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1、实例分析as的四种词性as从词类上讲,可以用介词、副词、连词、关系代词;从语法功能上讲,可以和它的宾语一起构成介词短语,可以引导状语从句、定语从句,也可以修饰形容词或其它副词;另外还可以用在很多习语中。一、as用作介词(preposition)1. 作为,以的身份;担任e.g.acting as a mediator 担任仲裁人She works as an interpreter in that company.她在该公司里担任翻译员。2. 当作e.g.She didnt think much of him as a painter.她对他作为一位画家评价不高。3. 像,跟相似;如同,相同e

2、.g.On this issue they thought as one. 在这个议题上他们的想法一致。The old woman was dressed as a young lady.这位老妇人打扮得像一位年轻人。二、as用作副词(adverb)1. 跟一样地,同样地;在相同的范围或程度; 相等地e.g.The child sang as sweetly a nightingale. 那孩子歌唱得跟夜莺一样甜美。Sam is as rich as Alexander.山姆像亚历山大一样富有。2. 如同;例如e.g.Such animals as foxes and squirrels ha

3、ve bushy tails.有些动物,如狐和松鼠,有蓬松的尾巴。large carnivores, as the bear or lion 大的食肉动物, 例如熊或狮子3 在一个特定的关系或形式下考量e.g.This definition as distinguished from the second one. 这个定义跟第二个比较起来是有区别的。三、as用作连词(conjunction)1. (常用在so或as之後作为相关连接词) 相同的程度或数量,像一样;依照,像e.g.You are as sweet as sugar. 你跟糖一样的甜。The situation is not so

4、 bad as you suggest. 情况不像你想像的那麽糟。You ought to do as Paul tells you.你应按照保罗吩咐的做。The work is not so difficult as you imagine.这工作不像你想像的那么困难。Think as I think. 依照我想的方式来想。2. 当时;同时,当时e.g.As she left the room she remembered that book.她离开房间时想起了那本书。Slipped on the ice as I ran home. 我跑回家的时候, 我在冰上滑了一跤。3. 随着e.g.A

5、s the sun rose the fog dispersed.太阳一出来,雾随之消失。4. 因为e.g.We didnt know what to do as we were just visiting there.我们不知道该怎么办,因为当时我们仅仅在那里作访问。Went to bed early, as I was exhausted. 因为非常疲累我很早就上床睡觉。5. 虽然e.g.Tired as he was, he sat up late.他虽然疲倦,可仍然很晚才睡。Great as the author was, he proved a bad model.虽然这名作家很伟大

6、,不过他树立了一个不好的榜样。Ridiculous as it seems, the tale is true. 虽然荒谬,这个故事却是真实的。6. 结果e.g.He was so foolish as to lie. 他这麽傻, 才会傻到要说谎。7. 配合来讲; 以方式来看e.g.The hotel is quite comfortable as such establishments go.就设备来看, 这旅馆算是非常舒适的了。The sun is hot,as everyone knows. 大家都知道太阳很热。8. 相当於 thate.g.I dont know as I can an

7、swer your question. 我不晓得能不能回答你的问题四、as用作关系代词1. (与such,the same,as等连用,引导关系从句)与相同的事物(或人)e.g.He has earned as much money as I have.他赚的钱和我赚的一样多。She felt just the same as he did.她和他的感受相同。There is a general rise in prices such as occurred in the late 60s.物价普遍上涨,跟六十年代末一样。I received the same grade as you did

8、. 我跟你得到同样的分数。Those as want to can come with me. 要来的可以跟我来2. (引导从句,对前述内容作补充)本情况,该事实e.g.She has married again, as was expected.她已再婚,这是意料中的事。We are tired, as anyone can see.我们累了,这是有目共睹的。五、带as的一些习语as follows 如下as long as 只要;在的时候as mentioned above 如上所述as much as 到程度;差不多,实际上;虽然,即使as noted above 如上面所看到的那样,

9、上面已经看到as opposed to 完全不同, 截然相反, 反对, 对照as previously seen 如前面所见到的那样, 前面已经见到as soon as 一就as such 像这样的;本身,就这一点而论as the name implies 顾名思义as well 也,又,同样as well as 既又,不仅而且,以及,除外A as well as B 不仅有(乙)而且有(甲)as firm as a rock 稳如磐石,毫不动摇as for 关于,至于,就而言as is 照原样,无担保,不保修; 原样e.g.bought the samovar as is from an a

10、ntique dealer从古董商那儿买到原样的俄国茶壶as yet 迄今,到目前as it is 事实上,实际上,既然如此,像现在这样as it were 可以说,可谓;似乎、好像as if 似乎,好像,仿佛as of 在时候,从时候起,到时候止,直到as regards 关于as to 根据,按照,依照;关于,至于,就而言as in the case with 与的情况一样as indicated in 如所示as indicated above 如上面所指出as a consequence 由于,结果as a consequence of 由于, 因为as a result 因此,结果brave as a lion 像狮子一般勇敢as a result of 作为的结果,由于as a rule 通常,一般说来as a whole 作为一个整体,总而言之,总的说来,整体上,整个as seen from without从外面看来


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