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1、 fundamentalunitofspeechandminimumfreeform withaunity 1 soundandmeaning capable performingagivensyntacticfunctionThedevelopmentofEnglishVocabulary OldEnglish OE chracterizedbythe compounds Some involvingalliteration 449 1100 OEisfrequentuseofOEcompoundshavesurvivedin ModernEnglish About85 ofOEwordsa

2、renolongerinuse MiddleEnglish 1100 1500 MEischaracterizedbythestronginfluenceofFrenchfollowingtheNormanConquestin1066 lawandgovernmentaladministration ModernEnglish 1500 thepresent Therapidgrowthofpresent dayEnglishvocabularyanditscauses A markedprogressofscienceandtechnology software hardware B soc

3、io economic politicalandculturalchange screditcard fringebenefit pressurecooker C influenceofotherculturesandlanguages maotai sputnik classificationofEnglishwordsaccordingtodifferentcriteria1 Byorigin native wordsandloanwords Nativewords Anglo SaxonoriginofOE Loanwords borrowedfromotherlanguage feat

4、uresofbasicwordstock 1 Nationalcharacter2 Stability3 Word formingability4 Abilitytoformcollocations 2 By levelofusage 1 Commonwords stylisticallyneutral appropriateinbothformalandinformalwritingand speech 2 Literarywords chieflyusedinwriting especiallyinbookswrittenina 书山有路第一章 Awordcanbedefinedasamo

5、reelevatedstyle inofficial adocuments orinformalspeeches A ofarchaicwords Theyaresometimesofemployedinpoetry businessletters legaldocuments religiousspeeches andproses B poeticalwords thedeep thesea slumber sleep maiden girl etc 3 colloquialwords mainlyusedinspokenEnglish orininformalwriting 4 slang

6、words kickthebucket top notchteachers buzz telephonecall 5 technicalwords psychoanalysis interlanguage discovery assaultandcoversation 3 BynotionFunctionwords determiners conjunctions prepositions auxiliaries Contentwords nouns mainverbs adjectives adverbs 第二章 Themorphemeisthesmallestmeaningfullingu

7、isticunitoflanguage notdivisibleoranalyzableintosmallerforms Theclassificationofmorpheme 1 free andboundmorphemes Afreemorphemeisonethatcanbeutteredalonewithmeaning Itcanexistonits ownwithoutaboundmorpheme Aboundmorphemecannotstandbyitselfasacompleteutterance Itmustappearwithatleastoneothermorpheme

8、2 rootsandaffixes1 roots Arootisthebasicunchangeablepartofaword anditconveysthemainlexicalmeaningoftheword A freeroots InEnglish manyrootsarefreemorphemes B boundroots Quiteanumberofrootsderivedfromforeignsources especiallyfrom 书山有路 GreekandLatin 2 affixesA inflectionalaffixes plurality tense compar

9、ativeorsuperlativedegree B derivationalaffixes prefixesandsuffixes 2 第三章 1 Derivation 1 prefixes Prefixescanbeclassifiedintothefollowingcategoriesbytheirmeaning A 表 方式 的前缀 mis co mal B 表 态度 的前缀 anti counter pro re C 表 程度 的前缀 super under over D 表 时间 的前缀 pre post ex pre E 表 地点 的前缀 inter trans super ov

10、er sub F 表 否定 的前缀 un in G 表 大小 的前缀 mini maxi 2 suffixes 1 ee 加于动词后 表示受事者或施事者 2 eer 由其构成的名词有时含有贬义 表达作者或说话人对某人的蔑视态度 3 er 由其构成的新词在现代英语中显得生动活 泼 带有浓厚的口语色彩 4 wise intermsof sofar ism 5 as is concerned 在 方面 就 来说 2 Conversionisaword formationprocesswherebyawordofacertainword classisshiftintoawordofanotherwo

11、rd classwithouttheadditionofanaffix Itisalsocalledzero derivation Typesofconversion1 NtoVconversionA toputin onN把 放入 使 处于 B togiveN toprovidewithN给予 提供C todepriveofN去掉D to withN用 来做E tobe actasNwith respectto像 那样F tomake change intoN使 成为 把 改变为 G tosend gobyNH tospendtheperiodoftimedenotedbyN AdjtoV

12、Usuallythistypeofverb means tomake become adj Someadjectivescanonlybeconvertedintotransitiveverbs adv toV toup Todown conjunctiontoV tobut 2 VtoN这一类词常与动词have take give make等词搭配使用形成一 个短语2 表示行动的结果 afind acatch acough etc 3 原动词表示一种行动或行为 转化为名词后表示行为的主体 如 abore acheat asneak acoach agoodkick AtoN 1 Partia

13、lconversionA 表示一种类的概念 指具有某种特点的一类人 不指个别人 B 以 s sh se ch结尾表示民族概念的形容词转化为名词 与定冠词连用 指整个民族C 表示抽象概念 指具有某种特点的东西D 最高级形容词转化为名词 其中一些词用在固定词组或英语习语词组中 E 过去分词构成的形容词转化为名词 这类词前面加定冠词 不指一般人 而指特定的人 2 Completeconversion3 NtoA 英语中的名词可以直接用作定语修饰另一个名词 既不需要加形容词词尾 也不需要任何格的变化 这样的定语就是名词定语 3 Compoundingorcompositionisaword forma

14、tionprocessconsistingofjoiningtwoormorewordstoformanewunit acompoundword Classificationofcompounds1 Nouncompounds 1 a n harddisk easychair deadline 2 n n mousemat DreamTeam informationhighway etc 3 adv n after effect overburden 4 gerund n chewinggum readinglamp driveway 7 n v nightfall toothpick 3 s

15、nowfall put off 9 watersupply v adv show off adv v downfall upset upstart adjectivecompounds 1 由状语转化而成的复合形容词 anoff thecuffopinion 临时想起的一点意见 2 短语动词 astand upcollar 竖领 3 动词不定式 take homepay 扣除税后的实得工资 across borderraid 越界袭击 4 定语从句压缩 adifficult to operatemachine 3 verbcompounds 第四章 Acronymy Initialism词首字

16、母缩略词andAcronyms首字母缩略词Initialisms 首字母缩略词 Initialismisatypeofshortening usingthefirstlettersofwordstoformapropernameatechnicalterm oraphrase BBC British BroadcastingCorporation VIP VeryImportantPerson Threetypesofinitialisms1 Thelettersrepresentfullwords CIA Central IntelligenceAgencyoftheU S 2 The lettersrepresentcompoundorjust elementsinapartofa ID Identification card 3 A word letter representsthecompleteformofthefirstword whilethesecondwordisinfullform V Day VictoryDay Acronyms arewordsformedfr



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