新版PEP小学英语六年级下册第三单元A_Let27s__talk and let27s learn.ppt

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1、PartAlet stalkandlet slearn Unit3Wheredidyougo Review go see eat went saw ate fall fell do did ran run came come said say bought buy were are win won wore wear Whatdidyoudolastweekend I park forestpark zoo WheredidJohngoyesterday Hewenttoa Whatdidhedoyesterday He rodeabike I Whatdidyoudoyesterday Ch

2、enJie wentcamping Theywentcamping Whatdidtheydoyesterday Whataboutyou Amy I wentfishing Ilikeswimming Iwentswimmingyesterday wentswimming Idon tlikeswimming soIrode yesterday rodeahorse hurthisfoot wenttoaforestpark wentfishing rodeahorse wentswimming rodeabike A Wheredidyougolastweekend B Iwentto A

3、 Whatdidyoudothere B I wenttoaforestpark wentfishing rodeahorse wentswimming rodeabike wentcamping Howwasyourlastweekend Itwas good fine OK Whatdidyoudo I Didyoureadbooks Yes Idid No Ididn t felloff从 上跌落 fellover摔倒 What sthedate It sMay 1st It stheLabourDay Wheredidyougooveryourholiday IwenttoMt Tia

4、nshan Xinjiang Mt Tianshan Turpan grapes photosofgrapes horse mule Let stalk Whathappened IfelloffmybikelastSaturdayandhurtmyfoot That stoobad Areyouallright I mOKnow ComeandlookatmyphotosfromtheLabourDayholiday Wheredidyougo Mt Tianshan Xinjian IrodeahorseLook it sverysmall Oh yes Itlookslikeamule

5、DidyougotoTurpan Yes wedid Wesawlotsofgrapesthere butwecouldn teatthem Theywon tbereadytillAugust Roleplaying Whathappened IfelloffmybikelastSaturdayandhurtmyfoot That stoobad Areyouallright I mOKnow ComeandlookatmyphotosfromtheLabourDayholiday Wheredidyougo Mt Tianshan Xinjian IrodeahorseLook it sv

6、erysmall Oh yes Itlookslikeamule DidyougototheTurpan Yes wedid Wesawlotsofgrapesthere butwecouldn teatthem Theywon tbereadytillAugust 直到八月它们才成熟 根据课文内容 填空 John hisbikeand his lastSaturday 2 JohnwenttoXinjiangon holiday 3 Thesmallhorselookslikea 4 John lotsofgrapesthere buthecouldn t grapes 小结 构词法 动词过去式不规则变化 go went ride rode hurt hurt read read sleep slept



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