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1、附录 1:OG 长难句汇总(1) The anomalies of the situation afforded him gleam of pleasureto a person of superior intellect, the idea that he or she has been weak or a foot in comparison with an inferior adversary is fraught with moral comedy and sardonic philosophic applications.这种不正常的情形给了他些许安慰-对一个高智商的人来说,他或者她

2、不如那些普通的对手的想法充满了道德喜剧和冷嘲热讽的哲学运用。(2)Bringing the voice to life via the book is one of the subtler aspects of the reading magic, but hearing a book in the voice of another amounts to a silencing of that self- it is an act of vocal tyranny.通过书给生活带来声音是阅读魔法更加微妙的方面之一,但是听到其他人的声音的一本书等于是自我的失声是一种声音的暴政行为。(3) It

3、was the usual mistake of a complex intelligence in assessing a simple intelligence, of an imagination that is capable of seeing and feeling on many levels at once, as opposed to an administrative mentality that feels operationally, through acts.这是具有复杂智能的人在评价一个普通人时常犯的错误。具有能够迅速看到并感知到不同层面的想象力的人也会犯类似的错误

4、,这与一个只有从行动中才能感知操作性的行政思维截然不同。(4) Every modern observer, whether he or she was schooled in the traditions of the South Pacific or Zaire, of Hanover, New Hampshire or Vienna, Austria, was exposed at an early age to one or another form of folklore about Native Americans.每个现代观察者(历史学者),无论是在世界上的什么地方接受的教育,都

5、曾经听说关于印第安人的传说。(5) For some, the very impressions about Native American tribes that initially attracted them to the field of American history are aspects most firmly rooted in popular myth and stereotype.对于他们(历史学者)中的一些人而言,恰恰是那些深深的植根于(人们脑海中的)对于印地安的神秘传说把他们吸引到了这个领域(印地安历史)中来。(6) It proposed that even tho

6、ugh most buyers will never venture into territory any less trampled than the parking lot of the local shopping mall, the important goal of the marketing hype is to plant the image in customers minds that they can conquer rugged terrain.尽管大多数的买家不会把车开到崎岖的地方去,而只是把车停在当地的商店停车场,但重要的市场策略是给人们植入这样的一种印象:“你可以征

7、服崎岖的土地!”。(7) Indeed, in an age when many who can afford to do so live in limited-access communities in houses guarded by sophisticated surveillance systems, the SUV is the perfect transportation shelter to protect us from fears both real and imagined.的确,在这样的一个年代,人们喜欢住在有着严密保安监控系统的社区中,SUV(也就理所应当)地成为了最

8、好的交通庇护所,让人们远离那些或真实或虚幻的恐惧。(8) The belief that it is harmful to the Black community for authors to explore the humanity of our leaders can have troubling effects.认为人们不应去探究我们的领导人的人格的想法会对黑人社会带来消极影响。(9) Little wonder that a poll taken by The New York Times finds a majority of Americans seeing farm life a

9、s superior to any other kind of life in this country.由时代周刊发起的调查显示,美国民众认为农场生活是这个国家中最好的生活方式,也就不足为奇了。(10) That nineteenth-century French novelist Honore de Balzac could be financially wise in his fiction while losing all his money in life was an irony duplicated in other matters.19 世纪法国小说家巴尔扎克在小说中显示出了极

10、高的商业头脑,然而现实中他却一贫如洗,像这样的具有讽刺意味的事情在巴尔扎克的生活屡见不鲜。(11) Contemplating the consequences of that will give you a headache, and science fiction writers for decades have delighted in the paradoxes that can arise from traveling through time.想想这个结果(由时空穿梭所引起的因果倒置)就会令人头痛,而多年以来那些科幻小说家却对这个话题乐此不彼。(12) Balzacs fictio

11、n originally sprang from an intuition he first discovered as a wretched little school boy locked in a dark closet of his boarding school: life is a prison ,and only imagination can open its doors.巴尔扎克的小说源自于他的想象力,当他还在寄宿学校上学的时候,可怜的小巴尔扎克被关在黑暗的储藏室,那是他就曾说过:生活就像是监狱,只有想像能打开生活的大门。(13) For instance, the very

12、 women who had been drawn to him by the penetrating intuition of the female heart that he showed in his novels were appalled to discover how insensitive and awkward the real man could be.例如,被他在小说中表现的女性心理入木三分的直觉所吸引来到他面前的女性,会惊骇的发现这个真实男人是多么的不敏感和笨拙。(14) The one word that sums up the attitude of the sile

13、nt filmmaker is enthusiasm,conveyed most strongly before formulas took shape and when there was more room forexperiments.用一个词来总结无声电影制片商的态度“狂热”。这在规则形成之前体现的最为强烈,那时也有做实验的空间。(15) There is nothing wrong with attempting to make the often difficult and complex findings of science available to a wider audie

14、nce.试图将科学上难解和复杂的发现变得广为人知没有什么不对。(16) This behavior demonstrates that dolphins are aware of their own individuality, indicating a level of intelligence that may be very near our own.(第十版 OG-PT1)这个行为证明海豚可以意识到他们自己的个体性,表明智能水平可能接近我们所拥有的。(17) Savoring cities in ignorance or drinking them in visually is not

15、 enough.囫囵吞枣的理解一个城市是不够的(18) Its as though we were all sworn to the same secret covenant, so secret we dont even know what we belong to.就像我们每个人都向一个相同的秘密盟约发誓,如此神秘以至于我们不知道自己属于谁。(19) Because this anticoagulant is not toxic to humans, vampire bats may one day play an important role in the treatment of he

16、art patientsthat is, if we can just get over our phobia about them.因为这个抗凝剂对人类无害,吸血蝙蝠有一天可能会在治疗心脏病人方面起到很大作用,也就是说,如果我们能克服我们对于他们的恐惧的话。(20) The long-standing fear that many people have about bats tells us less about bats than about human fear.人们长期对蝙蝠的恐惧告诉我们更多的是人类恐惧本身而不是蝙蝠。(21) Chauvinistic about our human need to wake by day and sleep by night, we come to associate night dwellers with people up to no good, people who have the jump on the rest of us and are defyi



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