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1、高三英语一轮复习语法专题-冠词专练过关检测一、单选题(共50题;共100分)1.Many people have _ great fun growing vegetables on their QQ happy farm, and it is quite _ experience to steal food from others farm. A.不填; theB.a; anC.不填; anD.a; the2.Although I soon convinced him_ my innocence, I think he still has serious doubts about my san

2、ity. A.ofB.aboutC.onD.in3.According to the recent report, one of the worlds rare animals, _ panda, is in _ danger of dying out. A.a; theB.不填; aC.不填; theD.the; 不填4.(2013江西)Animals are obviously _ lower form of life than _ man. A.a ; /B.the ; theC.a ; theD./ ; /5.The foreigners here are greatly impres

3、sed by the face that _ people from all walks of life are working hard for _ new Tianjin. A./; aB./; theC.a; aD.the; the6.After they each had said _few words, Professor White took _floor and answered the questions. A.a; /B.a; aC.a; theD./; a7.Janes grandmother had wanted to write _ childrens book for

4、 many years, but one thing or another always got in _ way. A.a; /B.the;theC./; theD.a;the8.It was _ cold winter night and the moon was shining brightly across _ night sky. A.不填;aB.a; theC.the; aD.the; 不填9.Not having thought of _ solution to the problem,he isnt in _ mood for the party tonight. A.a;th

5、eB.the;aC.a;/D.the;/10._ experiment took us five months and turned out _ great disappointment. A.The ;/B./; aC.The; aD.The; the11.The parents were shocked by _ news that their son needed _ operation on his knee. A.A; /B.the; /C.the; anD.a; an12.When you visit a museum you must ask for _ permission b

6、efore taking _ photographs inside it.A./; /B.a; theC.a; /D.the; the13.Li Na has won the championship in France Tennis Open. All the Asians_ her challenging spirit and excellent English. A.are proud ofB.are tired ofC.are ashamed ofD.are short of14.The firm was badly in need of a manager who has good

7、knowledge of French. A.a;/B.the;aC./;aD./;the15.Kevin studied very hard last term and as _ result, he made _ great progress. A.a; /B./; aC.a; aD./; /16.It is believed that travelling to Yaan in _ October is _ enjoyable experience. A./; theB.the; anC./; anD.the, the17.While he was investigating ways

8、to improve the telescope, Newton made _ discovery which completely changed _ mans understanding of color.A.the; aB.a ; theC.a; 不填D.不填;the18.What _ great fun it would be if we could celebrate his birthday!Forget it! The teacher in _ charge of our dorm wont be happy to see that.A.a; theB./; theC./; /D.a; /19.Usually we are at _ on _. A.the church; SundayB.church; SundaysC.the church; SundaysD.church; a Sunday20.This is _ book I borrowed yesterday. Isnt it _ interesting one?A.the; the



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