姨是aunt,my aunt, my aunt This is my aunt.调皮的表弟 cousin,my cousin my cousinTh

6、is is my cousin.5、让学生手拿图片,分角色进行操练:Hello,Im . Look, this is .6、先让学生在每幅图下方画一个小方框,然后说单词,如NO.1 mother,每个单词读两边,让学生根据听到的单词顺序在方框内标上正确的序号。CSing a song播放This is my uncle,让学生听几遍,初步熟悉歌曲歌词和曲调。D、Practise 活动手册P3结合图片带领学生朗读单词,尝试用拼读法,如f-a-t-h-e-r father,以加强学生对单词的认知,再让学生做练习。E、Assign homework(1)听录音,读熟B部分单词。(2)运用This i

7、s my father,用家里的相片依次练习。(3)鼓励学生平时用所学的日常交际用语相互打招呼。板书: Unit1 Shes my aunt uncle, aunt, cousin This is . Is this your .? Hes/ShesUnit 1 Shes my aunt ( Period 2 )学习目标:(1)能听懂、会说、初步认读uncle,cousin,aunt,tall,short这五个单词,发音正确。(2) 能听懂This is . Is this your .? 并能根据实际情况用Hes/Shes回答。(3)能结合所有学过的家庭成员单词熟练使用句型Is this y

8、our .?向他人询问和描述某人,发音正确。学习重点:(1)能听懂、会说、初步认读uncle,cousin,aunt,tall,short这五个单词,发音正确。(2) 能听懂This is . Is this your .? 并能根据实际情况用Hes/Shes回答。学习难点:能结合所有学过的家庭成员单词熟练使用句型Is this your .?向他人询问和描述某人,发音正确。教具:词语卡片、挂图学习过程:A. Free talk:T:Hello, Im Qi. This is my aunt.教师拿自己的家庭照片介绍,请学生拿自己的家庭照片模仿练习,先个别介绍,再在同桌之间进行。T:Whos

9、he?S1: Hes myT: Whos she?Ss: Shes my仿照这样的问答形式在四人小组里进行交流练习。B、Learn to say1、请一名学生带着自己的家庭照片走上讲台T: Show me your family pohto, please.T: Point to your uncle, please.示意学生指出自己的叔叔,my uncle,带领学生朗读复习。以相同方法朗读复习cousin,aunt, 2、结合插图,向学生介绍对话背景,让学生了解插图大意。T:(指着插图1中的相片人物)Whos he?让学生想象自己就是Helen,应该怎么回答,引导学生用Hes my fath

10、er.以相同方法引导学生用Shes my mother.强调:男性用he,女性有she。出示图片,反复操练 并会说Shes my aunt. Hes my uncle. He/She is my cousin.等3、听录音,集体跟读对话。4、鼓励学生两人一组操练对话或是互换角色对话,注意模仿语音语调。5、鼓励学生用自己的家庭照片在小组内用Whos he/she?相互询问照片中的人物,然后再向全班同学用This is 的句型进行介绍。6、鼓励有能力的学生用grandfather、uncle等学过的人物称呼结合自己的家庭照片进行拓展练习。C引出My uncle is tall.教学tall.让学生

11、用tall试着说说。可以指班中的同学来说Hes /Shes tall.同法教学shortD、Practise 分小组训练:This is Hes/Shes tall/short.E、Assign homework(1)听录音,朗读A部分对话,尝试和家长进行角色对话。(2)尝试介绍自己的家人。板书: Unit 1 Shes my auntfather,mother,brother, sister,uncle,aunt,cousin This is . Hes/Shes Is this your .? Unit 1 Shes my aunt ( Period 3)教学目标:1、知识目标:Can s

12、ay the words: my, uncle, aunt, cousin, Mrs etc.2、能力目标:Can use the sentence“This is my. / Is this your .”to communicate.3、情感目标: Learn the new words and introduce the family members.教学重点:Can use the words and sentence to communicate with others about their families.教学难点: Can use the words and sentence

13、 to communicate with others about their families.教具: Pictures, cards教学过程:Step1 Warm up1. Game:Whos he/she?2. T: Can you make a chant for your family?T gives a model: This is my father. He is tall. My father is very tall.3. T invites some Ss to say their chants in class and give marks for them.Step2

14、PresentationSing a songA. (Show the song) T teach Ss to read the song.B. Listen to the song.C. Learn to sing Ss imitate to sing the song after the tape.D. Sing the song togetherStep3 ConsolidationDo Exercise in the workbook.1. T introduce the pictures in the exercise.2. T make an example with one student.3. Ask the Ss to finish the exercises.4. Check the answers in class.Step4 Homework1. Read and recite the text.2. Make a new song and sing for the parents.板书: Unit 1 Shes my aunt



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