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1、Appendix for TOP-TOY Purchase ContractTOP-TOY 采购合同附录Page 1 of 5Terms 定义All goods must be produced by the factory specified on this Purchase Contract. Any changes to the factory must be advised to and approved by TOP-TOY prior to production. 采购合同上要写明产品是给哪家工厂生产。如需变更生产工厂在生产前需提前通知并得到TOP TOY的批准才行。TOP-TOY

2、 has the right to cancel the order if the supplier does not provide the license agreement and license approval form for each item prior to inspection. 工厂如不能提供生产许可协议及批准的许可证,TOP TOY 有权取消订单Re-inspection will be of the highest level. Charges will be made for second and /or further inspection due to qual

3、ity problems. Expenses will be charged to suppliers account.产品允许翻验已是最高界线,因产品质量问题,第二次或更多次的验货所产生的费用由供应商支付。Sample Package 样办包装Quantity of samples required: 样办数量要求For new or existing products with changes in specification or packaging.新产品或现有的产品规格或包装有变更: 2 4 sets, reference sample in factory standard spe

4、cification for product study purposes. 2-4 套,做产品研究的参考办及标准规格 1 set, approval sample for confirmation of TOP-TOY specification, not including packaging. 1 套,批准办给 TOP TOY 做产品规格确认,不包括包装。 2 sets, pre-production sample with TOP-TOY packaging for approval of packing visual to be submitted 3 weeks before in

5、spection. 2 套,按 TOP TOY 要求包装的 PP 办,在验货前三周交办以便批准包装办 4 sets, shipment samples required after the final inspection has been passed. 4 套,最终验货合格后交船头办 2 sets, master samples (in addition to Shipment samples) will be selected and signed during pre-shipment inspection - one for factory reference, and one fo

6、r TOP-TOY. (Factory to send to TOP-TOY office together with the shipment samples). 2 套, -客戶原辦(不包括船头办),在出货前挑选出好的并签字,一套给工厂参考,一套给TOP TOY(工厂需将船头办一起给 TOP TOY)For repeat order with no changes of product specification or packaging.翻单产品,产品规格及包装没有变更 2 sets, shipment samples are required after the final inspe

7、ction has been passed. 2 套,最终验货合格后交船头办Battery Requirement 电池要求Appendix for TOP-TOY Purchase ContractTOP-TOY 采购合同附录Page 2 of 5TOP-TOY only stock 0% Mercury and 0% Cadmium batteries. Batteries for “Try-Me” purposes must comply with the safety standard, 2006/66/EC.TOP TOY 只用无汞及无镉电池。“Try-me”所用的电池必须符合 20

8、06/66/EC 的安全标准。TOP-TOY has nominated GPI (Gold Peak) as its authorised supplier for “Try-Me” batteries.TOP-TOY 指定 GPI (Gold Peak)为“Try-Me” 电池的供应商If suppliers have alternative brands of battery other than GPI (Gold Peak), they need to seek approval from TOP-TOY in advance.如果供应商发现除 GPI (Gold Peak)外,还有

9、其它品牌电池的供应商,需提前知会 TOP TOY 审核批准方可。For environmental purposes, TOP-TOY will only accept Ni-MH (Nickel Metal Hydride) rechargeable batteries. Ni-Cd (Nickel Cadmium) batteries are NOT acceptable in any instance.为提倡环保,TOP TOY 只接受 Ni-MH (Nickel Metal Hydride)可充电的电池,而不用镍镉电池。TOP-TOY is also selling several c

10、ommon types of batteries which are the European Duracell Ultra Alkaline, under TOP-TOYs private jacket. Below is the equivalent table for reference.TOP TOY 在 European Duracell Ultra Alkaline 也销售几种普通型号的电池,属 TOP TOY 的私营公司。以下换算表以供参考General Symbols 常规型号 TOP-TOY Battery Symbols TOPTOY 电池型号D / LR20 AC / L

11、R14 BAA / LR6 C9V DAAA / LR03 ENB: The supplier is reminded to ensure that TOP-TOY batteries as appropriate, securely fit to the battery compartment of each product with good and stable contact. TOP-TOY can provide small quantities of battery samples to supplier upon request.供应商需确保 TOP TOY 的电池是否适用,并

12、能安全适用于产品。如有要求 TOPTOY 可提供少量的电池样办给供应商。Lab Testing 实验室测试 All products delivered to TOP-TOY must comply with relevant safety standards as stated in TOP-TOYs Purchase Contact. 所有供货给 TOP TOY 的产品必须按采购合同所要求的符合相关安全标准。 Product must comply to the RoHS Directives 2002/95/EEC & WEEE Directives 2002/96/EEC. A Dec

13、laration of Conformity for Compliance of RoHS Directive chopped and signed by the supplier must be submitted to TOP-TOY before inspection/ shipment. 产品必须符合 RoHS Directives 2002/95/EEC & WEEE Directives 2002/96/EEC 的标准。在验货/出货前工厂需将签名及盖章的 ROHS 申明书给 TOP TOY。 Product must comply to the Phthalate Directiv

14、es 2005/84/EEC. 产品必须符合 PVC 中无邻苯二甲酸盐 2005/84/EEC 的标准Appendix for TOP-TOY Purchase ContractTOP-TOY 采购合同附录Page 3 of 5 Colour migration must follow the TOP-TOY specified requirement. 按 TOP TOY 产品检验规范的要求做产品颜色转移测试 Supplier must submit test reports to TOP-TOY with a Declaration of Compliance, which states

15、that production is made according to the sample tested. It should include a corresponding TOP-TOY item number prior to inspection. 供应商必须将测试报告及申明书(申明书需陈述产品是参照样办测试的)给 TOP TOY。在检验前这些都需与 TOP TOY 产品编号一致。 TOP-TOY will not accept self certification or letter of compliance. TOP TOY 不接受自检证书或证明信 If a product

16、is altered in any way (except packaging) and if the alteration affects the safety of the product, new safety tests are required. The supplier is responsible for submitting test certificates which cover all changes in the product. 如果产品需变更(除包装外),并且变更会影响产品的安全性,则需做重新做安全测试。供应商有责任在测试申请表上注明产品变更事项。 TOP-TOY recommends that a photograph of the product being tested, be attached together with the test reports.T


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