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1、课题Lesson1 How Are You?课时1教学目标1、 能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:you,teacher,hello,hi,your,name,friend, pupil,his,her2、 能认读、理解并运用句式:Whats your/his/her name? My/His/Her name is.3、认识到You can call me.和My name is.是向别人介绍自己的两种不同表达方法。重点同目标1-2难点同目标3教学准备录音机、磁带教学过程二次备课1、 GreetingHello!Nice to see you!What did you do on your ho

2、liday?(因为是开学后的第一节课,询问学生的假期情况,可用汉语回答或英汉混用,这样可以活跃课堂气氛,拉近距离,让学生以愉悦的心情进入下面的学习)2、 New Concept(一)学习本课单词1) Hello与Hi意思相同(喂;你好);但Hi是非正式用语。2) 人称代词 (形容词性)物主代词 You your He his She her补 I my3) teacher教师,name名字;名称,friend朋友4) pupil小学生(student泛指学生,还可特指大学生)(2) Part1:A new teacher1、试读课文并注意Jenny的班里开学后有什么变化?1) Whats th

3、e new teachers name? (Mr. Wood)2) How does he introduce himself? (You can call me Mr. Wood.)2、介绍自己 当别人询问怎么称呼你时,应说:1) My name is.2) Im.3) You can call me.3、 初次见面问候,说:Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you,too.(3) Part2:A new friend1、 试读并理解课文2、 学习介绍朋友的句型:1)介绍单个朋友:This is. 2)介绍多个朋友:These are.3、How are you?

4、的答语有: Fine,thanks/Im fine,thank you/Very well.三、总结:1、如何介绍自己和朋友; 2、怎样打招呼; 3、注意人称代词与物主代词的区别四、Practice:1、 选词填空 (he she his her)1) _ is my brother._name is Wang Ming.2) _ is my sister._ name is Kim.2、 选择正确答案1) Is this _ pencil? (B) A. you B. your C. Yours2)3、介绍你的朋友(Part3:Lets do it)五、Homework:熟读课文,背单词(组

5、长检查) 板书设计课后反思与重建Lesson1 How Are You?1、 自我介绍1)My name is.2)You can call me.2、 介绍朋友 This is my friend.He is a boy His name is.或 She is a girl.Her name is.3、 打招呼1) hello!/Hi! hello!/Hi!2) Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you,too!3)How are you? Fine,thanks./Very well.课题Lesson2 Is This Your Pencil?课时1教学目标1

6、、 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:pencil,pencil box,what,pen,ruler, crayon,whose2、能理解并运用句式:Whose.is this? Its my/his/her.重点同目标1-2难点运用所学知识进行交际交流。教学准备录音机、磁带教学过程二次备课1、 Review1、 检验学生单词熟识度:you,teacher,hello,hi,your,name,friend,pupil,his,her2、 使用上节课学过的句式介绍自己1) Hello!My name is .2) Hi!You can call me .3、 介绍同学朋友或家人1) This

7、 is my friend/family.2) He/She is a boy/girl.3) His/Her name is .2、 New Concept(1) 学习本课单词1、 pencil,pencil box,pen,ruler,crayon(彩色蜡笔、粉笔、铅笔)2、 What,whose谁的(who谁) (2) Part1:My pencil box1、 导入:What is it? Its a .2、观察Part1并说一说,Whats in my pencil box?(Its a pen/pencil/ruler/crayon in my pencil box.)(3) Pa

8、rt2:Whose pencil is this?1、复习whose:含义“谁的.”,后接名词 例如:whose pencil/pencil box/pen/ruler/crayon (谁的铅笔/铅笔盒/钢笔/尺子/蜡笔)2、 当你捡到别人丢失的物品时,你应问: Whose _ is this? 这是谁的(物品)? Its my/his/her _.或 Its 人名s _.注意:人名+s 表示“此人的.”例如:(课文Part2的picture4) Whose pencil is this? Its Dannys pencil!3、 当寻找失主时,除上述广泛的询问方式,还有一种逐一寻找的询问方式

9、。例如:(课文Part2的picture1-3)1)Is this your pencil,Jenny? No,it isnt.2) Is this Stevens pencil? No.Its not his pencil.3) Is it Kims pencil? No.Its not her pencil.增加问题:Is it Dannys pencil? Yes,it is.3、 Practice: 完成Part3(Lets do it!)4、 总结: 1、描述“这是什么”What is it? 2、捡到东西,寻找失主的两种不同表达方法 广泛询问:Whose _ is this? 逐一

10、询问:Is this your/his/her/Dannys pencil?5、 Homework: 1、单词一篇,并背过; 2、熟读全文,背诵课文Part2:Whose pencil is this? 3、完成基本功训练Lesson2板书设计课后反思与重建Lesson2 Is This Your Pencil?1、描述“这是什么” What is it? Its a .2、捡到东西,寻找失主的两种表达方法 广泛询问:Whose _ is this? Its my/his/her/Dannys _. 逐一询问: Is this your/his/her/Dannys pencil? Yes,i

11、t is.或 No,it is not. No,its not my/his/her/Dannys pencil.课题Lesson3 Where Are They?课时1教学目标1、 能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:blackboard,desk,chair,schoolbag,between, beside2、 能听懂、会说下列句子:Danny is between the desk and the chair. Jenny is beside Kim.重点同目标1-2难点同目标2教学准备录音机、磁带教学过程二次备课1、 Review(我问你答)Lesson1:(打招呼)Hello!How a

12、re you? Fine,thanks./Very well.Lesson2:(捡到东西,面向集体)Whose crayon is this? Its _s crayon. (捡到东西,面向个人)Is this your pencil box? Yes,it is. /No,it is not.2、 New Concept(1) Part1:My classroom1、 观察图片,This is Dannys classroom.What can you see?2、 学习本课单词1)教师指着黑板、书桌、椅子、书包,向学生提问:What is it? 老师书写单词blackboard,desk,chair,schoolbag.2)学会后再次提问:What is it? Its a blackboard/desk/chair/schoolbag.(2) Part2:Where are they?1、 观察Picture1,Where is Danny? 学习介词:between “在.中间”,指的是两者之间则 Danny is between the desk and the chair.2、 观察Picture2,Where is Jenny?And where is Kim? 学习介词:beside “在.旁边”则 Jenny is beside Ki


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