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1、新牛津高中英语模块一第三单元知识点整理及单元练习M1 Unit3一、词汇大集合I. 单词1. gym 健身房,体育馆 2. stay 保持3. slim 苗条的,纤细的 4. figure 体型,身材5. weight 体重,重量,杠铃片 6. ashamed 惭愧的,羞愧的7. since 因为,既然 8. weight-loss 减肥的,瘦身的9. exercise 锻炼,运动 10. work 起作用,有效果,奏效11. priceless 无价的,珍贵的 12. recover 痊愈,恢复健康,重新获得,13. liver 肝脏 14. failure 衰退,衰竭,故障,失灵,失败15

2、. contain 包含,容纳 16. harmful 有害的17. chemical 化学物资,化学物品,化学的 18. operation 手术19. exact 精确的,准确的 20. match 比赛,相配的人/物,匹配,相称21. follow 遵循,遵守,依照 22. advice 建议,忠告23. seldom 很少,不常,难得 24. damage 伤害,25. attractive 有吸引力的 26. touching 动人的,感人的27. stranger 陌生人 28. embarrassed 尴尬的,难为情的29. pressure 压力 30. actress 女演员

3、31. overweight 肥胖的,体重超标的 32. diet 节食,日常饮食,控制饮食33. properly 适当地,合适地 34. skinny 极瘦的,皮包骨的35. lift 举起 36. consider 考虑37. effect 作用,影响,效果 38. affect 影响39. sportsman 运动员 40. achievement 成就41. risk 冒险 42. post (在网上发布的)帖子43. recognize 认出,识别,认可,公认 44. lifestyle 生活方式,生活习惯45. energy 能量 46. regularly 定期地,有规律地,经

4、常47. regular定期的,有规律的,经常的 48. yet 然而,可是49. skip 跳过,略过 50. control 控制51. calorie 卡路里,卡 52. teenage 十几岁的53. system 系统 54. skin 皮肤55. count 算数,有效 56. relaxed 放松的,轻松的57. ability 能力 58. concentrate 集中;全神贯注59. amount 量,数量 60. loss 丢失,损失61. suggestion 建议II. 短语1. stay healthy 保持健康 2. be dying to 渴望,切望3. hear

5、 from sb. 收到某人来信 4. used to do 过去常常5. work out 锻炼 6. lose weight 减肥7. put on weight 增肥 8. be ashamed of 为感到羞愧9. be popular among/ with 受欢迎 10. keep doing sth. 一直做某事11. recover from 恢复,恢复知觉 12. liver failure 肝功能衰竭13. regret to do 遗憾的去做 14. regret doing 后悔做过15. causeto 引起,导致 16. donate . to 捐赠17. be e

6、mbarrassed about 因感到羞愧 18. go on diets 节食19. come across 偶遇,无意中发现 20. in secret 秘密地21. get hurt 受伤 22. build up 增进,加强23. on ones own 独立地,独自地 24. consider doing sth 考虑做某事25. fall out 发生, 脱落 26. side effect 副作用27. take the risk 冒险 28. recommend sth to sb. 向推荐29. along with连同一道 30. in the long/short te

7、rm 从长远看31. give up on 放弃,对感到绝望 32. as a matter of fact 事实上33. take in 接受,理解,吸收 34. in no time 立刻35. risk doing 冒险做某事 36. call sb. names 辱骂某人37. a headache to 麻烦事 38. a good amount of 大量的二、句型大集合1. I used to go to the gym three times a week, but I dont work out any more. 我以前也常去健身房, 一周三周,但我现在不锻炼了。2. I

8、am trying to lose weight because Im so ashamed of my body. 我正在努力减肥,因为我的体形让我觉得很难为情。3. I regret taking those weight-loss pills. 我很后悔服用那种减肥药。4. I think you look great as you are. 我觉得你目前这个样子就很棒。5. Its the same in Chinamany people, some of whom are not overweight at all, are always going on diets or taki

9、ng weight-loss pills, which are often dangerous.在中国也是一样的情况许多人,包括有些根本就不超重的人,总是在节食,或者是吃减肥药片,这些做法往往是危险的。6. Now he is considering taking some pills, which he thinks will take him become stronger.他正在考虑服用药片,他觉得这样能是他更健壮。7. Healthy eating along with regular exercise is the only way to become fit. 健康的饮食习惯加上经

10、常锻炼是保持健壮的唯一途径。8. Walking and riding your bike count, and so do school sports.行走和骑自行车就算,在学校进行的体育活动也算。9. As a matter of fact, loss of sleep can make you look tired, and even cause you to put on weight. 事实上,失眠会是你面容疲倦,甚至身体发胖。10. If you follow the suggestions above, you will look and feel much better in no time at all! 如果你遵守以上建议,用不


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