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1、小学四年级英语下册第三模块测试题班级 姓名 分数 一、找出下列不同类型的单词:(20分)( )1、A .take B . help C .picnic ( )2、A .Great B .Oh C .ball( )3、A .because B .kite C .so ( )4、A .Thursday B .why C .Tuesday( )5、A .will B .homework C .picnic ( )6、A .capital B .famous C .beautiful( )7、A .long B .wide C.about ( )8、A .England B .China C .Lon

2、don( )9、A .will B .so C .do ( )10、A .play B .on C .start二、将下列单词填入对应括号内:(20分)星期日( ) 星期一( ) 星期二( ) 星期三( )星期四( ) 星期五( ) 星期六( )星期( )今天( ) 明天( )Tuesday Monday Sunday Thursday tomorrow Friday today Saturday Wednesday week三、选择填空:(20分)( )1、Why not ? tomorrow is Friday . A .So B .Because C .And( )2、 take you

3、r kite tomorrow ? A .Will you B .You will C .Are you( )3、Ill go swimming Tuesday. A .at B .in C.on( )4、Today is Sunday and tomorrow is . A .Saturday B .Tuesday C .Monday( )5、On Saturday we have a picnic . A .are going to B .is going to C .am going to( )6、Will you take your ball ? A .Yes ,I wont B .N

4、o ,I wont C .No ,I will( )7、What will Shanshan do on Monday ?She help her mother. A .wills B .is willing C.will( )8、On Sunday she is going to her homework. A .do B .does C .did( )9、Lingling will her grandmother next week . A .visits B .is going to visit C .visit( )10、I will on Wednesday . A .go the

5、park B .go to park C .go to the park四、用所给单词填空:(20分) a do take so have with1、Were going to a picnic on Sunday . 2、Will you your kite for a picnic tomorrow ?3、My favourite toy is a computer game , I will play computer games on Sunday . 4、On Friday afternoon I will play football my friends 5、Next week

6、is holiday . and of see on read about6、There are many boats the river . 7、Today is Monday tomorrow is Tuesday .8、Ill my books at home on Sunday. 9、London is the capital England .10、This is a book China .五、翻译下列短语:have a picnic go swimming help mother read books do homework go to the park fly a kite play with friends 六、单项选择题:( )1、 Sunday, I will play with my friends. A. To B. In C. On( )2、Today is Thursday and tomorrow is A. Wednesday B.SundayC. Friday七、连词成句。1)will, our, homework, do, they 2) picnic, on, we, going to, Monday, are, a, have3) I, go, on, Monday, will, swimming


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